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The Amazing Sanction Race


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The Legion will grow into the top 20 of the non-sanctioned list.

It seems like you have quite a gap, but we have seen amazing things from you in the past (like your gain of around a third of a point when I did an update).

I have to say, though, that I'm not a fan of this new convention of dropping zeroes (e.g. "11.6" instead of "11.60"). The main reason why it irks me is that I prefer the consistency of two decimal places for each entry, which is also how it's displayed in-game.

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Thanks for updating ROMMEL!

Your own TOP is doing TOP. While FOK is doing a little less but still TOP.

You are welcome :)

sadly, that was my last update. Summer training have begun for me and I will no longer be able to be around 4am to make the update. :/

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End-of-month update*

1 New Pacific Order: 68.12 --> 68.22 (+0.10)

2 Independent Republic of Orange Nations: 54.71 --> 54.90 (+0.19)

3 New Polar Order: 46.44 --> 46.52 (+0.08)

4 Multicolored Cross-X Alliance: 38.06 --> 38.03 (-0.03)

5 Sparta: 33.66 --> 33.70 (+0.04)

6 Mostly Harmless Alliance: 32.99 --> 33.07 (+0.08)

7 Orange Defense Network: 28.67 --> 28.60 (-0.07)

8 Ragnarok: 26.66 --> 26.65 (-0.01)

9 Fark: 25.16 --> 25.16 (0.00)

10 Grand Global Alliance: 24.08 --> 24.05 (-0.03)

The Order of the Paradox: 23.61 --> 23.66 (+0.05)

11 FOK: 21.94 --> 22.02 (+0.08)

12 The Phoenix Federation: 20.33 --> 20.31 (-0.02)


Viridian Entente: 19.15 --> 19.06 (-0.09)

The Grämlins: 18.62 --> 18.64 (+0.02)

The Order of Light: 17.17 --> 17.16 (-0.01)

13 United Purple Nations: 17.09 --> 17.10 (+0.01)

14 Monos Archein: 17.01 --> 16.99 (-0.02)

Nueva Vida: 16.61 --> 16.67 (+0.06)

Echelon: 16.23 --> 16.22 (-0.01)

Green Protection Agency: 14.98 --> 15.08 (+0.10)

Mushroom Kingdom: 15.02 --> 15.03 (+0.01)

Global Democratic Alliance: 14.11 --> 14.09 (-0.02)

North Atlantic Treaty Organization: 13.88 --> 13.92 (+0.04)

Valhalla: 13.01 --> 13.13 (+0.12)

Random Insanity Alliance: 12.53 --> 12.52 (-0.01)

The Templar Knights: 12.42 --> 12.46 (+0.04)

League of Small Superpowers: 12.40 --> 12.36 (-0.04)

15 The Democratic Order: 12.36 --> 12.33 (-0.03)

Invicta: 12.16 --> 12.11 (-0.05)

Confederacy of Imperial States: 11.87 --> 11.89 (+0.02)

World Task Force: 11.60 --> 11.61 (+0.01)

RnR: 11.59 --> 11.61 (+0.02)

Greenland Republic: 11.02 --> 11.18 (+0.16)

The Legion: 11.14 --> 11.15 (+0.01)

----------------- Add Line: 10.17 --> 10.16 (-0.01)-----------------

-----------------Drop Line: 9.87 --> 9.86 (-0.01)-----------------

Biggest Gainer

Independent Republic of Orange Nations (+0.19)

Biggest Loser

Viridian Entente (-0.09)

Passes of the Day

Green Protection Agency passes Mushroom Kingdom

The Democratic Order falls below League of Small Superpowers (breaking the tie)

RnR ties World Task Force

Greenland Republic passes The Legion

Commentary by KingsIndian

A fairly boring day today, so I decided to revert to the use of trailing zeroes and coloured add/drop lines to make today's early update slightly more interesting. One interesting point, however, is that no alliance lost any more than a tenth of a point today, with only Viridian Entente and the Orange Blood Brothers of today's biggest gainers losing any more than a twentieth of a point. Other points of interest include Greenland Republic's continued use of roids, RnR's continued dance with the World Task Force and the rise of the Green Protection Agency, who have now overtaken Mushroom Kingdom and passed the 15-point mark. However, the next tier of alliances is over a point ahead, so they'll have a lot of work to do if they want to progress any further up the ranks. Finally, the Random Insanity Alliance had best watch out for the renewed threat from The Templar Knights.

* I couldn't decide between 6/30/2008 (which was used for what I, as a traditionalist, would consider to be yesterday's update; was a day missed out along the line?) and 7/01/2008 (which would follow from the date of the last update, but it's not actually July yet).

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I thought I would do one of these to see how much each alliance had changed over the course of the month, as a fun sort of thing.

1 New Pacific Order: 65.45 --> 68.22 (+2.77)

2 Independent Republic of Orange Nations: 52.06 --> 54.90 (+2.84)

3 New Polar Order: 43.95 --> 46.52 (+2.57)

4 Multicolored Cross-X Alliance: 35.58 --> 38.03 (+2.45)

5 Sparta: 31.14 --> 33.70 (+2.56)

6 Mostly Harmless Alliance: 30.54 --> 33.07 (+2.53)

7 Orange Defense Network: 28.33 --> 28.60 (+0.27)

8 Ragnarok: 25.25 --> 26.65 (+1.40)

9 Fark: 23.60 --> 25.16 (+1.56)

10 Grand Global Alliance: 23.16 --> 24.05 (+0.89)

The Order of the Paradox: 22.60 --> 23.66 (+1.06)

11 FOK: 21.23 --> 22.02 (+0.79)

12 The Phoenix Federation: 23.60 --> 20.31 (-3.29)


Viridian Entente: 19.76 --> 19.06 (-0.70)

The Grämlins: 18.18 --> 18.64 (+0.46)

The Order of Light: 15.97 --> 17.16 (+1.19)

13 United Purple Nations: 14.41 --> 17.10 (+2.69)

14 Monos Archein: 15.71 --> 16.99 (+1.28)

Nueva Vida: 15.84 --> 16.67 (+0.83)

Echelon: 15.42 --> 16.22 (+0.80)

Green Protection Agency: 13.30 --> 15.08 (+1.78)

Mushroom Kingdom: 15.11 --> 15.03 (-0.08)

Global Democratic Alliance: 13.52 --> 14.09 (+0.57)

North Atlantic Treaty Organization: 14.75 --> 13.92 (-0.83)

Valhalla: 12.98 --> 13.13 (+0.15)

Random Insanity Alliance: 12.28 --> 12.52 (+0.24)

The Templar Knights: 11.67 --> 12.46 (+0.79)

League of Small Superpowers: 12.55 --> 12.36 (-0.19)

15 The Democratic Order: 10.60 --> 12.33 (+1.73)

Invicta: 11.52 --> 12.11 (+0.59)

Confederacy of Imperial States: 13.28 --> 11.89 (-1.39)

World Task Force: 11.30 --> 11.61 (+0.31)

RnR: 10.78 --> 11.61 (+0.83)

Greenland Republic: ??? ~9.00 --> 11.18 (~ +2.18)

The Legion: ??? --> 11.15

----------------- Add Line: 10.60 --> 10.16 (-0.44)-----------------

-----------------Drop Line: 10.30 --> 9.86 (-0.44)-----------------

Biggest Gainer

Independent Republic of Orange Nations (+2.84)

Biggest Loser

The Phoenix Federation (-3.29)

Passes of the Month

Fark passes The Phoenix Federation

Grand Global Alliance passes The Phoenix Federation

The Order of the Paradox passes The Phoenix Federation

FOK passes The Phoenix Federation

United Purple Nations passes North Atlantic Treaty Organization

United Purple Nations passes Mushroom Kingdom

United Purple Nations passes Echelon

United Purple Nations passes Nueva Vida

United Purple Nations passes Monos Archein

Monos Archein passes Nueva Vida

Green Protection Agency passes Global Democratic Alliance

Green Protection Agency passes North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Green Protection Agency passes Mushroom Kingdom

Valhalla passes Confederacy of Imperial States

Random Insanity Alliance passes League of Small Superpowers

Random Insanity Alliance passes Confederacy of Imperial States

The Templar Knights passes League of Small Superpowers

The Templar Knights passes Confederacy of Imperial States

The Democratic Order passes RnR

The Democratic Order passes World Task Force

The Democratic Order passes Confederacy of Imperial States

The Democratic Order passes Invicta

Invicta passes Confederacy of Imperial States

Greenland Republic passes Add Line

The Legion passes Add Line

Commentary by Adrian LaCroix

For the most part, June was kind to the alliances in this race. Notable exceptions being The Phoenix Federation, with almost 3 and 1/3 points of score loss, and Confederacy of Imperial States, which suffered a loss of almost 1.4 in score. Good positive growth for most sanctioned alliances, especially Independent Republic of Orange Nations, which gained more than 2.8 points in score, and New Pacific Order, also gaining almost 2.8 points. United Purple Nations also put in an impressive gain at just under 2.7 points.

Congratulations go to Green Protection Agency, who are recovering well after their relatively recent war, as well as Greenland Republic and The Legion for joining the race.

This is my first time doing this sort of thing, so please bring any mistakes to my attention.

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Hawk and Vences's Multipurpose Alliance List

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Edited by Adrian LaCroix
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