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Johnny Apocalypse

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Everything posted by Johnny Apocalypse

  1. Wait, what? And yes, some do want this to escalate[OOC]people are bored again[/OOC], however I don't see anything from Avalon suggesting such. On the other side of this dispute however, that's another story.
  2. You could say the same for Avalon, they just asked that Stickmen refrain from requesting senate votes from their members, and were merely clarifying their position on the purple senate seats. Don't see why Stickmen members had to blow this out of proportion, one could argue that Avalon started it with this thread, but it could have just as easily been stopped with a "okay thanks bye, in future, private channels are preferred" instead of this pointless !@#$-flinging immaturity we can see on the OWF.
  3. Spartan Culture is more than just 300 quotes, and who cares if they attract people because they're #2 and Spartan themed. Doesn't that mean they're recruiting effectively without actually doing much? Is it because the people they attract are newbies? Newbies grow up and learn. Everyone starts somewhere. Seriously, you guys can hardly start acting all elitist about this kinda stuff. You were #1 for a while, don't you remember? And as a result you attracted alot of attention from the newbies? I'm aware many of them were ghosts etc, but I am sure you gained quite a few members from that.
  4. Hey you know how Avalon were being polite and simply making a request that you don't message them and didn't resort to any of this !@#$-flinging nonsense and how you've now just made yourselves look like complete tools trying to look big and clever by parodying an otherwise harmless request thread. Which also could have resulted in some lovely PR for you, had you decided to just say "kthxbai" and not pull a childish stunt like this. (which has actually been done before, so it's not even original material you guys are doing here, where's the innovation at?) Yeah, good times. Congratulations.
  5. Heh, you only announced this because you knew it was RyanGDI so it would get our attention, but if it was an unknown nation we wouldn't really care. Congrats it worked, good one on the PR stunt.
  6. What he said, swift retribution is required! Crush them schatte-wait wut?
  7. Alternatively, you could make your own fun? Instead of relying on others to do so for you, it's what I'm doing slowly but surely. I got bored a couple of weeks back so I know the feeling, but I'm getting all busy with some things now. It's all in how you have fun, don't rely on other people who you don't know to make the funny happen. It's an RP game, so, Role Play?
  8. An immoral move by an immoral alliance! etc. etc. Welcome to black yo.
  9. The problem? We don't know how to do politics! That's the problem, there aren't enough of us that have the political cunning to make things happen and get away with it. There's also alot of that "Oh but I'll lose my pixels/alliance/power" so the fear and lack of political skill contributes to make absolutely nothing happen.
  10. With this new act what are your thoughts on the possibility of causing possibly new productive players to leave the game? While it is very easy for you to declare that they must 'grow a pair' surely the new nations must learn the ways of the game before you and your go marching into their nations? I know if I were raided and my nation were ruined within the first few weeks of playing I'd probably not have bothered with re-rolling back then. Now however, I've learned after playing for a good 2 years that even if I were curbstomped I could re-roll and it would be worth the time to do so, and to rebuild my nation. When you are new you lack such foresight and knowledge of the game, thus your actions would be deterring players from the game and damaging to the community.
  11. Of course, but some responses could be a bit more respectful. Anyway my assumption was wrong.
  12. Gauging the responses in this thread, I think I can guess which alliance it was. Interesting.
  13. I don't think that's what he's inquiring about. Read the whole post.
  14. The chronicle need not be limited to just news coverage. If you look at many RL publications you can find a variety of articles. Some concerning historical events, debates. Also the game is a role playing game so we could report on the happenings of individual nations. We should discuss this later on however, but there are many things we can use for material.
  15. Oh. This is a surprise, I've not been as active as I'd like to have been for the past few days, but I haven't seen any alliances trying to dominate the sphere. It's a shame to see you go as you were a good alliance to have on Black and contributed frequently. Best of luck to you on Purple.
  16. I second this, he is quite the comedian. I'm liking the idea. It needs something to make it stand out though, a little je ne sais quoi Should you require additional reporters/writers shoot me a PM, I'll be happy to provide my services. Should you wish to see my works you can find them here: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=62103 - Issue 1 http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=63396 - Issue 2 http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=65301 - Issue 3 http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=66984 - Issue 4 They are all MFO based (mainly) but international news is something I'd like to venture into.
  17. Congrats to the pair of you. Continue to do what you do, screw the naysayers and the elitists ignore them, as long as it doesn't involving blowing up anyone else's stuff there shouldn't be a problem.
  19. Oh I dunno, I worked with him for at least a year before he left to join you, I'm sure there's other reasons for his departure this is likely the straw that broke the camels back.
  20. Now this is interesting. I notice this compass applies only to alliances, not individual entities. While I appreciate that alliances give of a particular image defined by their actions, what about the actions of an individual? How would one determine one's position on a political compass in terms of individual nations?
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