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[quote name='Vladius Dreadfire' timestamp='1312331155' post='2770515']
Ahaha...yeah, everyone would say "this is our alliance, we can run it however we wanna run it". It's really nothing more than a way of saying "I don't have a way to match your argument so I'm just going to stuff my fingers in my ears and scream like a baby until you go away".

Firstly, I doubt he tried to sabotage a treaty single-handedly, by posting some damning logs no less. He's not a retard, you know (actually, you probably think he is, just because he's your enemy now). In the event, he [i]has[/i] caused NG harm, seeing as everybody now knows that Non Grata will [s]allow it's members to get away with spying[/s] give lenient punishment to alliance spies (and spare me the !@#$%^&*, this guy was not some low-rank grunt, he was the !@#$@#$ Minister of Defence).

And secondly, again "get your nose outta mah business" is the same as "this is our alliance, we can run it however we wanna run it". It's not going to work, so you need to give up and go home right now if you haven't got anything good to bring to the table.

What is your point? again..i am still failing to see any point..

Are you affected in any of this by any chance? No...would be the answer. So why the !@%# would it mean anything to you? are you butthurt that FARK has accepted our apology?

Seriously go find something to do..you really aren't saying anything that will make a difference..

Also you think we are unfair and unjust? Yes we are . We are evil... Deal with it!

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[quote name='Vladius Dreadfire' timestamp='1312331155' post='2770515']
Ahaha...yeah, everyone would say "this is our alliance, we can run it however we wanna run it". It's really nothing more than a way of saying "I don't have a way to match your argument so I'm just going to stuff my fingers in my ears and scream like a baby until you go away".

Firstly, I doubt he tried to sabotage a treaty single-handedly, by posting some damning logs no less. He's not a retard, you know (actually, you probably think he is, just because he's your enemy now). In the event, he [i]has[/i] caused NG harm, seeing as everybody now knows that Non Grata will [s]allow it's members to get away with spying[/s] give lenient punishment to alliance spies (and spare me the !@#$%^&*, this guy was not some low-rank grunt, he was the !@#$@#$ Minister of Defence).

And secondly, again "get your nose outta mah business" is the same as "this is our alliance, we can run it however we wanna run it". It's not going to work, so you need to give up and go home right now if you haven't got anything good to bring to the table.

I thank you for your support. While the word "sabotage" is a little strong I did tell IRON about NG's plans to roll SOS if RIA dropped their treaty. Why? NG sure as hell wasn't going to tell them. Actually iirc the damn near exact words were "Lets not ruin our PR until we get the IRON and NoR treaties signed since FOK and PB are cloudy as to where they would stand in war" or something to that effect. Of course those would be the screenshots everyone is referring to.

EDIT: I must add I did just "inform" NAH who the said he would appreciate the SS

[quote]<Cynic> If you'd like proof
<Cynic> I can drop it here
<snip log dump>
<Notadolfhitler{IRON}> please
<snip more logs>
<Cynic> theres him tellin me to spy SOS when I said I was going back to spying
<Cynic> then him telling me he spied a fark nation
<Cynic> then the thingy bout GOD
<Cynic> h/o and i'll grab the screenshots
<Notadolfhitler{IRON}> also
<Notadolfhitler{IRON}> 30 minutes after my birthday
<Cynic> XD
<Cynic> cuz I like IRON
<Cynic> and i don't want yall getting rolled
<Cynic> or even in war for that
<snip screenshots>
<Cynic> theres proof of it being in gov forums too
<Notadolfhitler{IRON}> thanks for the heads up, but we are signing an ODOAP
<Notadolfhitler{IRON}> and its not really putting us in any danger
<Cynic> Mk.
<Cynic> well gl then[/quote]

[quote name='kwell' timestamp='1312333606' post='2770565']
Sounds to me like they handled the situation correctly. The "mod" went rogue by log dumping information to cause harm to NG (this is why he is considered rogue). Ng, being diplomatic, decided to kick him out and zi him instead of getting rolled. This is what rogues deserve. It is just a singular zi (depending on his war chest, it may only cost him money and tech). It isn't eternal zi. What else were they suppose to do? They could have been like polar, and still keep him around, thus creating an issue. They didn't, thus, no harm, no foul. Well, I take that back because it tested the relationship between Fark and NG.

NG was in no way going to get rolled for what I did. So theres one issue with your theory. As for the singular ZI... I beg to differ. In fact King Xander nor any other member of NG government will actually give an answer.

[quote][22:10] <Derwood1> [b]ok I am going to have to say for now it is war on, he can do what he feels is necessary, when we are done we will let you know[/b].....but I will tell you I will talk to tris to try and limit it[/quote]

[quote]<Mixer> KingXander: [b]single ZI for cynic[/b][/quote]

<@FeaR-> KingXander cynic is a single ZI? Its not PZI?
<&KingXander> who said that?
<@FeaR-> cynic
<@FeaR-> [01:56] <+Cynic> Single ZI
<@FeaR-> [01:56] <+Cynic> Per KX
<@FeaR-> [01:56] <+Cynic> You have no control over that, sir.
<&KingXander> im not cynic
<&KingXander> ive never said that to Cynic
<&KingXander> so
<&KingXander> tough
<D3V> he's lying!
<D3V> pzi it is
<%Hurricane> clearly[/quote]

Which its true. He never said that to me. Although he did say that to someone else. Unless this person lied.

EDIT 2: the screenshots -



Edited by Cynic
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[quote name='Cynic' timestamp='1312337644' post='2770625']
I thank you for your support. While the word "sabotage" is a little strong I did tell IRON about NG's plans to roll SOS if RIA dropped their treaty. Why? NG sure as hell wasn't going to tell them. Actually iirc the damn near exact words were "Lets not ruin our PR until we get the IRON and NoR treaties signed since FOK and PB are cloudy as to where they would stand in war" or something to that effect. Of course those would be the screenshots everyone is referring to.

EDIT: I must add I did just "inform" NAH who the said he would appreciate the SS

NG was in no way going to get rolled for what I did. So theres one issue with your theory. As for the singular ZI... I beg to differ. In fact King Xander nor any other member of NG government will actually give an answer.

Dude, quit talking. You can't honestly expect not to get zi'd (and hopefully eternal zi) for leaking this info. It’s a violation of inner alliance trust. There wasn't a need to tell Iron yet. Discussing an alliance opinion on the matter should be addressed before telling an ally. As screen shots show, NG didn't want to roll sos yet. You took it on yourself to try to force it anyways against other govs approval. This means you are a rogue who not only jeopardized NG's safety, but you breached alliance trust and alliance security. You deserve what ever comes to you. Will you learn from this? That remains to be seen. I won't lie, drama would be nice. I am tired of collecting taxes and paying bills. Although, I am liking my tech shipments coming in : D

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[quote name='Zoomzoomzoom' timestamp='1312209840' post='2769118']
Well at least I'm under the impression she's fine with the attacks.

You don't drop logs, attempt to start a war, [b]and halt a treaty being signed[/b] and expect to get away with it.

Attacks were bound to happen no matter what. Cynic himself stated a desire to quit.

Simply jumping to an AA doesn't provide you protection, especially when the leader of that AA is aware of the crimes.

NG signing a treaty with Fark?

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Congratulations on leaking screenshots that prove nothing except something someone pondered for a bit and then decided against. You violated your alliance's trust for what reason? Keep digging the hole deeper, it is entertaining.

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[quote name='Salmia' timestamp='1312343416' post='2770717']
Congratulations on leaking screenshots that prove nothing except something someone pondered for a bit and then decided against. You violated your alliance's trust for what reason? Keep digging the hole deeper, it is entertaining.

He should get an A- for effort to say the least, don't you agree?

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[quote name='FeaR_LeSs' timestamp='1312343511' post='2770721']
He should get an A- for effort to say the least, don't you agree?
You’re being generous. I would say the screen shots were a solid B because it lacked quality material.

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Fark would be a fool not to take this, if Non Grata and allies got this oppurtunity to roll Fark and friends they would take it. Only reason Non Grata is trying to avoid war here, is they were the ones caught with their pants down and likely to be the one taking the beating if this goes to war.

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Outrageous logs. Everyone knows I'm the voice of reason in NG. The word "roll" would never come out of my mouth. I might use a word such as "upbraid".

Let's admit it, everyone knows that the SOS Brigade needs a good upbraiding, if for no other reason than being anime fags.

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[quote name='jonte' timestamp='1312344492' post='2770744']
Outrageous logs. Everyone knows I'm the voice of reason in NG. The word "roll" would never come out of my mouth. I might use a word such as "upbraid".

Let's admit it, everyone knows that the SOS Brigade needs a good upbraiding, if for no other reason than being anime fags.
This fixiation on wanting to roll SOS Brigade, who is allied to RIA who is allied to Fark, just further proves why Fark would be a fool to wait for NG's side to call the shots in any war to come.

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