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Johnny Apocalypse

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Everything posted by Johnny Apocalypse

  1. Thank you! This isn't a scheduled weekly thing, but it's likely to be released at least every two weeks, or until I run out of things to report on.
  2. Since the first release of the Day Today, I have come into possession of better materials to produce this edition and future editions of The Day Today. So, without further ado. Enjoy! And for those unable to view these images here: http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h80/comr...DayToday2-1.png http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h80/comr...daytoday2-2.png http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h80/comr...daytoday2-3.png
  3. GDI never ceases to push those boundaries for really silly decisions. Congratulations.
  4. ATTN zigbigadorlou: Your blatant recruitment attempts have not gone un-noticed in MFO. We hereby demand an apology, or you will face the conseqeunces of us B'awwing for 50 pages about how awful this is and how you're a very very very bad man. You have 24 hours to comply. Choose wisely.
  5. Your mind tricks won't work on me Sith. You heard Grub, No Supper!
  6. So what were you hoping to prove with these shenanigans NSO?
  7. Sorry, I don't get it? Why is this a bad post? I don't care if he's a bad poster or if it's seen as bad to be agreeing with him, but what's wrong with this post?
  8. Many thanks, there'll be more to come at some point [OOC] I need to find a job first[/OOC] Nope we've always been here, just that blasted Alien Infection makes it look otherwise. )): JoshuaR )): )): Massage Parlours )): It's good to see someone getting the references
  9. Ladies and Gentlemen, We(well I say we, I mean myself mainly) at Mr Fixit Online have been working on an international news publication so that you may be kept up to date on the happenings within our alliance. As it is tabloid quality stuff, don't expect it to be completely true or of good quality. Also, it's not bi-weekly or weekly or even monthly, its whenever there is news worth announcing and whether or not I have the time to do so. So it'll just appear at random times [OOC] It was produced with GIMP and I don't know how to use it, hence the shoddiness of the work, it'll get better, promise, Open to criticism so feel free to throw it out there [/OOC] I present to you all, The Day Today! For users of IE and anyone else who cannot zoom in: http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h80/comr.../DaytodayP1.png http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h80/comr.../DaytodayP2.png http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h80/comr.../daytodayp3.png
  10. You gotta start somewhere. Best of luck to both alliances
  11. Mmmm dat some delicious irony right there. Perhaps people should heed their own advice as far as sleeping dogs are concerned and stop reforming old disbanded alliances with the same charters as everybody else, and the same structures as everyone else. How about some ingenuity when forming an alliance, instead of relying on nostalgia for the good ol' days to keep you going.
  12. Ah right, I thought you might have been around at the time of the signing hence why my question was directed at you, my bad. And I agree, it's not much better than cancelling a treaty and then declaring a few days later, but the "they were gonna attack us first anyway" argument doesn't hold all that much water. At least be honest about the true intentions.
  13. I've not seen an explanation as to how these loopholes worked. Can you explain please?
  14. {OOC]Just for the record, Sarcasm is reflected in the tone of ones voice[/OOC} Well, I reckon it's pretty foolish to hold out for as long as you will have to hold out. Just so long as you don't spin it and say Karma kept you in the war unjustly it's all fine and dandy I suppose.
  15. I think it's great, it makes the OWF look like the cover of a womens weekly magazine: How Karma made me better than all of you Why Karma made me a Pacifican Moo: Karma Loves me but he won't admit it How to lose your Karma in 5 easy steps Exclusive hot gossip from inside the Karma Private Channel Okay so the last 3 aren't true but I wouldn't be surprised if they were.
  16. Well that didn't take long. Best of luck to you DAAN.
  17. Welcome back from your holiday on Bizarro Bob, I hope it was nice.
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