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Everything posted by Stucifer

  1. The ADHD just drips from one's screen as they read this. Rota, wanna ride bikes?
  2. This is gonna weird up the war map. Until now, everyone fighting in the Kaskus coalition was tied somehow to the NpO coalition. Now, through this link, the Shangri-La coalition is also tied to the NpO coalition. This is an insane conflict and the treaty web's pretty well screwed up now. In any case, GLHF you strange cactus people. <3
  3. I've only been back for four months now and I'm already sick of Rota's constant attention whoredom. You are everything that's wrong with OWF.
  4. I've never heard of you guys but I like your style. Have fun out there!
  5. I gotta say that Kaskus and SRA are doing amazingly well for being on the business end of a curbstomp. They might actually win, even.
  6. It's a fun little war. Looks like SRA is kicking, well, ass. As it happens I wasn't. I just got back into the game a few months ago.
  7. I can't ever remember NPO offering white peace before. Especially not to a micro. Times truly are a-changin'.
  8. CobaltWolf, you should probably be discussing this stuff in private with the government of the Alternian Empire. They seem like a reasonable bunch, and their terms are pretty standard, so negotiating an alliance-wide peace shouldn't be too difficult. However, dragging this issue all over OWF and flaming them and generally acting like you first heard of CyberNations two months ago only makes you look bad and only pisses off your adversaries. If I were you, I would immediately stop posting here and talk to them in private. The more you rant and flame here, the worse the terms will likely get.
  9. The stadiums were an oversight, and it's been rectified. Thanks for helping me destroy your alliance even more; I bet your lower tier is overwhelmed with gratitude. :)
  10. Cool DoW. You guys seem like a fun bunch, so enjoy the conflict.
  11. This matter is being resolved in private channels now, and I think it's best for it to stay there.
  12. Your messages to Tywin in back channels when he was representing our alliance were quite obnoxious and arrogant, however. I understand you two have some animus, but we expect of him to keep that out of his professional dealings with your alliance, and we similarly expect of you to keep that out of your professional dealings with ours. And if you do not, we will take that as directed as House Baratheon and not just Tywin.
  13. That attitude is why your alliance is where it currently is. I don't want to be a troll here, but you should in all seriousness consider your own advice. Your gripes with Tywin more or less boil down to "he was a troll." Insofar as I've reviewed that particular episode, it looks like he had a good case but went about it as hamhandedly as possible, to which you decided to one-up him by being as obnoxious and arrogant as possible, not just to Tywin but to our own King. I can't imagine that House Baratheon is the only alliance which you've treated this shabbily, and so the shape of the war immediately makes sense. Maybe NPO was the real target, maybe not, I'm not qualified to say - but I'm sure the alliances currently destroying yours got more than their share of schadenfreude out of destroying yours first, because of the way your entire alliance chooses to act. If you think having Tywin as Hand is a mistake, that may or may not be so, but I just have to ask: then why is your entire alliance Tywin?
  14. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=509023 He's been doing okay otherwise, he's somehow repelled all my ground attacks despite losing the air war hard, which makes his attempt at surrender even more mystifying.
  15. We appreciate the advice, but frankly, we don't need lessons in civility. Even if we did, the New Sith Order would be the last alliance in the game qualified to offer them. Any further inquiries about our government structure may be directed to our forums or to in-game PM. As House Baratheon's Master of Laws, I will be happy to answer any sincere inquiries on this matter behind closed doors, but doing so on OWF will simply feed the, well, dark side of OWF, as any matter large or small inevitably does.
  16. Tywin is our Hand, yes. He occasionally, okay maybe more than occasionally, puts his foot in his mouth in public, and when that happens he doesn't speak for us. But he's exceptionally talented in government, he's one of us, and we're glad to have him.
  17. The Nordreich guy I'm fighting has already offered peace. I remember the days when they completely destroyed my nation without a thought, and entire alliances to boot. I always imagined that, if ever Nordreich was outmaneuvered politically, they would go down swinging and with grace. Hopefully that's happening on the higher tiers. Kaiser Martens' legacy demands nothing less.
  18. Though we're on opposite sides of this war, I wish GATO luck and fun, and (should our side win) white peace. Your reasons are honorable and I hope we never find ourselves in this unhappy circumstance ever again.
  19. We've got the right cause, the right allies, and the right trolls kvetching about this in the right thread. To our foes: may you have fun fighting us! Let this be a great war.
  20. All power to the Soviets! Welcome to the fight.
  21. Honorable effort from the SRA. Sounds like an entertaining war.
  22. I like this. Best idea. Establishes continuity with the Orders' early successes, to see them come to a tragic end. My contribution would've been the "Orders Civil War" but I'm onboard with Great War IV.
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