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[center][size="7"]On the Occasion of our First Birthday[/size][/center]


[center]Today Non Grata celebrates one year of existence. It's been an eventful year, beginning with the merge between PC and iFOK that started everything, followed quickly by SLCB and Hydra joining our ranks, then by Team Rocket, and finally just this spring with our longtime ally FOK joining us. Along with these merges we've had a number of solid new members join, both new to CN and well established veterans. In a year full of both war and peace, we're happy that we're all together. Thanks to our allies, past and present, for helping us get where we are today, and our enemies for filling our coffers and keeping us entertained.

At this time we would also like to announce that Stewie has stepped down as Triumvir and has been replaced with Lenin. Congratulations to Lenin on his ascension, and thank you to Stewie for your service and good luck in semi-retirement.[/center]

For Non Grata,

Timmehhh, Landwhore
Christian Trojans, Big Kahuna
Vespassianus, master whiner, raider of protected alliances, sidekick of Rak, admirer of our wonderful master Zoom.
Thorr,, Double R Delcious
Yuri Baddic, Yuri Badass
Artigo, Minister of Aesthetics
Rakshasas, No Respect for Property Rights
darvo, hi
Riddick, I can be your boyfriend, of chronicles
Steve Buscemi, At least he can act
Charon, Peace Mode Warrior
wietze, NERD
kriekfreak, Master tokkie
FeaR-, Giver of Zero arrneas
Runz, Motherarrneaing pirate
Velocity111, the 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 pxp 4. Nxp Nf6 5. Nc3 g6
MikeTheFirst, Classiest motherarrneaer in CN
ShawnNL, Giant Killer
Denroll, Donut Hole
Sarin, Raisin Man
Wave32, Finnish Flash
MercuryXS, Raid Raid Raid
Barabas, Going in Dry
viZion, 20/20
Magnificus Focus, Mr. Adderall
Comrade Goby, Mr. Jersey Shore
klaasdebaas, Poetry in Motion
Ecnelis, Leader of the No Dicks Resistance Army
multi, fashion blogger and birdsong composer
Thierry88, I SO FRENCH
SemperFidelis, I kill roquentin
Istrilyin, no idea
Soestdijk, Feeling it
Shovel, Not a Hoe
lyrebird, Flying like an eagle
Pete1, The Riddler but not the Heath Ledger one
bmeiners, looks like weiners
Stephen Dedalus, I will kill you
Weenie, not that witty
Tigertje, tigers are pretty cool
thewho, Keith Moon Incarnate
weebl2000, yes it's me
Alpha Number 8, This roquentin ain't logical
Sunny Side King, lover of blondes, front doors and movie theater head
Sir George Pomeroy, Not Corduroy
Stewie, the one who ruined OpSec against SOS and let Arrnea into PM
Doomedtrader, Looking for trades?
cyril, enough said
Rener, Able was I ere I saw Elba
ASent, doesn't equal consent
Exces, C.R.E.A.M
jammar, all knower of nothing
ligolski, pickles
Denniswerf, making it rain
Sergeant Felix, Quick like a cat
Decomposition, I stink
Ying Yang Mafia, Dread Pirate Roberts, Slayer of the Six-Fingered Man, Hero of Florin, Conquerer of the Cliffs of Insanity, and Lord of the Fire Swamp.
Jalge, Hot
Avenger10364, I will raid til I die
erikz, aggrodiplomat
biggp, Grub I got something to show you
ovenrude, mean cookies
Sir Bujongo, Strip Club on Sunday Afternoon
Paddo, You don't want to know
khmerkid, How's it feel to have a man eat yer !@#$%?
colink, Mr. Wonderful
Mr Relavator, Not Rotavele
MeNoSurrender, MeNoSurrender
Schrodinger, respectable African American citizen
yoyoabc,, Raid Addict
William Blake, reformed Polar
Southern Comfort, Mr. Tournament Edition
DaLong, so long
Koen L, Bad ass
Lord Duck, cousin of Howard
ni431, too nice for his own good
peter, no unofficial title
Mishiranu Hito, Undercover
Mikhail K Vasilyev, Russian Spy
Reign of HaVok, Always on vacation
Kamikazebas, May not make it back
Jessah, Exactly that
IceFlyer, ffffff
Arch3004, Stats? WHERE?
Coffee Shock, I need caffeine
Porksaber, Pain in the ass
rrbaars, Drink Drank Drunk
Natas, Backwards Satan
SonOfHoward, Daughter of Eve
Flappie, Early Exit at America's Next Top Pornstar
Caustic, embodyment of testicular fortitude
Sticklyman, Gotta hit the gym
chriz, Magic Camp
octavius, Hung like a horse
MrGorba, Don't arrnea with me
bigk989, Wat
RedAlert, Don't mess with Kane
Xione, ....
Derwood1, Making the Bacon
Jacapo Saladin, True leader of Non Grata; Boo to Arexes; Boo to all non believers; Boo to false gods; Bow to your one true god.
DutchObama, I don't even
sponzie, not quite fonzie
Bolster,, Up and at em
Jonte, Cutie Pie
Deathwalker, never stop
890765,, Prized mattress of the jailhouse
escobar, Everything goes better with coke
Pensfan, Malkin's mah boy
moriarty36, arrnea Holmes
King Xander the Only, Boss NGga and Eternal Champion of Pink
hene987, pizza pizza
tseitz, Give me a war already
Daedalus, Some guy stole my name
Crazymatty, I'm perfectly normal
King Aragorn, arrnea your roquentinty raid regs
ShadowSKAR, Any hole in the dark
icejoke, not funny guys
KingSamuel, The New Kid on the Block
sexysauce, so salty
spearo, I came from a box
Jacques Cousteau, Submariner
Lord Mysss, SSSSS
ADAMN, no thanks
Spaarlaamp, In-house rogue
mackdriver101, name says it all
NoVaRaGnA, SuPeR AwEsOmE
raptorix, jurassic park rotavelees
skokie, arrnea you
Kel Krussna, i love star wars
naabgamer, belgian sympathizer
zoomzoomzoom, Destroyer of Dreams
Buttocks, Don't Make Me Sweat
Donsig, I'm a reindeer motherarrneaer
jianliang, oh god no please stop
D3filed, highly active and forever caring smugdog
Disman, this one here
Extraduty, Cleveland's only fan
Trigger, Just for Men Model
BombaAriba, Last Lady of FOK
IRON CLAW, My hands are made of metal
Maccers the Great, Forever an orange
madskillz, I run this rotavele
Vetnek, Man of No imagination
Tankbuster, German scum
Geodry, YESSS
ncc, Posted Image
Projek, How do i pronounced Projek?
LordNettles, Convicted Trout Abuser
Joe882, inconspicuous
Lord Yod, PC4LYFE
Ancere, not Sincere
Gofastleft, Champion of R&R
FCsoccer, it's football you cocksucker
XSeilerX, hardcore
rtellez06, Mr Mexico
RifRaf, oh man i stink
Elius, hey ladies
King Solomon, Deeply Closeted
Phosphorus, best element
jgator, Master of the Universe
Gordong, I am a currency
Franz Ferdinand, The Heartbreak Kid
namek31, i am creative i think
Unkajo, Elite Roquentin Spy
knipwim, no sig please
Johnnyvegas15, Rockstar
Darkasantion, well ok
Gaard, Double A
Taxie, I am literally danny devito
Enabran Tain, Messiah of NG
Lars Jorgens, Scandinavian Spy
dirkdiggler, Oh, it's real
herfst, what is my name?
Neobdragon, Not a spy
lutai, Franz's #2
Ginji, probleemwijker
Wemedge, SEEYA
cool15, Hi I'm cool15
Drinkalot, 6 months sober!
Bleach, not just for my idols
titodafarmer, Blackstone spy
Meddo, Damn it
gunslinger1988, Young man
Mr. Teets, Imperator of Hydra, Master of Jacapo
Ge4ce, [insert random signature here]
Xerxes, arrnea Sparta
Micheal Malone, Occasional rogue
Megalomaniac, Icelandic God
Tweaks, help me
Nikita Ilyich Lenin, Sperglord
Paalie, Pale as arrnea
bubbu, come at me
Scipio Africanus, Scipio Africanus
korndmc, Man of the Clan
MonkeyPoop, Gross
TCTriangle, Rotavele Spy Victim
MgrvdWetering, What is it?
Aquatica, Water water everywhere
MonsterMike, I raid anything that moves
Don Fernando, Your local remax agent
Dreamer, head in the clouds
Gretch, Secretly a slut
Agg27, Hey budday
RedTiger, no such thing
Abshire, Resident Coonass
Trigar, Official arexes Licker, Proud Woman of Colour and All Round Nice Guy.
chee78, Seriously arrneaed up. Seriously.
AphexTwin, African Supremacist
Buzz Lightyear, Woody is a rotavele
thedestroyerofall, nothing survives
Jaddels, Cottonless Cumsock Esq. III
danosaur, Sausage King of Chicago
Gideon, The Holy Father
Kuname, nope
fiercesob, King Xanders best friend and life partner
Lietuva Mafia, Pay up or we'll steal your socks
Scandalous Rumour, Resident Spy, Tech Farm, and guy who signs off his posts with his initials like a !@#$%
MrOtingocni, Minister of Your Mother's Affairs, lover of many midgets, poisoner of little children, and professional sodomite
MrIrishMan13, under the table
Russia, Vodka. Now.
Ad Fidem, A1 singe Day 1
Rooler333, Inmate's butt buddy
DustyFootPhilosopher, I arrneaing love K'naan
psychoticweazel, secret furry
Schu2551, whoa whoa
PresidentSpencer, President of my bedroom
PowerData, I am a computer
Dictator Goliath, Gargoyles
Taiki11, Eternal tech seller
freakazoid, haha arrnea fark
Hatsune Miku, desu desu lol
Tradskin, yummy
bytertje, no sig
JrSpartan, Fight to the death
swoff, Crosswords are for girls
longnameislonger, the Deep Thought of Tuva, NCC's Pool Boy
buster14169, Sup Ryder
Kethean, Not a 40 year old man
Marcosa, Queen of the Nile
SteveSaywell, I love tech
Ricus, The Spy who shagged NG
Quiseanthony, What do you want?
Chrysippus, goodnight
His Beastliness, Former member of the X-men
Luciferskiwi, The devil is a fruit
Lord Spence, Lot's of lords in NG
kaesar inviincible, I love the letter I
Medina, Cosmos for me please!
Daniel Ortega, enchilada taco burrito no sour cream
nathanko10, over and out
LeoFur, Me 1 You 0
zckbrwn, arrnea vowels
Anna Izumi Izumi, Repetetive
Soxirella, Mr IRC June 2012
TheThirdMark, After the second
taversa, black white yellow
buffgeniusguy, Mary Sue me
KurtCobain, Come as you are
findingyourpath, I need a compass
Tanya Gorbachev, Daughter of a famous man
Adam9812, Hello World!
Curly, Bald as arrnea
Bestemmingsplan, sup
Liu Shen, Sounds like Luke Schenn amirite?
DannyV, 1 year baby
Avarre, almost there
Junizo, I should've made my own sig
Konrad Olsen, I am the King of Trees
Hanovar , last but not least

Edited by porksaber
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I am proud to call myself a member of Non Grata. Ever since they formed, I have had a great relationship with them. As soon as Team Rocket's protectors, the Seaworthy Liberian Cardboard Boxes merged into them, I knew that they would be my first port of call if I ever decided to return to a life of normality. Seven months from merging on the 22nd November 2011, and I'm still here. Believe me, I have enjoyed my experience here, and you would too if you were able to rub shoulders with the denizens which reside here.

- The Heartbreak Kid, Franz Ferdinand

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[quote name='Franz Ferdinand' timestamp='1339778146' post='2984893']
Seven months from merging on the 22nd November 2011, and I'm still here. Believe me,
That's my birthday yo

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[quote name='Nikita Ilyich Lenin' timestamp='1339778378' post='2984902']
I am ecstatic at the opportunity to serve my alliance, thank you stewie for the year of work put into NG gov.

So when do i get to post my first DoW?

Whenever you like, friend

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i would love to take the first opportunity to congratulate you on your birthday ng

the past year really zoomed by

may you continue destroying dreams until the end of days

Edited by King Puffington
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[quote name='King Puffington' timestamp='1339779060' post='2984918']
i would love to take the first opportunity to congratulate you on your birthday ng

the past year really zoomed by

may you continue destroying dreams until the end of days
This is a great post and I thank you.

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