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Golgotha is born!


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Today is a glorious day for us all!





Preamble: The Ascension Covenant serves as the guiding charter of the alliance. It is the highest protocol of agreement made between all nations of the Gothic Ascendancy and as such is to be adhered to throughout the journey of Golgotha. All necessary articles of legislation are included in this covenant.

Article One: Unification
The nations of Golgotha agree to come together under this Covenant and defend one another from aggression and to abide by the Covenant in all its laws and orders. Members of the alliance agree that they must not be a member of another alliance at any point during their time in Golgotha. It is also agreed upon that our official team colour is to be black.

Article Two: Membership of Golgotha
Any nation wishing to gain entrance to the alliance must first undergo an application process pursuant to becoming a Citizen of Golgotha. As an elite alliance, Golgotha takes only the most intelligent of mind and the most competent in skills. Membership of the alliance is to be recognised as a privilege, not a right. The Lord may accept or reject applicants to the alliance at his discretion. Any member of the alliance may be expelled by the Lord at any time, without consideration for any other legislation.

Article Three: Government
The Lord of Golgotha may appoint and dissolve government positions at any time. The Lord serves for life until death or resignation, at which point the Lord will select an heir to immediately assume the position. The high government of Golgotha is made up of the following positions:

Lord - He who sits atop the dark throne takes the title of Lord of Golgotha, exercising power and absolute authority over the alliance. The Lord has a duty and responsibility to lead the alliance with the utmost dedication and competence, striving to better the Ascendancy as a whole.

Sentinel - The ultimate internal guardian of the alliance, the Sentinel is the embodiment of the powers of the Adeptus Arbites. The Sentinel oversees all internal affairs of Golgotha, including recruitment, law enforcement and the screening of members.

Grand Marshal - Seen as the greatest military commander that Golgotha can provide, the Grand Marshal is the right hand of the Lord, a master of warfare and all its aspects, strategic, tactical and operational. The Marshal has prime authority over the army and all its assets, striving to ensure that the combat skills of the Gothic Ascendancy's soldiers are second to none, in addition to overseeing the military machine of Golgotha during times of war.

Master Envoy - Head of the Diplomatic Corps, the Master Envoy is the left hand of the Lord, going throughout the world spreading word of the glorious Gothic Ascendancy. All matters involving foreign affairs are the domain of the Master Envoy.

Master Treasurer - As the overseer of the Departmento Munitorum, the Master Treasurer takes charge over all of the alliance's financial operations, including tech deals, resource trading, economic programs and cash aid. 

Provost - With full authority over the Thracian Academy and its workings, the Provost is absolutely dedicated to providing the alliance with a powerful, streamlined machine of education and knowledge, overseeing all such tests and guides as deemed necessary for the education of the Gothic Ascendancy.

Article Four: War
The Gothic Ascendancy reserves the right to defend its members in the event that one, or all, is subjected to unprovoked aggression. Sanctions placed against a member of Golgotha without going through the proper diplomatic procedures may be considered an act of war and treated as such. Tech raiding is forbidden unless a raid license has been granted. Any nations found guilty of unauthorised raiding will be subject to military operations and possible expulsion from the alliance. This applies to any and all unauthorised wars started by members of the alliance, as well as acts of unauthorised espionage.

Article Five: Amendments
Any modifications to The Ascension Covenant can be brought about by a simple large majority vote, taken by the members of the high government of Golgotha.



Alduin MvBomber ~ Lord of Golgotha

Louis XVI MvBomber~ Sentinel

Dionysus Thanatos~ Master Envoy

Sir Kiloist Chuckles ~ Master Treasurer

Alduin TheIcemark ~ Grand Marshal

Kappella TheIcemark~ Provost


Feel free to visit us!
IRC: #TrueGolgotha
Edited by Thanatos
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Well, someone got owned. A+++++++ Just kidding, this is probably the least funny/agitating thing. They just have to pick a new name. Hell, they can probably use the same flag if they want.

That said, the remnants of The Worst Parts of Monos Archein live on!

Edited by Neo Uruk
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Alduin MvBomber ~ Lord of Golgotha

Louis XVI MvBomber~ Sentinel

Dionysus Thanatos~ Master Envoy

Sir Kiloist Chuckles ~ Master Treasurer

Alduin TheIcemark ~ Grand Marshal

Kappella TheIcemark~ Provost


If you've read this part and don't think this thread is a joke, then there is a problem.

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