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Hellas Declaration of War on TPC

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[quote name='Clash' timestamp='1357965421' post='3075256']
If TPC hadn't decided to fight back, this war would have been the same length as ours was.
Except ours was nowhere near the massive punk down-declare as yours was, of course.
...which is why TPC is fighting back in the first place, making the war longer.

Just feel blessed I've got some free time to share my wisdom with you :)

Clash , my friend , I have a question , Who put you in a position to judge us ? Your free time is yours , we thank you for the statistics and all these funny stuff you post . We would like to have a member like you in the secretary room maybe .Other than this , it's cool . Or maybe a Judge for TE . I hope you stay in your alliance zone ,since it seems that you ,and only you talking and talking , your friends in TW didnt even intefere in this .

[quote name='dogbite' timestamp='1357972969' post='3075319']
Glad to see you guys are making freinds. [u][b]Hellas has nothing to worry about. As long as you guys keep fighting TPC no one will war you.[/b][/u]

This shouldnt pass .
You must maybe talk to King James about it , who IS keeping the other in the fight . And who proposed peace before .

Don't be silly and say fake things on owf just to get others Attention and support .

Edited by wasso
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[quote name='Lorlax' timestamp='1357990960' post='3075364']
indeed dealmaster was the best builder in all of TE... but now he sits in ZI with no money and no chance of the flag

Hehehe, he who shall not be named will get the flag

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[quote name='dogbite' timestamp='1357982061' post='3075353']
Dealmaster is the father of TE build guide. Before you talk about the best you need to show respect to the master and say thankyou.


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[quote name='Clash' timestamp='1357632747' post='3072756']
Well you sure did face them this round! You were scared last round. I wonder if the lack of nukes they have this round made a difference? You guys are delicate lil flowers, I thought we went over that last round too. We have to do it again? Geez, you better pay attention next time.
[/quote]Yeah it is a good thing we bought that alliance wide nuke blocker right at the onset of the round isn't it?,TPC is one of the best nation building alliances in the game. We did spy ops on them the very first night of the war and the majority of their members had between 5-10 million on them.
They took the chance of not buying nukes and then jumping to the top of the heap after all of the other top nations were fighting. Just a replay of the last round.
Whereas we took the chance of putting every penny we had into making our nations as strong as we could military wise.
That could have bit us in the ass just the same as it could have done for TPC.

For Christs sake how many times are you guys going to bring up the nukes thing when they had the exact same odds as we did in obtaining them.
For that matter they could have used that pile of cash they had to build up and still get nukes even after the blitz. I know this for a fact as 2 of their nations did just that.
One actually did it even while fighting 5 Hellas nations at the time. (I was seriously impressed by that move btw)

Can't tell you how many times WC posted in our forums about how those 5 nations really needed to coordinate and pound on that TPC nation (Outback I believe it was, correct me if I am wrong TPC) as they were about to regret not doing so.
They didn't listen (due mostly to being new if memory serves me correct) and they paid the price most dearly.

I don't post here much but all of the posts about the strength and nuke advantage is making me about to puke.
I could see if this happened farther down the road in the round but at day 11 and neither of us being in a war yet was about as even as things could get.

Edited by Victor Von Doom
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[quote name='Victor Von Doom' timestamp='1358060648' post='3075765']
Yeah it is a good thing we bought that alliance wide nuke blocker right at the onset of the round isn't it?,TPC is one of the best nation building alliances in the game. We did spy ops on them the very first night of the war and the majority of their members had between 5-10 million on them.
They took the chance of not buying nukes and then jumping to the top of the heap after all of the other top nations were fighting. Just a replay of the last round.
Whereas we took the chance of putting every penny we had into making our nations as strong as we could military wise.
That could have bit us in the ass just the same as it could have done for TPC.

For Christs sake how many times are you guys going to bring up the nukes thing when they had the exact same odds as we did in obtaining them.
For that matter they could have used that pile of cash they had to build up and still get nukes even after the blitz. I know this for a fact as 2 of their nations did just that.
One actually did it even while fighting 5 Hellas nations at the time. (I was seriously impressed by that move btw)

Can't tell you how many times WC posted in our forums about how those 5 nations really needed to coordinate and pound on that TPC nation (Outback I believe it was, correct me if I am wrong TPC) as they were about to regret not doing so.
They didn't listen (due mostly to being new if memory serves me correct) and they paid the price most dearly.

I don't post here much but all of the posts about the strength and nuke advantage is making me about to puke.
I could see if this happened farther down the road in the round but at day 11 and neither of us being in a war yet was about as even as things could get.
[/quote]This is best post ive seen yet. You are 100% right,we both took a risk on the build and here we are. Think the war has draged out to long but in all said and done your post nailed it.

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[quote name='Victor Von Doom' timestamp='1358060648' post='3075765']
Yeah it is a good thing we bought that alliance wide nuke blocker right at the onset of the round isn't it?,TPC is one of the best nation building alliances in the game. We did spy ops on them the very first night of the war and the majority of their members had between 5-10 million on them.
They took the chance of not buying nukes and then jumping to the top of the heap after all of the other top nations were fighting. Just a replay of the last round.
Whereas we took the chance of putting every penny we had into making our nations as strong as we could military wise.
That could have bit us in the ass just the same as it could have done for TPC.

For Christs sake how many times are you guys going to bring up the nukes thing when they had the exact same odds as we did in obtaining them.
For that matter they could have used that pile of cash they had to build up and still get nukes even after the blitz. I know this for a fact as 2 of their nations did just that.
One actually did it even while fighting 5 Hellas nations at the time. (I was seriously impressed by that move btw)

Can't tell you how many times WC posted in our forums about how those 5 nations really needed to coordinate and pound on that TPC nation (Outback I believe it was, correct me if I am wrong TPC) as they were about to regret not doing so.
They didn't listen (due mostly to being new if memory serves me correct) and they paid the price most dearly.

I don't post here much but all of the posts about the strength and nuke advantage is making me about to puke.
I could see if this happened farther down the road in the round but at day 11 and neither of us being in a war yet was about as even as things could get.

I know right? But I think you forgot you are talking to Clash who for some reason agrees only with his actions. Best to save your energy and don't bother even replying to him, he understands nothing at all.

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[quote name='Swatch0' timestamp='1358065719' post='3075778']I know right? But I think you forgot you are talking to Clash who for some reason agrees only with his actions. Best to save your energy and don't bother even replying to him, he understands nothing at all.[/quote]

No one in all of TE lives under a bridge as much you do, son.
In a van. Down the the river.

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[quote name='Victor Von Doom' timestamp='1358060648' post='3075765']I could see if this happened farther down the road in the round but at day 11 and neither of us being in a war yet was about as even as things could get.[/quote]

I thought you did good for most of that post. It was a good point that Hellas had nukes and TPC had cash instead of nukes. Until you got to the part about this being even when you had 44 nations to their 26 or whatever the difference was. All things might be close even on a nation per nation basis that early in a round, but having 18 more nations makes this a war a lot closer to 2-1 than to 1-1.

Most of my criticism of Hellas comes from their hypocrisy. Hellas' [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=114040"]NDO war last round[/url] was a pretty huge down-declare. It's pretty rare when Adude and I agree on [i]anything[/i], but Hellas brought us to it. That was not at the start of the round and Hellas had 144 more nukes than their opponents.They complain about TPC making down-declares - yet with Hellas last two declares, they make two bigger down-declares than anything TPC did last round.

The hypocrisy part comes in when they cry to high heaven when wars on them are even or even up-declares. They complain about [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=113404"]this war[/url], which was an updeclare. They whined like Napa Valley about the Warriors last war against them last round, which was as even a fight as one could ask for.

The difference in what Hellas preach and what they do is huge even for hypocrisy.


The stuff on Alex vs. Dealmaster is just silly. "Fishy" has 8 top 3 TE finishes and won twice I think? There are like 18 OP guys and 18 TPC guys I'd take over anyone in Hellas any day of the week and twice on the weekends.

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And what was last round first days when Warriors and TPC came on Hellas? Was n't that a downdeclare? How many nations were you? 2-1 or 3-1? Who is the hypocrite?

But this round Clash again the Warriors are more than us again ... and I am sure that you will cry again when we say "Hell o" to you!

Edited by Alexandros o Megas
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[quote name='Clash' timestamp='1358080096' post='3075807']
I thought you did good for most of that post. It was a good point that Hellas had nukes and TPC had cash instead of nukes. Until you got to the part about this being even when you had 44 nations to their 26 or whatever the difference was. All things might be close even on a nation per nation basis that early in a round, but having 18 more nations makes this a war a lot closer to 2-1 than to 1-1.

Most of my criticism of Hellas comes from their hypocrisy. Hellas' [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=114040"]NDO war last round[/url] was a pretty huge down-declare. It's pretty rare when Adude and I agree on [i]anything[/i], but Hellas brought us to it. That was not at the start of the round and Hellas had 144 more nukes than their opponents.They complain about TPC making down-declares - yet with Hellas last two declares, they make two bigger down-declares than anything TPC did last round.

The hypocrisy part comes in when they cry to high heaven when wars on them are even or even up-declares. They complain about [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=113404"]this war[/url], which was an updeclare. They whined like Napa Valley about the Warriors last war against them last round, which was as even a fight as one could ask for.

The difference in what Hellas preach and what they do is huge even for hypocrisy.


The stuff on Alex vs. Dealmaster is just silly. "Fishy" has 8 top 3 TE finishes and won twice I think? There are like 18 OP guys and 18 TPC guys I'd take over anyone in Hellas any day of the week and twice on the weekends.
[/quote]*cough* i'm here clash *cough*

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[quote name='Alexandros o Megas' timestamp='1358083026' post='3075813']
1. And what was last round first days when Warriors and TPC came on Hellas? Was n't that a downdeclare? How many nations were you? 2-1 or 3-1? Who is the hypocrite?

2. But this round Clash again the Warriors are more than us again ... and I am sure that you will cry again when we say "Hell o" to you!

1. OMFG you are the biggest full of crap liar in this game. I put the link right there and the stats are on the the first post of the first page. We also hit TFK and Catharsis, both of which did better than Hellas. So. No. Not at all. Go look, I'll wait. Better yet, here they are now:

[quote name='King James XVIII' timestamp='1349412415' post='3037534']Stats taken a half hour before blitz

74 Nations
6,182 ANS
102 nukes (12 nations)

4 over 10k
42 over 5k

75 Nations
6,513 ANS
198 (21 nations)

11 over 10k
39 over 5k

The biggest difference came that you guys had overbought on infra/nukes and understocked your warchests. You did the same at the start of this war, only the 18 nation advantage meant you got away with it. You hit TPC with 18 more nations - and you accuse that war of us having 2-1 on you? I did say HYPOCRITE.

2. Bring it.

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[quote name='Clash' timestamp='1358084082' post='3075816']
1. OMFG you are the biggest full of crap liar in this game. I put the link right there and the stats are on the the first post of the first page. We also hit TFK and Catharsis, both of which did better than Hellas. So. No. Not at all. Go look, I'll wait. Better yet, here they are now:

The biggest difference came that you guys had overbought on infra/nukes and understocked your warchests. You did the same at the start of this war, only the 18 nation advantage meant you got away with it. You hit TPC with 18 more nations - and you accuse that war of us having 2-1 on you? I did say HYPOCRITE.

2. Bring it.
[/quote]i had the same size warchest as the TPC nations i fought apart from Oppaa :/

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[quote name='Clash' timestamp='1358084082' post='3075816']
1. OMFG you are the biggest full of crap liar in this game. I put the link right there and the stats are on the the first post of the first page. We also hit TFK and Catharsis, both of which did better than Hellas. So. No. Not at all. Go look, I'll wait. Better yet, here they are now:

The biggest difference came that you guys had overbought on infra/nukes and understocked your warchests. You did the same at the start of this war, only the 18 nation advantage meant you got away with it. You hit TPC with 18 more nations - and you accuse that war of us having 2-1 on you? I did say HYPOCRITE.

2. Bring it.
But what were the stats an hour AFTER the blitz. You know, the most accurate stats, right? DOWN DECLARE.

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Clash we have no room to talk about Warriors but you have no room to talk about Hellas. A 3 day war... WTF seriously 2 days of Nuclear Warfare. We both didn't have the best of War choices so just stfu

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