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An NADC Announcement

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[font="Georgia"]While our wars continue to rage, the NADC has found some time to hold its quarterly elections.[/font]

[quote][center][b]As of the 16th of April, 2011[/b]

(Click on the names to go to their personal profile)

[size=4][b]Current Cabinet of the NADC[/b][/size]

[b]Secretary General: [/b][color="#0000FF"][url="http://forum.cn-nadc.net/index.php?/user/21-tony2456/"]Tony2456[/url][/color]

[b]Deputy Secretary General: [/b][color="#0000FF"][url="http://forum.cn-nadc.net/index.php?/user/17-kajdav/"]Kajdav[/url][/color]

[b]Department Ministers:[/b]

Internal Affairs Minister: [color="#0000FF"][url="http://forum.cn-nadc.net/index.php?/user/444-dark-wizard/"]Dark Wizard[/url][/color]
Deputy Internal Affairs Minister: [color="#0000FF"][url="http://forum.cn-nadc.net/index.php?/user/448-williamfrancislouis/"]WilliamFrancisLouis[/url][/color]

Foreign Affairs Minister: [color="#0000FF"][url="http://forum.cn-nadc.net/index.php?/user/19-kochers/"]Kochers[/url][/color]
Deputy Foreign Affairs Minster I: [color="#0000FF"][url="http://forum.cn-nadc.net/index.php?/user/782-kaiser-bob/"]Kaiser Bob[/url][/color]
Deputy Foreignn Affairs Minister II: [color="#0000FF"][url="http://forum.cn-nadc.net/index.php?/user/509-impact-strafe/"]Impact Strafe[/url][/color]

Financial Minister: [color="#0000FF"][url="http://forum.cn-nadc.net/index.php?/user/6-bosox-nation/"]Bosox Nation[/url][/color]
Deputy Financial Affairs Minister: [color="#0000FF"][url="http://forum.cn-nadc.net/index.php?/user/509-impact-strafe/"]Impact Strafe[/url][/color]

Military Operations Commander: [color="#0000FF"][url="http://forum.cn-nadc.net/index.php?/user/645-andrewhg/"]AndrewHG[/url][/color]
Deputy Military Operations Commander: [color="#0000FF"][url="http://forum.cn-nadc.net/index.php?/user/606-rmmlg/"]rmmlg[/url][/color]

Education Affairs Minister: [color="#0000FF"][url="http://forum.cn-nadc.net/index.php?"]Vacant[/url][/color]

[center][size=4][b]Current Elected Atlantic Councillors of the NADC[/b][/size]
[url="http://forum.cn-nadc.net/index.php?/user/14-Emperor-of-Babanga/"]Emperor of Babanga[/url]

As you can see, we've had quiet a number of changes across the board, with either partial or complete changes in every department. We have also decided that we wanted Tony2456 back as our SecGen and he's selected Kajdav to serve as his deputy. Congratulations to Tony and our four elected Councilors on their successful elections.

[font="Times New Roman"][b]On behalf of the NADC Government[/b][/font]

[font="Century Gothic"]-Coker of Kochers[/font]
[font="Times New Roman"][b]Foreign Affairs Minister[/b][/font]

P.S. Stop on by #nadc for cookies, cupcakes, and rum to celebrate.


Edited by Kochers
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"Shalaran so... I'm ZI'ed and bill locked again"

"Dark Wizard hates bill locks"

"bgorre1013 Sad to say, this is hopeless"

"Argentum I'm getting battered by the Veridian Entente while in nuclear anarchy, I need aid.."

"Argentum Alright guys, I'm surrendering (and don't encourage any other--particularly new nations--to follow in my stead), it was a honor fighting alongside you guys. Feel free to mask my account. Good Luck with the rest of the war!"

"Kajdav Shalaran and bgorre: Don't give up hope gentlemen. Pixels mean nothing, unity means everything. Gov is wrapping this war up as we speak. It shant be much more than a few days."

Haart Apr 14 2011 07:22 PM
"And here I was in a perfect panic mood before Kajdav interrupted. So much for the surrender thought."

"Defender of Liberty If i'd known Argentum was gonna surrender, i'd have never given him aid back in February..."

-AndrewHG Apr 03 2011 09:00 AM
the Stella issue is pretty complicated. He certainly fought well for a merc. So it was money well spent.

-tony2456 Apr 04 2011 12:05 AM
It was def a complicated situation. Let's just say we can't blame argentum that much for surrendering.


Edited by rapmanej
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"AndrewHG Guys. We got an MK member who has access to this status block"

"AndrewHG He has published your/our comments"

"AndrewHG So yeah keep it private message until we work out what else the scumbag has access to"

such anger over CN!

Edited by rapmanej
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[quote name='rapmanej' timestamp='1302995901' post='2691681']
"AndrewHG Guys. We got an MK member who has access to this status block"

"AndrewHG He has published your/our comments"

"AndrewHG So yeah keep it private message until we work out what else the scumbag has access to"

such anger over a game!


Yay new government!
Though that kajdav will inevitably lead us to ruin. >=(

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[quote name='rapmanej' timestamp='1302995901' post='2691681']

such anger over a game!

He's not the one one who has made three comments in two minutes. Also, I'm not sure what point you are trying to make, but I'm quite certain you are making it poorly.

[quote name='Holy Empire of Halin' timestamp='1302996075' post='2691682']
Good luck on the new gov. Though its never got idea to make a gov shuffle in middle of war

Sure it is. Voter turn out is amazing during war :awesome:

Edited by supercoolyellow
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[quote name='rapmanej' timestamp='1302995901' post='2691681']
"AndrewHG Guys. We got an MK member who has access to this status block"

"AndrewHG He has published your/our comments"

"AndrewHG So yeah keep it private message until we work out what else the scumbag has access to"

such anger over a game!

I meant you to read that bit ;) Thanks for not publishing the personal messages between members though. I'd hate to have people chased down or stalked in rl by less responsible people.

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[quote name='Timmehhh' timestamp='1302999225' post='2691715']
Yeah they are pretty much all billocked except like 5 or so.
But I thought it was [i]totally reasonable[/i] for MK to tie up their aid slots for the next few months via forced tech deals!

If they're all bill locked, how do you expect them to even buy the tech in the first place?

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1303085134' post='2692129']
But I thought it was [i]totally reasonable[/i] for MK to tie up their aid slots for the next few months via forced tech deals!

If they're all bill locked, how do you expect them to even buy the tech in the first place?
You know they get money as part of the tech deals right?

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