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Dominion of Righteous Nations (DRN) is merging into House Baratheon!!!

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Nice edit job on the log. Can we see the full unabridged version now?

Just for you? Sure, cutie pie! I'll give you an entire 20 minutes of uncensored leakage. You'll love every last drop of it, guarenteed. No puns or play-ons intended.



[16:25] <+Lucius> Although i enjoy a serious log dump, considering the fact that it's common knowledge that DRN did not come to us about the merge ahead of time the dump was rather useless. Please if you are going to try and derail me, at least put more effort into it.

[16:26] <+Lucius> Throught the who convo i denied giving an offical statement as Hand of KIng :/
[16:26] <+Lucius> through the whole*
[16:26] <+Lucius> Dionysus|DC you should be ashamed by this poor performance.

Edited by Silent Blood Line
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[16:25] <+Lucius> Although i enjoy a serious log dump, considering the fact that it's common knowledge that DRN did not come to us about the merge ahead of time the dump was rather useless. Please if you are going to try and derail me, at least put more effort into it.

[16:26] <+Lucius> Throught the who convo i denied giving an offical statement as Hand of KIng :/
[16:26] <+Lucius> through the whole*
[16:26] <+Lucius> [b]Dionysus|DC you should be ashamed by this poor performance.[/b]


DC doesn't condone this log dump.


But we're laughing at it.

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Our former sovereign didn't even have the decency to announce this or explain it in any detail, he just dropped the annoucement on us, so of course there's bound to be ill-feelings and that of mistrust. 


Unsurprising, really.

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Souldierofprophecy, please get it correct, the people you mention leaving DRN and spying on you and all that, no...just no, your own members did that, they gave us information that we never asked for, they gave us forum passwords without us asking, you are horribly misled if you think we spent time actively doing stuff against you. Your hard-on for us is cute though although it is annoying. I could tell you who really messed your forums up and blow your mind because it's someone who is still in your alliance. Regardless, I'm not going to get into it with you. Please move on and stop accusing my members of "spying" on your terrible alliance. Have a good day and best of luck in HB.


Also, HB, congrats on the newly found stats. Best of luck

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and as said a few months ago, you idolize a French monarch so much you imitate your entire CN identity off of it. No one's gonna take you seriously pal

Yes, thank you, obsessive DRN member who clearly is always taken seriously because of his great choice of alliances.

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