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An Imperial Decree


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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1358886537' post='3083905']
Who's said they are quitting this realm because of you and your ilk? A Kaskus member? The way you're wording this is that the entirety of Kaskus will just vanish from this world after they are done, which is wrong and you know it is. Don;t be dishonest.

He didn't say [i]because of [b]us[/b][/i] - but because of the war. The option opposed to surrender. Don't be so dense.


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[quote name='Rayvon' timestamp='1358898226' post='3084054']
He didn't say [i]because of [b]us[/b][/i] - but because of the war. The option opposed to surrender. Don't be so dense.


1 person saying something who is not in government = every member of Kaskus leaving this world. No, just no! Don't you think that would have happened with the GOONS war? Has history not proven that to be a false rational?

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1 person saying something who is not in government = every member of Kaskus leaving this world. No, just no! Don't you think that would have happened with the GOONS war? Has history not proven that to be a false rational?


Don't use logic on them hiro.. 

Edited by Unknown Smurf
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[OOC]Yea, I'm front-line as an OP for the Artillery, so where the infantry boys go, I go as well. If i step on one, I step on one, nothing will change the odds of that happening.[OOC]

Thanks for the well wishes.

Shame we didn't get to throw nukes for a cycle, but ohh well.

[OOC]If, you're young then there will be another opportunity for you to put your skills into practice.[OOC]


[OOC]Former 13F here, stay safe brotha[/ooc]

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1 person saying something who is not in government = every member of Kaskus leaving this world. No, just no! Don't you think that would have happened with the GOONS war? Has history not proven that to be a false rational?


To be fair, at least five (that I can think of off the top of my head) members have come to us saying they represent Kaskus and they want to talk blah blah.


It's hard to keep up who's actually gov, who's just bored of the war, who's pretending to be gov so they can be intentionally dense and antagonistic in talks with Rayvon and Dilber, etc.


If I had to guess I'd say Tan is still the top guy/leader-esque person, but being completely honest I'm not sure.


[ooc] good luck with your tour. Despite IC differences I don't wish you any harm in THE OTHER WORLD [/ooc]

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He didn't say because of us - but because of the war. The option opposed to surrender. Don't be so dense.


Taking my words out of context a bit ;p I used those words just to give you an idea of how willing we are to fight not literal.

@ Tiber.

Tan is the man in charge go to him if you want the official word. Edited by KenoCore
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Logic is specifically and exactly what Kaskus refused to use and that is why there is war. Stop, please just stop. I know it has become the norm to just spout garbage... its gotta stop somewhere.


You have to admit all of this nonsense is going to be hilarious in retrospect when they finally end up surrendering.

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You have to admit all of this nonsense is going to be hilarious in retrospect when they finally end up surrendering.


I'll bet you they'll claim they simply got bored :rolleyes:

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I mean I personally (along with many others in Kaskus) are maintaining around 1k infra (for nukes+lvl9s) and are being declared on by 4k infra nations. At the end of a round the Kaskus guys are down a few hundred tech and maybe 10mill but the NPO/NSO/SL nations are down 3k infra and most, if not all, of their war chest.

There really is no reason to surrender. This is not me trying to spin anything, we honestly do not see the point in surrendering (yet?) because its just a waste of casualties! :)


Now, i've been quite through ALL of this. But if you honestly believe the shit that's coming out of your own mouth then i'm fucking amazed, and i'm pretty awesome at bulllshitting myself. YOU Hit 3 noob nations of ours. None of which have any wonders what so ever. Yet day after day i see you and the rest of Kaskus walk around here with your chests puffed out acting like you guys are doing some herculean task by beating up some fucking noobs. You aren't fooling anyone. The true measure of a man is in the quality of his enemies. Yet here you are acting like you are king of the fucking world for declaring on noobs with 15 improvements and here you are with a full compliment of wonders. You are a fucking coward, and the worst kind. You sought these nations out because they have nothing. Yet i still see you and the rest of kaskus walking around like you just held the Persians off at Thermopylae. Stop it, you're a disgrace. Bunch of cock sucking ankle biters. Such a tough guy you are. Being fed with 4.5 mil and 2k soldiers feasting on noobs who have nothing and continually spreading these lies like two months ago you weren't on your knees begging for mercy.






How can you lose a war against nations such as these.

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Now, i've been quite through ALL of this. But if you honestly believe the shit that's coming out of your own mouth then i'm fucking amazed, and i'm pretty awesome at bulllshitting myself. YOU Hit 3 noob nations of ours. None of which have any wonders what so ever. Yet day after day i see you and the rest of Kaskus walk around here with your chests puffed out acting like you guys are doing some herculean task by beating up some fucking noobs. You aren't fooling anyone. The true measure of a man is in the quality of his enemies. Yet here you are acting like you are king of the fucking world for declaring on noobs with 15 improvements and here you are with a full compliment of wonders. You are a fucking coward, and the worst kind. You sought these nations out because they have nothing. Yet i still see you and the rest of kaskus walking around like you just held the Persians off at Thermopylae. Stop it, you're a disgrace. Bunch of cock sucking ankle biters. Such a tough guy you are. Being fed with 4.5 mil and 2k soldiers feasting on noobs who have nothing and continually spreading these lies like two months ago you weren't on your knees begging for mercy.






How can you lose a war against nations such as these.

Seriously if you are upset, please relax. I don't mean to upset you. Look at my war history, I've declared on many nations with  wonders, Brehon among others... Yes these nations don't have wonders but they haven't been in war for as long as I have been. Also even though they dont have wonders that does not mean they can't GA me. They have more than enough infra to win those (all started at 5k infra I believe). 


Not to mention I have 3 guys declaring on me as well. Even on the upper tiers you look for the guy without the CIA wonder or the Anti-Air bit or less technology. Its no different here, you declare down ... and get declared on by those that are larger. 


"two months ago you weren't on your knees begging for mercy."


...You can't be serious. Where in the world did I beg for mercy?


Anyways blame NPO/NSO for not staggering right and letting me out of anarchy? 

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Uhh what?  I didn't realize that NSO was fighting in the Equilibrium War.  I believe their hands are otherwise tied up for the time being.


This war was clearly an ingenious Sith plot to distract NEW.

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What was stopping you, exactly?


to join the joke party of yours...?


nah... it is more fun to watch  :popcorn:


after all, we do not wish to give you more burden while you seemed needing the help from your allies facing the micro kaskus. 


INT is more fun  :smug:

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to join the joke party of yours...?


nah... it is more fun to watch  :popcorn:


after all, we do not wish to give you more burden while you seemed needing the help from your allies facing the micro kaskus. 


INT is more fun  :smug:


So you'd rather bandwagon onto someone who already has most of their slots filled? Speaks volumes.

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I think you mean to say that this was a plot to prevent Shangri-La from having to get mopped in the Equilibrium War their hands truly dirty


Yes, me and my friends in Shangri-La are well known for not wanting to put our pixels where our mouths are. One would think you would know better given how often I see you dicking around in #lsf

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