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Legends of Cybernations

Joseph Black

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[quote name='Dilber' timestamp='1324037388' post='2879801']
This is true. The NPO actually extended the offer to join as one alliance to have fun in a different realm. There is a reason the channel is #nsa and not #npo.

#nsa stood for !@#$%* Alliance.
This post is hilarious when viewed from the perspective of someone who is unaware of that particular filter.

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[quote name='Dilber' timestamp='1324049138' post='2879909']
I was considering asking if I could go around it for historical sake, but it's funnier this way.


Delta, he is talking about where most of the early CN players come from.

I dont know why its filterbanned considering that our wiki has many references to them and even hosts some unique articles about that old run down shop.

Edit: I wonder when admin will get around to finally deleting this one http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/!@#$%*

Edited by Ameris
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[quote name='Ameris' timestamp='1324132200' post='2880537']
I dont know why its filterbanned considering that our wiki has many references to them and even hosts some unique articles about that old run down shop.
The forum moderation team has nothing to do with the wiki moderation team. They're two separate entities, and the wiki is not in any way affiliated with Cyber Nations.

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[quote name='Locke' timestamp='1324136410' post='2880555']
The forum moderation team has nothing to do with the wiki moderation team. They're two separate entities, and the wiki is not in any way affiliated with Cyber Nations.

Thanks for the clarification. No one has ever accused me of being the brightest bulb in the room.

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[quote name='Mr Garcia' timestamp='1324041828' post='2879846']
It is pointless to just make a list with 30 names on it, as some people have done. If people really want to make a "Hall of Fame" kind of thing, then they should at the very least try to define what a "legend" is. It would also be interesting for all of the entries (or at least the top-tier ones) to have some kind of definitive biography, high and low points, and the like. The ones whose main achievements were years ago might even be tempted to share what went on behind the scenes at the time, the kind of thing that most people will never read about normally.

Of course, it is always subjective. There are a lot of influential people in all kinds of fields, but only a few of them stand out. A football analogy would be that Cruyff is a legend, while Bergkamp was just a great player. This makes the distinction clear, without diminishing the greatness of the latter.

Anyway, they would probably be forced to make some kind of hierarchy, with tiers like:

[b]First tier:[/b] those people never to be topped, people who combined several great aspects. There have been a lot of people with organisational skill, military intelligence, diplomatic ability, personal charisma, etc. But also consider just how they put these skills to work into concrete achievements of massive importance, the ability to actively take credit for their achievements so that we may remember their names, a large following, etc. It seems to me that there are only a select few who combined all or most of these aspects.

Of course, there are also those who were perhaps strictly organisationally strong (i.e. people lopsided towards one very specific skill which they were excellent at), or people who did not have extraordinary skills except for the charisma and the ability to be at the forefront of extremely important events. Perhaps we need to look at their impact to determine whether they still belong in this tier.

[b]Second tier:[/b] I think this would be for people who, for instance, created a significant treaty system or was prominent in a global war, or someone who glued a treaty system with lots of opposite alliances together, those who founded new and unique alliances and brought them to prominence against the odds, but who did not influence things beyond that, on a gamewide scale. So basically people who had an impact, but not one that is necessarily felt by all of us.

[b]Third tier:[/b] if people want to even bother with this, it could include the kind of people who just have fame or notoriety in general, or specific achievements that are just plain interesting. People who managed to get their alliances sanctioned despite all odds early on, rogues, rebels, lesser organisers in important wars and alliances, leaders of major alliances that achieved long-term stability and diplomatic and military success for themselves in general, etc.
Youre the third person to randomly show up within this thread, and within their first 5 posts, tell the rest of us how we should rank things.

In all seriousness, why? What inspires you to tell the rest of us what is right and what is wrong? Just what empowers you with this awe-inspiring authority? What about this topic inspires new players to try and make their imprint upon it? This bizarre urge baffles me.

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[quote name='Dilber' timestamp='1324037388' post='2879801']
This is true. The NPO actually extended the offer to join as one alliance to have fun in a different realm. There is a reason the channel is #nsa and not #npo.

#nsa stood for !@#$%* Alliance.
Best post of the thread, also I didn't know you were still around.

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[quote name='Ivan Moldavi' timestamp='1324002293' post='2879392']
I don't recall being insincere. I may have played up the victim aspect a bit more than necessary in the hopes of gaining sympathy but that was not directly an effort to con ODN.[/quote]
You weren't insincere during the negotiations, I didn't mean to imply otherwise. Conned was an inappropriate word choice.

[quote]Also, to whomever was stating that NPO was out to exterminate ODN from the beginning, you have that backwards my friend. ODN was founded by those from another realm with a similarly named alliance specifically to oppose the NPO in the Cyberverse. The fact that I was lenient and simply had them declare/post public oaths of personal loyalty to me shows I had no desire to see them exterminated, even if I did enjoy seeing them humiliated.
I think there was hatred both ways and saying that it was one sided is completely unfair, agreed.

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[quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1323156120' post='2865504']

Not necessarily true. I think anyone that took it upon themselves to shape a coalition did not necessarily need the backings of those doing the grunt work in their respective alliances. This war, for example, took someone with a vast understanding of the treaty web and individual grudges (and aspirations in NPOs case) to shape this into a curbstomp of Polaris/SF/XX (who, all combined, are well connected enough where this shouldn't be a curbstomp). Getting all these strategic alliances to DoS despite not being allied to (and in some cases not fond of) each other in order to accomplish that is the making of a legend. I have no clue who did it though, I would guess someone in TOP which leads me to crymson, but his posting makes me doubt that. :unsure:


Haha, wow LM that must have hurt :P

But yeah, i'd probably add LM to the legends as well, but i won't out of fear of inflated-ego related death of said person :D

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My vote goes for Tulak Hord of Tulak Hord, a great leader and orchestrator of CN politics.

Also I think that we have to give a special vote and recognition to Dulra for standing 1st NSwise for so long and so loved.

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