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A NEAT Birthday

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Greetings good nations of Digiterra!

We, Nations Empowered Against Totalitarianism, are proud to announce that just 3 years ago we rose from death and formed the existence of NEAT v.2.0. We wish to take time this day to recognize those nations in NEAT who have worked hard to lay a strong foundation for Justice and Equality, some of which who are no longer with us. We also would like to thank our allies (you know who you are) who have stuck with us over the years and have supported our endeavors to bring an end to Totalitarianism in our world. The fight for Justice is never easy, but it is through little actions by seemingly inconsequential nations which combined bring about change. The struggle is not over, but today we celebrate our victory. The victory of good over evil. The victory of life over death. We also like to recognize and celebrate the LIFE of ALL nations this day. All nations of all alliances and all nations who live in this world without alliances. We believe that each nation holds the capacity to show Strength, Courage, Love and Compassion and it is our mission to Empower each nation in a way which brings out their fullest potential to love and care for one another.

We leave you with our NEAT Idea and we invite you to join us on our forums for this celebration: http://z8.invisionfree.com/NEAT/index.php?showtopic=1406&st=0&#last

[quote]"Civilization can only revive when there shall come into being in a number of individuals a new tone of mind, independent from the prevalent one among the crowds and in opposition to it; a tone of mind which will gradually win influence over the collective one, and in the end determine it's character. Only an ethical movement can rescue us from barbarism, and the ethical comes only into existence in individuals." - Albert Schweitzer

Nations Empowered Against Totalitarianism (NEAT) is a collection of independent nations brought together for the purpose of peace, progress and the pursuit of a more just and ethical Digiterra. We in NEAT recognize the sovereign rights of every nation to be able to move freely and grow their nation in peace so long as they are causing no harm around them. Within our own alliance we recognize the equality of all our members. We secure this equality through the practice of direct-democracy. Each nation has a equal vote and is allowed to rise and fall on it's own merits. No nation will be found insignificant to another while participating in our community.

In our pursuit of a more ethical Digiterra we will provide a new way of thinking, demonstrate a new example of economic growth and security, and we will reach out to those who are abused in order to provide a safe haven for all nations who wish to peacefully enjoy Digiterra.

Lastly, we in NEAT value these three principles among our members: Honesty, Understanding, and Passion. With those traits we will grow strong as one and if or when we are faced with danger, we will prevail as one and in the light of justice.

Peace and Love to all,
Nations Empowered Against Totalitarianism[/quote]

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