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Well, it doesn't really matter I believe. I was communist, full soldiers, full tanks, DEFCON1and I was around to rebuy. While I didn't get thrown into anarchy, I doubt I'll be able to run much of an attack during this war. Turtle time I guess. :P

but dems, I thought you loved us??

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but dems, I thought you loved us??


I do love you Ginger. With all my tiny little heart.

I am still not dumping money on your lawn though. I just don't pay for love. :D

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How immoral!

I know. 



It will be funny watching the nations (and their other world aliases) that make up Mume turtle this war.  If that's the case, which, knowing how Inst runs his AA's, fair enough. 

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Do remember that we had the entire alliance commit suicide against TPC last round; if we had turtled, we might have ended up with a flag that round.


I am holding my tongue about what appears to be obvious baiting. Negotiations are on-going, and excepting you, I enjoyed good relations with Specify Other.

I'm curious about one thing, though. Did she ever bitch to you about me? There was a brief time...  that would be something that would hurt me, and given your general mood if she did, maybe you'd like to talk about it.

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I'm not disclosing the content of the negotiations, but please do note that we got set-/up late, growth wasn't fully up to snuff, and a bunch of people hit were being boosted up to 1.5k so they could begin war preparations. Specify Other had very good timing, because if they had engaged us 2 days later, or even this update, we'd likely have had the warchest needed to make a good showing and our alliance would have been at least 50% at alert, instead of getting 83% of the alliance anarchied.

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Not the greatest but far from anything like last round. Stats quoted also show the edge to SE because of pre blitz military buildup. Nuke counts definately are in favor of SE but that brings us back to the early rd argument of people should have bought nukes over infra, the argument will continue every rd, history repeats itself. Whoa to those that do not heed histort's lessons.

Good luck to all parties and have fun.

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I'm not disclosing the content of the negotiations, but please do note that we got set-/up late, growth wasn't fully up to snuff, and a bunch of people hit were being boosted up to 1.5k so they could begin war preparations. Specify Other had very good timing, because if they had engaged us 2 days later, or even this update, we'd likely have had the warchest needed to make a good showing and our alliance would have been at least 50% at alert, instead of getting 83% of the alliance anarchied.


Good timing?  You're giving your opponent entirely too much credit here, although it is good to see manners in TE for a change.  There's no way they could see this for anything other than what it is - a curbstomp - and everyone knows it.

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Nice blitz; 15/18 members were anarchied, although most of the members were told to rush to 1.5k without considering military preparations.


I have to say that, as an alliance leader, you bear substantial responsibility for the success of our blitz. The two nations in Mume who haven't been anarchied had some basic war preparations in place, and the larger one did his due diligence by being active at update. As an alliance, you could've been in a much better position to fend off this attack through better update activity and a modicum of war preparation.


You chose an incredibly optimistic policy of neglecting war preparations until two weeks into the round, on the hopes that you would be able to build up to a dominant infra position first without being attacked. You knowingly took a huge gamble, and sometimes gambles don't pay off.


As for the complaints about the nuke disparity, I honestly don't understand them. We obviously haven't used nukes yet in this war, and we don't intend to unless these guys start trying to spy them away or whatever. Assuming that that doesn't happen, nuclear weapons will have contributed exactly nothing to our war effort. If anything, buying nukes has comparatively set us back with regard to Mume/Aftermath, since we've spent hundreds of thousands on them (only for them to stay in the silos), whereas our opponents have not. 

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I don't think it is fair to put the blame on them not being prepared.... They obviously focused more on alliances around their size.

One alliance the size of two attacking those two is always going to be a downdeclare.... And that is down to communication, when two alliances are put together for stats they don't coordinate a team effort.

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I don't think it is fair to put the blame on them not being prepared.... They obviously focused more on alliances around their size.

One alliance the size of two attacking those two is always going to be a downdeclare.... And that is down to communication, when two alliances are put together for stats they don't coordinate a team effort.


I'll grant that the coordination is going to be more difficult between two alliances than within a single alliance, but if you look at Aftermath, you'll see that they have a lot more nations out of anarchy relative to Mume. That's a testament to the moderate steps they took in terms of war preparation. They didn't do anything extreme, but they did take some basic precautions, and that paid off for them.


Every alliance takes risks in deciding how to balance growth and war preparation, especially early in a round. Mume took a risk in focusing on growth at the expense of war preparation, and that didn't work out. Aftermath took a risk in focusing less on growth and more on war preparation, and that paid off to a certain extent. I don't begrudge Mume for losing on a bet, because the nature of gambling is sometimes you lose, sometimes you win. Didn't work out this time, but it probably will in other rounds.

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I'll grant that the coordination is going to be more difficult between two alliances than within a single alliance, but if you look at Aftermath, you'll see that they have a lot more nations out of anarchy relative to Mume. That's a testament to the moderate steps they took in terms of war preparation. They didn't do anything extreme, but they did take some basic precautions, and that paid off for them.
Every alliance takes risks in deciding how to balance growth and war preparation, especially early in a round. Mume took a risk in focusing on growth at the expense of war preparation, and that didn't work out. Aftermath took a risk in focusing less on growth and more on war preparation, and that paid off to a certain extent. I don't begrudge Mume for losing on a bet, because the nature of gambling is sometimes you lose, sometimes you win. Didn't work out this time, but it probably will in other rounds.

Fair point :) I think with the economic gamble, nations forget that others are war ready.... You would think after all these rounds, people would learn that they always end up in a war within the first 2 weeks :/ and with this new blockade update I thought there would have been a lot more navy build up.
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I think that even if we had been prepared for war, things would not have gone easily as you stuck a training alliance composed almost entirely of sub-1k nations as our ally; the war was still a down-declare of about 15% on both an NS and ANS basis.

As far as Aftermath having a much easier time of avoiding anarchy, well, the last I checked Aftermath only had 18 GCs and 20 barracks in a 25-man alliance; attackers in the super-micro tier tend to be of lower quality anyways, and the majority of the update blitz attacks were focused on Mume.


It is my responsibility for choosing an aggressive build strategy, but I think you're still liable for bunching in a training alliance and doing a statistical down-declare.

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Is Mume really trying to negotiate for a short war?

They are.  In addition to that,  Inst's: threatened to bring in other AA's that would require Inst to sell his soul and make this look like a tech raid, and assumed we're flag running 10 days into the round. 



How well do you think any of that will work out for him?

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I actually asked that nations with low warchest and low infra be let go so I wouldn't have to request rerolls. I offer this to everyone I fight; I'm not in the business of wrecking alliances except those that go out of their way to deserve it, and while I can't expect that generosity in return, I think it's a reasonable request. As far as to the other allegations; I'm not commenting on your erroneous interpretations nor am I going to waste time on a mud-slinging match with you. You are very, very, classy, Bcortell.

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Nice nuke difference and ANS...



Wow.  This is a statistical downdeclare of vicious proportions.  Good going, Specify Other.



please keep this nuke free, i'm going to be upset if you ruin my collections with the increased GRL



Nations above 5,000 NS


Specify Other - 17


Mume and Aftermath - 6 


Woah... with only 4 in Mume that could have been above 5k NS pre blitz.



Somehow, I don't think we were expecting an early down-declare on us.  -_-


Do something about it.

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I actually asked that nations with low warchest and low infra be let go so I wouldn't have to request rerolls. I offer this to everyone I fight; I'm not in the business of wrecking alliances except those that go out of their way to deserve it, and while I can't expect that generosity in return, I think it's a reasonable request. As far as to the other allegations; I'm not commenting on your erroneous interpretations nor am I going to waste time on a mud-slinging match with you. You are very, very, classy, Bcortell.

[02:13] Inst As of right now, I am willing to sell my soul to Confusion if the end result of this war is unacceptable.


[12:19] <Inst> As of right now, we have no intention of making your war anything other than a tech raid.

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