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An Imperial Decree


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[quote name='youwish959' timestamp='1357773187' post='3073419']
I bet you overpaid for those guns.

[OOC]The British Army may have over paid for their 105 artillery cannon, I believe £250,000 is the going rate. Duuuuuuuuuuuuh, do you feel thick now? You obviously do not know I'm a soldier do you? I live in the UK, I couldn't just go pick up guns like your average hillbilly could.[OOC] My nation buys it's arms at obviously a better place than what your countrymen do. Mine at least have straight barrels. Yours are bent ;)

[quote name='Brehon' timestamp='1357773255' post='3073420']
Newer returning member acted without authority. We are/will handle it.

I was just curious.

Edited by Hiro Nakara
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[quote name='Brehon' timestamp='1357768907' post='3073350']
Smurf in the end, all you had to do was be accountable for the grievences against you. All your alliance had to do was honor the agreement you had with NSO about your punishment. So talking about "all you want" at this point is a bit of a spit in the face again.

I know you guys don't see it, but that is what it is.

The intention was not to "spit" in your faces (again). The fact that the agreement I had originally tried to set up with Rayvon didn't go through is irrelevant at this point in my opinion. Yes it didn't go through, yes it was [b]my[/b] fault for not clearing it with some others that I should have cleared it with beforehand. But I don't have any power to change the past or what happened there. All I was stating was that Kaskus wants white peace; no disrespect intended just that fact alone.

I understand NSO wants an apology but when I came to their forums with the intention of apologizing and trying to move forward I was heavily trolled then subsequently banned. Your allies are saying one thing and then doing another (yes I know that's ironic considering the lead up to this war; but at the same time is it not ironic that Kaskus refuses to surrender for the same reasons NSO wouldn't in the Legion/Tetris war?)

Interesting word choice btw: "accountable for the grievences"

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[quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1357783503' post='3073516']

I understand NSO wants an apology but when I came to their forums with the intention of apologizing and trying to move forward I was heavily trolled then subsequently banned.
Uh, other way round, actually. You had no real intention of solving anything.

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You should expect to be heavily verbally harrassed. That is part of what you would have to go through if you plan on being accountable. If just because you say you want to be you expect roses and red carpet, you have a very rude awakening coming.

You know I have been one of those people that pulled the "I wont surrender" bs. Its fail. It was fail when I did it (and paid for it) and its fail now. That word is a word necessary to say "I lost" or whatever you have to tell yourself. To hold onto that word for some philosophical bs that has no real value simply degrades any system of communication.

Simply put, two wrongs don't make a right.

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[quote name='Brehon' timestamp='1357787326' post='3073543']
You should expect to be heavily verbally harrassed. That is part of what you would have to go through if you plan on being accountable. If just because you say you want to be you expect roses and red carpet, you have a very rude awakening coming.

You know I have been one of those people that pulled the "I wont surrender" bs. Its fail. It was fail when I did it (and paid for it) and its fail now. That word is a word necessary to say "I lost" or whatever you have to tell yourself. To hold onto that word for some philosophical bs that has no real value simply degrades any system of communication.

Simply put, two wrongs don't make a right.

i must disagree really nothing here holds any real value. we as players decide what has value. in all honestey treaties mean nothing they only are held up because value is given to them. we give value to the idea of standing by our friend and we give value to the idea that not surrenders creates a point and an emotion but more so creates an idea that we are not you we will not fail as we feel there is no true failure in this game. because you give value to the idea of failure as an option then you are tying your own noose for your alliance. kaskus will win no matter the pixel amount against us because we can not lose.

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[quote name='KenoCore' timestamp='1357788493' post='3073555']
i must disagree really nothing here holds any real value. we as players decide what has value. in all honestey treaties mean nothing they only are held up because value is given to them. we give value to the idea of standing by our friend and we give value to the idea that not surrenders creates a point and an emotion but more so creates an idea that we are not you we will not fail as we feel there is no true failure in this game. because you give value to the idea of failure as an option then you are tying your own noose for your alliance. kaskus will win no matter the pixel amount against us because we can not lose.

This is an absolute load of drivel used to justify your actions or explain your complete lack of any attempt to be part of a community. You give value to standing by a friend, but you give no value to accountability. We got that part.

Here is the thing, you are failing in the one area you shouldn't - interaction with the community around you. Unfortunately I know something about that. But its fine, we get it. You believe you win no matter what and can't loose because you refuse to acknowledge it. Its called being delusional. For that too you will end up being accountable, whether you choose to see that or not.

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[quote name='Brehon' timestamp='1357787326' post='3073543']
You should expect to be heavily verbally harrassed. That is part of what you would have to go through if you plan on being accountable. If just because you say you want to be you expect roses and red carpet, you have a very rude awakening coming.

You know I have been one of those people that pulled the "I wont surrender" bs. Its fail. It was fail when I did it (and paid for it) and its fail now. That word is a word necessary to say "I lost" or whatever you have to tell yourself. To hold onto that word for some philosophical bs that has no real value simply degrades any system of communication.

Simply put, two wrongs don't make a right.

no, it's worse. Smurf came to us to feed the same stuff he's tried to feed everyone over here, and admitted that he was just saying !@#$ to piss us off. Obviously that didn't go over too well.

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[quote name='Brehon' timestamp='1357789028' post='3073558']
This is an absolute load of drivel used to justify your actions or explain your complete lack of any attempt to be part of a community. You give value to standing by a friend, but you give no value to accountability. We got that part.

Here is the thing, you are failing in the one area you shouldn't - interaction with the community around you. Unfortunately I know something about that. But its fine, we get it. You believe you win no matter what and can't loose because you refuse to acknowledge it. Its called being delusional. For that too you will end up being accountable, whether you choose to see that or not.

no what he did wrong was well wrong in my opinion yes i ackowledge that. but if your little brother sleeps with a guys girlfriend yeah youll be mad at him but you will still defend him. i ackowledge the lose of pixels but you must know something of me to understand me i have schizoaffective diorder and slight psychosis . i have very little sense of reality around me. i dont see people as people and i dont see events as events i see things as emotions and ideas and shapes. i am delusional in many ways. but i kniw what is right and what is wrong i kniw that i have a choice i know what my choice is. i know what i am fighting for on this web browser game. i am fighting for my alliance. i am fighting for unknown for god kniws why but i am and i am fighting because i am enjoying myself. you are looking for accountability thats fine. you got that smurf was zied and the community knows that he was at the wrong . but there is always an opposing force an opposite an anti matter and it is our turn to push back our turn to keep the balance that is having fun.

do as you will bring whT you must and say what is needed but know thzt we will win as has nso already. this is what you dont see this is what you lack and this is why ylu are wrong. because you dont understand that some men just want to watch the pixels burn.

\o kaskus
\o NSO

and hell yeah for making no sense thia entire conversation and this entire post. ponys for all and zombies for electrical independence

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[quote name='Brehon' timestamp='1357789028' post='3073558']
This is an absolute load of drivel used to justify your actions or explain your complete lack of any attempt to be part of a community. You give value to standing by a friend, but you give no value to accountability. We got that part.

Here is the thing, you are failing in the one area you shouldn't - interaction with the community around you. Unfortunately I know something about that. But its fine, we get it. You believe you win no matter what and can't loose because you refuse to acknowledge it. Its called being delusional. For that too you will end up being accountable, whether you choose to see that or not.

It's a shame that this good post is completely wasted on Kaskus.

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Oh no I get you think its fun to watch the world burn and you feel for that you win. You are fighting because you lack the tenacity to have a real presence that encompasses the various elements of this world. No instead you spout childish philosophies of anarchy as if that makes you cool or legitimate. None are the case so in reality you have lost because you were never really in the game and failed at its basic components.

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[quote name='Brehon' timestamp='1357790241' post='3073570']
Oh no I get you think its fun to watch the world burn and you feel you have for that you win. You are fighting because you lack the tenacity to have a real presence that encompasses the various elements of this world. No instead you spout childish philosophies of anarchy as if that makes you cool or legitimate. None are the case so in reality you have lost because you were never really in the game and failed at its basic components.

that post would work completely but. ive actually been trying to resolve all of this peacefully and rayvon can tell you this is true.

i have been the one to tell everyone to show respect. i have been the one to say hey lets talk. to both sides. you sit on one idea of accountability. but where has this gotten you a person trolling you this entire time on owf. while i accomplished getting kaskus member to at least attempt to respect nso
i have tried re opening matyre talks.

i know this game fairly well and am so far doing a better job then you as i can tell here :3.

$%&@ tablets sorry for the horrible spelling this entire time btw

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[quote name='KenoCore' timestamp='1357790417' post='3073571']
that post would work completely but. ive actually been trying to resolve all of this peacefully and rayvon can tell you this is true.

Doing a bag up job of that aren't you?

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[quote name='USMC123' timestamp='1357757019' post='3073261']
So in other words NEW and Kaskus have a secret treaty. :rolleyes:

No we don't have any treaty with KasKus due blood sharing is far more better than a mere treaty :smug:

[quote name='Longshadow' timestamp='1357768493' post='3073348']
Can I save this quote for later use when NEW tries to talk their way out of aiding y'all? Or if Hiro comes in and tries to play the troll again.

No need to save it comrade, for we wil march to the battlefield :ph34r:

And hello for old players here, last time logged in was on July, i'm sorry for unreplied PM, it wasn't on purpose, but simpy due RL :D
Glad to back on CN, even still on 3k infras, onward to amazing race of casualties :war:

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[quote name='KenoCore' timestamp='1357790417' post='3073571']
that post would work completely but. ive actually been trying to resolve all of this peacefully and rayvon can tell you this is true.

Once again you flip flop....first you want to watch the world burn and for that you have already won. Then when I destroy your entire argument/statement or philosophy you change gears about how you want it to end peacefully.


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[quote name='trimm' timestamp='1357790557' post='3073572']
Doing a bag up job of that aren't you?

everything takes time but 80% of cybernations is behind the curtain.

and senior NPO king of the land. reread what i said. ive been trolling you thix entire time. why would i bother wasting time with someone who is of not NSO Gov on actual matters of importance. you are my fun at 10pm. but its all out of love.

rayvon and NSO know where i actually stand. and they are all that matters to me when ig comes to anything of importance to this conflict.

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[quote name='Brehon' timestamp='1357790241' post='3073570']
Oh no I get you think its fun to watch the world burn and you feel for that you win. You are fighting because you lack the tenacity to have a real presence that encompasses the various elements of this world. No instead you spout childish philosophies of anarchy as if that makes you cool or legitimate. None are the case so in reality you have lost because you were never really in the game and failed at its basic components.

I think the difference here is what we considering "winning" and the games basic components. While NPO may feel being the face of the power structure in charge is winning, or using diplomatic ability to bring about a larger coalition to your side; Kaskus has no such lofty goals. There are no other elements of this world that need to be encompassed; Kaskus is here just to defend its members and its sovereignty That is, in our minds, an alliances "basic component" and that is what we wish to do.

Also I'd like to apologize for KenoCore "trolling" you; I don't think he is aware of the current dynamic between NSO and NPO. He is, however, working hard behind the scenes and is a great member so I'd hope you can forgive him. Its just his brand of fun

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[quote name='KenoCore' timestamp='1357790417' post='3073571']
that post would work completely but. ive actually been trying to resolve all of this peacefully and rayvon can tell you this is true.

You've approached me, yes. And I sent back a response to clarify considering the games around Isaac as MoFA. But the avenue you offer puts no forward motion, you told me again what wouldn't happen between us [i][no surrender, no reps - only white peace, that you would all delete before you'd accept anything other than white peace ~ "yes kaskus will not surrender it is not in us too we will be all zero infra before that even comes to mind and then im sure we will all just delete our natio s before we surrender."][/i]. This dance we've done already too. What Kaskus [i]won't[/i] do to secure peace. You also noted you don't have any authority, that you're only speaking on behalf of a [i]small group of members[/i], and any discussion I have with you I'd pretty much have to re-do anyways with Tan. The prospect sounded favourable at first to talk to you, but learning the details put a dampener on it.

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[quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1357791367' post='3073579']
I think the difference here is what we considering "winning" and the games basic components. While NPO may feel being the face of the power structure in charge is winning, or using diplomatic ability to bring about a larger coalition to your side; Kaskus has no such lofty goals. There are no other elements of this world that need to be encompassed; Kaskus is here just to defend its members and its sovereignty That is, in our minds, an alliances "basic component" and that is what we wish to do.

Also I'd like to apologize for KenoCore "trolling" you; I don't think he is aware of the current dynamic between NSO and NPO. He is, however, working hard behind the scenes and is a great member so I'd hope you can forgive him. Its just his brand of fun

i know of nso and npo i know of npo they are my 2nd favorite alliance behind kaskus. i respect that Alliance more then any alliance (refer to my sig) its just I wont work with alliances that are not as of right now the main two Kaskus and NSO are the only two that can decide to end this anyone else is just a troller and a cheerleader

and rayvon of course everything you said was correct. but I did however not throw you in circles and was honest. but what i did give you was a person who would do just that. i can only tell you what is true and at this time as every member of kaskus has said surrender is not an option. if we asked you to surrender you would say no so should we say you are also stopping any accountability and attemots to resolve this no of course not. i and others know what we want but we can only do so much as we are an collective body kaskus works as one. but let me ask you something what are you trying to do ? what are you trying to gain? an im sorry this turned into a war? because yeah im sorry this turned into a war but you knew it would happen you cant expect nything less from us. we are not your typical alliance and we never will be. stop being blinded by the past and the old guard such as NPO and realize that you can not reach point 1 to 9 by using the a to z method.

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[quote name='K1L1On1Mr4' timestamp='1357790636' post='3073573']
No we don't have any treaty with KasKus due blood sharing is far more better than a mere treaty :smug:

No need to save it comrade, for we wil march to the battlefield :ph34r:

And hello for old players here, last time logged in was on July, i'm sorry for unreplied PM, it wasn't on purpose, but simpy due RL :D
Glad to back on CN, even still on 3k infras, onward to amazing race of casualties :war:

Tough talk for an alliance thats currently jumping to peace mode.

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[quote name='Brehon' timestamp='1357791912' post='3073588']
You will find I am neither a troll or cheerleader.

then excuse my french but stop acting like one and stop acting like you know whats going on when you do not. (sorry for the harshness)

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