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Johnny Apocalypse

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Everything posted by Johnny Apocalypse

  1. It was an assumption in the shape of a question, I was hoping to be corrected if I was wrong, I shall rephrase it. Will the NSO no longer consider signing Mutual Aggression/Defense treaties? As this doctrine removes any need for these treaties, except of course should you yourselves need defending.
  2. So is it correct to assume, that as you will defend whomever you please, that Mutual defense/aggression pacts are no longer to be signed by NSO. As this doctrine somewhat removes the need for a treaty when you can simply tell them in private if you'll defend them.
  3. But the difference is, I don't need a doctrine to tell everyone I can do as I please as it is my sovereign right, why does NSO feel it necessary to make this simple idea of "exercising ones sovereign right" into a doctrine.
  4. I'm not being petty, I'm just questioning what their definition of a 'just' action is, as I am sure it would be different as they are Sith lords, judging by past actions it'd make sense for their theme to be reflected by these actions. It's pretty daft how this doctrine is required anyway, I mean take a look at Dark Fist. They entered the Karma war twice, once via treaty, another because it is what they believed to be just, and they got slated for it. Does this document mean that because NSO think it's just, it certainly without a question is just and we cannot question this?
  5. I've been expecting this for quite some time for some reason. Congratulations.
  6. Because Sith, naturally know all about being "just" amirite? Y'know, being Sith and everything.
  7. Wow, you've done alright for yourself haven't you Kane. Congrats.
  8. I can assure you that the finest military scholars SunnySideKing has at his side are currently trapped in an examination hall and being forced to write. However, first they must be taught basic reading and writing. So the 4 paragraphs are taking longer than expected.
  9. For those interested, the article concerning the radio broadcast is true, we plan on recording the broadcast sometime in the near future and will upload it somewhere for your listening pleasure.
  10. Yeah, I mean who wants to hear about the end of the biggest war on Planet Bob, or Ordo Verdes reparation payments, when you've got The Day Today!
  11. Greetings readers! This issue is special because it has 4 pages worth of material, which is a whole 33.33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333% increase from previous issues. As the topic description says, this issue is dedicated to Nadabethyname, the one person who has been hassling me to get this issue out already, and our number #1 fan. This one's for you Nada. http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h80/comr...daytoday3-1.png http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h80/comr...DayToday3-2.png http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h80/comr...DayToday3-4.png http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h80/comr...daytoday3-3.png Links for those unable to view (Note, Page 4 is actually page 3 and page 4 is page 3, don't ask why)
  12. That's cool, like I said it's a temporary forum.
  13. I'm glad someone was informed of this If this is the case we can move back to the old forum when he returns.
  14. A Brief Announcement from NOIR With Lkeller being very inactive and holding the administrator priveleges we lacked any means of structuring a new government, contacting other alliances and knowing what the hell was going on. As a result, a temporary forum has been set up in the meantime, should Lkeller return, the forums will be moved back to where they were. http://z6.invisionfree.com/NOIRTournament/index.php Hope to see you all there, our new govt. will be announced within the next week. Thank you for your time. Edit: Our IRC channel remains the same: #noir-te on Coldfront
  15. Only Sileath can administer a duck taping. What about duct-tape?
  16. Why are we supporting this kind of behaviour again? He hijacked an AA, and you're here praising him for it. I don't understand.
  17. Interesting, I await the attempt to explain this away.
  18. Sure, anything but this all the time. RV, what exactly do you want MHA to do?
  19. And who would replace the leadership? Do you honestly expect me the believe that you'd coup the leadership and not take a position of power afterwards? And yes, evidently leaving the alliance you were trying to 'help' and then turning your back on everything you had previously said certainly is useful, also disregarding all the work that myself and some other commited NOIR members(you know, people who are still members regardless of the recent stomping) have done to try and improve relations with TPF and resolve this. You clearly are the one and only person who tried to save NOIR from itself.
  20. You did a bang up job! I mean, we're doing absolutely super now! Thanks SativaZealot, Our hero! Would you get off your high horse already about being the only one to try and "save us" you didn't try at all, you just tried to coup to transfer power directly to you. That's all you were interested in. Both you and Zergling keep claiming to be the ones who tried to save NOIR and work for the better, but you both ultimately got annoyed with the fact things weren't going your way and switched gears to reverse and tried to run it off a cliff. I'm not denying that DoorNail and Lkellers actions didn't screw us over even more, but you didn't help either. You are and were not the bastion of hope and glory for NOIR. Shut up already. But I'm on Black team
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