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Questions for Non Maroon Sphere folks

Alfred von Tirpitz

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[quote name='Buzz Lightyear' timestamp='1321239032' post='2844411']
I actually pay attention

Woops, I just read non maroon. Why non maroon?

I'm assuming it's because all of the MEAT drama has led to people on Maroon actually caring about color sphere politics, as opposed to on other spheres where most really couldn't be bothered with that aspect of the game.

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[quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1321248185' post='2844441']
I'm assuming it's because all of the MEAT drama has led to people on Maroon actually caring about color sphere politics, as opposed to on other spheres where most really couldn't be bothered with that aspect of the game.

Purple cared.

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[quote name='Enrigo Donkini' timestamp='1321115303' post='2843750']
When FOK's Senator sent a recruiting message out to the entire orange sphere.

Thats awesome

Vote WickedJ of wickedj for aqua senate and ill send a aqua wide recruitment message for everyone to join some alliance im not in.

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[quote name='Sigrun Vapneir' timestamp='1321209780' post='2844177']Well I just moved to Purple, I think it is fairly stable but I havent been here long enough to say. Before that I was on Aqua for years. Not that high turnover there either, but I paid particularly close attention because being on a small AA people are way too eager to sanction me. So I paid close attention to the aqua senators, sent them links to my DoE and other announcements, and just basically tried to make sure that they recognised me as something other than 'some rogue.'

Didnt work, by the way. Still got sanctioned in my last war, despite that fact that I was the one attacked, sitting there with three defensive wars and no offensive, after going to all that trouble to reach out to my senators, I still get treated like I was some idiot that went off nuking random targets on my way out.

The fact that I moved after that is no coïncidence.[/quote]
It's not the first time you come up with interesting stories to tell. Have you ever thought about having a blog?

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[quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1321248185' post='2844441']
I'm assuming it's because all of the MEAT drama has led to people on Maroon actually caring about color sphere politics, as opposed to on other spheres where most really couldn't be bothered with that aspect of the game.

Exactly! I know nothing of color sphere drama. Nothing. Don't pay any attention at all. Guess all the action is over at maroon. Have fun, maroon.

Edited by White Chocolate
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[quote name='Alfred von Tirpitz' timestamp='1321103107' post='2843692']
When was the last time you paid attention to who your sphere senators were, apart from the one your alliance told you to vote for?

When was the last time you read the messages that the sphere senators can post in the sphere message area of the game?

Did you know there was a feature where the senators can post a message to the sphere in the game?

Are you in your alliance government/politically active in the game?
When I last voted.

A few weeks ago when FOK! was recruiting Dutch people on it.


I was, but not now.

edit: Why not Maroon sphere?

Edited by Chaoshawk
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[quote name='Chaoshawk' timestamp='1321813748' post='2847504']

edit: Why not Maroon sphere?

I wanted to get a feel of how relevant the senate messaging system was. Given that Maroon recently had a brouhaha over the Senate messages, i figured most of them [at least the ones that frequent the owf] would be sensitized to it, aware of it. So they were not exactly a good sample.

Thanks for the answers, everyone.

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