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Everything posted by chefjoe

  1. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1333770558' post='2949452'] Not that, but the why. [/quote] I stamped my OK on this just to confuse you Roq Now maybe you will have to give credence to the possibility that you dont know everything, nor do you know where everyone may fall or go in the coming FA line ups.....makes it grand dont it?
  2. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1333657580' post='2948707'] Didn't see this before. It's not like you really have a choice since it's not really about you going out and doing something and starting a new rivalry. it already exists. It's more about what can/will happen.[/quote] A rivalry only exists when both parties play into it, if only one does(like you intimate MK does (which tbh if true is somewhat flattering) as Val doesnt view MK as rivals) then that one sided action is called a grudge or vendetta. Also if thats the case and they have some hard-on for us that they are cooking up some hilarious CB or pre-empt for, wouldnt be the first time we have been targeted for such so dont expect us to change how we do bsns do to your 'dire' warning Roq. [quote]I mean Bud was saying that he knows people dislike his alliance, but then says others are trying to pit them against the aforementioned people, when it has always been clear the threat has been there. [/quote] Every alliance worth its salt has people whom dislike them, and this whole game is about pitting one 'side' or alliance against each other....no revelation there either Roq... [quote]It's a lot more diverse than you think. Just because Mjolnir disbanded doesn't mean alliances like Valhalla can't keep doing diplomacy and they're in DR anyway. And not everyone in the spheres of influence GOONS/MK have ties to likes them.[/quote] In this you actually are correct....just because MJ was dissolved certainly doesnt mean every alliance that was in it, including Valhalla, cannot keep doing diplomacy and FA according to how we view our own path to the future [quote] Also your assertion that Valhalla's carrying MK's bags is hilarious and you haven' been paying attention to how DH views them unfavorably. [/quote] More of trying to reiterate how much were hated within DH? At this point im beginning to think you keep bringing it up because you feel we can somehow lynchpin or pose some serious threat to DH and want us to buy into your fantasies and pull a charge of the light brigade as some reaction to the doom and gloom you preach....sorry if that doesnt seem to be on our agenda ATM. If MK and whomever your implying want to come after Valhalla and DR for whatever reason then we all know they will do so with or without a valid base for doing so, though my guess is that although most over there wouldnt care if Val got rolled, the other folks that would get rolled along with Valhalla, have folks that imo people on that side DO care about and dont want to screw over per se.....So im content to just chill and collect taxes with the occasional post here on the OWF when something grabs my interest.....like your continued preaching Roq
  3. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1333205321' post='2946139'] It's not really GOONS that should be concerned. War suits them nicely. [/quote] Thats generally true in a larger war or conflict, GOONS does generally get a lot of new membership that joins for the 'fun' and 'lulz', but in this case Roq there isnt enough war/slots or fun to be had in this scenario for that to happen imo.....so I think folks are right that the longer kaskus/mongols etc can drag this out nuking GOONS lower end the more frustrating its going to become for GOONS leadership. Especially if those against GOONS cherry pick the non .gov members and the active reg joe member in GOONS to dmg the most...they generally have the most vested into their nations because they have the least say in the actual running of GOONS and its politics so it makes what they do/can control that much more important to them and hence much more likely to cause internal agitation and strife regarding the ongoing bleeding off of tech and infra. just my .02 Roq edit-spelling
  4. [quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1333093792' post='2945443'] heh, Valhalla trying to talk down to anyone is rich, especially in this context. Never can resist trying to score a few points off your rivals, eh cj? [/quote] Are points like pixels? Because if so, then yes I like them very much and try to collect them whenever possible....
  5. [quote name='Johnny Apocalypse' timestamp='1333060311' post='2945218'] or y'know the war tourists from NEW which they couldn't take down because of statistical differences and the laws of Bob dictating how strong you have to be to attack specific nations, I'm sure once we've brought them down to GOONS level they'll have a blast with the new targets we provide them. [/quote] Well if no GOONS nation was large enough to hit them, then it also means they could not BE hit by those NEW nations either....so in essence they were non-participants and could do no dmg to GOONS. Either way GOONS could have gone it solo and duked it out with these micro's without the need for the escelation but I guess GOONS couldnt stand the fact that those nations they couldnt hit might not 'reap' the GOONS petty wrath and Umbrella couldnt pass up a chance to kick a weaker alliance when they are down since no consequences seem to come from such action. Have fun I guess...
  6. Huh, and here I sat thinking GOONS might actually pull its pants up and fight this one out the whole way solo, I guess the internal whining finally caused action. Anyhow im sure Daddy will once again come in and save his little boy so dont worry GOONS, all is OK now.
  7. DW is back? Awesome , hopefully payback is a !@#$%*
  8. This is priceless after all the !@#$talking comments from both sides over the years....Im sure this will benefit both sides greatly
  9. Instead of trying to recreate a previously doomed alliance in an apathetic world that dooms you again.....maybe try and be active and participate in an already established alliance that you both will benefit from. GL anyhow...
  10. Respectable post xiph.....Congrats on retaining your community for so long. That is an accomplishment regardless of how some may view GOD and your leadership.
  11. Far more then I can count.....yet oddly enough less then I wanted or planned.
  12. [quote name='nippy' timestamp='1330882091' post='2933232'] ..says the guy that went from driving \m/ into the ground to becoming a nobody in Valhalla. What the hell do [i]you[/i] know about 'standards'? [/quote] Far more then anyone in GOONS, thats for sure
  13. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1330886780' post='2933264'] Excuse me while I stick my foot in my mouth......AGAIN... [/quote] It says something that you cannot see and understand the true direction and ramifications of this treaty....it says you are extremely dense and too blinded by the past to see what is readily apparent. Seriously death its time to wake up and smell the new planet Bob
  14. About time Brehon quit lollygagging and did some work for a change Congrats to all involved.
  15. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1330284494' post='2928641'] Congrats. What did Pansy do? [/quote] What 'didnt' pansy do is the better question 5yrs is a long time, and ive enjoyed all of it. Valhalla has become a second family to me and im happy and proud to have called it home for a long long time. o/ Us
  16. I was once told hell would freeze over before this treaty was ever canceled..... Someone forget to pay the heating bill in hades?? Congrats to all involved...seriously I mean it
  17. [quote name='Fallen Fool' timestamp='1329737567' post='2924525'] MCXA/TOP/Grämlins/Umbrella/FOK/RnR/Fark made up the coalition which attacked us in the Second Patriotic War. While we put a great deal of effort into improving relations with most of these alliances, the only one we signed a treaty with after the war was Fark and that treaty has never been above an ODP. Of course you could also count Valhalla, whom we attacked, as a member of the coalition. In that case you are correct, as we signed a MDP with them after the war. But the treaty was never popular and it was cancelled after a few months. [/quote] The way you handled that treaty and its canceling directly led to part of the troubles you have dealt with in the last couple wars. If you use people and screw them over don't be surprised when payback comes. Hopefully you have learned. Time shall tell...
  18. Nagasaki? Ive seen more explosive wet dynamite then what was posted. Roq, you just lost any shred of credibility you had left by promising an explosive "nagasaki" and then posting what amounts to a fart in the wind while saying "I cant post the 'really' damning stuff", "They know what I have blah blah blah"... You seriously wanted people to 'follow' you based upon your track record and promises of delivering what you promise them, yet you cannot even deliver on what you have alluded to and promised for days. Disappointing to say the least...
  19. Congrats to all and a special o/ to our allies, it was and is always a pleasure to fight by your side
  20. 6yrs and you still havent grown up and joined the real world, congrats
  21. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1329276455' post='2920844'] So, Valhalla, Dark Templar, and allies, will you leave us out to dry or step up to the plate? [/quote] How did we get to be on your bugle call for help? Roq here's my .02 You and every person whom shared that intel bros(and who knows whom else) gathered are cheating spies. Every single one of you not only broke trust but show yourselves as complete hypocrits by using such dishonest tactics, hell some of you even used spying as a CB during the time period you and yours were still doing far worse. I really dont get why you think im foolish to be 'skeptical' as you called me, when all I have seen is everyone involved in this as dishonest liars. TBH not being skeptical would seem foolish.
  22. [quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1327865161' post='2909647'] What does my alliance affiliation have to do with you all being a bunch of incompetent idiots? Congratulations on getting[b] exactly[/b] what you all wanted. [/quote] Thank you, we did get exactly what we wanted. What had been planned for over a year. We met just about every goal we set before dong this. So if thats a bad thing then it seems to me you are the idiot imo...
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