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Emperor Khan

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Everything posted by Emperor Khan

  1. [quote name='Rayvon' timestamp='1354555105' post='3060021'] Still no Emperor Scorponok, even more disappointing than a slight fall to democracy. [/quote] There's only one Emperor in this village.
  2. [quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1354522714' post='3059938'] There are a handful of people on your side who are decent posters, like Gibsonator. [/quote] He is a treasure.
  3. [quote name='Lurunin' timestamp='1342238418' post='3009963'] honestly was thinking you guys were going to be late to the party...i was expecting you around 15min ago [/quote] But we're here now Lurunin.
  4. [quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1341552415' post='3004599'] As per our normal policy which we have had in every war since karma, I would just like to officially note that any Viridian nation who accepts these terms will be placed on our ZI list until their sentence is fulfilled.[/quote] I highly doubt you'll be able to deliver on that promise, they'll all be signing up to join MK now.
  5. Oooooooh! Spank me! I like the theme, we should hook up sometime... nudge nudge.....wink wink.....
  6. [quote name='WarriorConcept' timestamp='1341164269' post='3001231'] .....so why not just enjoy the fun? Lord knows we complain enough about boredom throughout peace. [/quote] Ne’er a truer word was spoken.
  7. And did those feet in ancient times, walk upon Viridia's mountain green? They did, and they were TIO's.
  8. [quote name='Buds The Man' timestamp='1334872339' post='2955899'] Is this where you ended up Khan I will have to retract my previous statement and wish nuclear fire upon you all. <3 me some Khan [/quote] Bring it! Good to see you again.
  9. [quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1334764948' post='2955344'] We will not give in. [/quote] Has it occurred to you that you're not really dragging down Kaskus/Mongols at all? The real damage you're inflicting is on your allies who look totally ridiculous supporting you.
  10. [quote name='Buds The Man' timestamp='1334417230' post='2953155'] Congrats Scorp and TIO keep on keeping on. [/quote] Watch out for this guy Scorp, I hear he's a stalker...
  11. [quote name='sir pwnage' timestamp='1302657877' post='2689780'] SPLITTERS! If it isn't already (I didn't read that far), the military needs to be called the Crack Suicide Squad. [/quote] As long as the Centurion leading the charge is called Bigus Dickus. Best theme ever.
  12. You should dump NoR and \m/ from your 5 remaining allies before forging ahead.
  13. [quote name='Cyphon88' timestamp='1301524575' post='2680927'] To be fair, Asgaard would be ahead of Legacy in the queue.[/quote] But still [i]waaaay[/i] behind me... Interesting treaty, congrats to all.
  14. I tip my hat to PC for saving ROK the embarrassment of [b]not[/b] having to surrender! Too funny.
  15. [quote name='lonewolfe2015' timestamp='1299792468' post='2659027'] This is really no surprise to some of us. While every sphere has its problems, to be on Maroon you have to play everything one way. I'll let everyone here figure out what way that is. [/quote] Agreed. And it's time for those that do actually care about the Maroon sphere to speak out, this crap has gone on far too long.
  16. [quote name='SpacingOutMan' timestamp='1299787600' post='2658893'] That is the convenience of hindsight. 35 minutes before update, Gibs queried Sam asking what was going on. Sam told him "we can't do way because of xyz". Then The Brain jumps in after having explicitly told us that they were not going in that night. It doesn't get any more clearer regarding that major gaff in communication.[/quote] I'm sure I'm not dreaming, but wasn't this presented as some [i]major[/i] event earlier in this thread? I'm pretty sure it was and I'm wondering just how much bickering you people have been responsible for, this crap needs to stop, it's just embarrassing. It really isn't a big deal, to suggest otherwise is just laughable. [quote name='SpacingOutMan' timestamp='1299787600' post='2658893'] Why, because our allies actually support us through the good and the bad? We have talked to our allies and they have made their opinions clear. It is not necessary, nor does it change the fact that we would still be in Chestnut in essence (similar to how Fark is essentially still in SF!). [/quote] Well your allies in this case would be your Maroon allies, specifically your CA's allies, I couldn't care about any other allies you have as this thread concerns the CA's. I find it very hard to believe that all the Maroon alliances support your recent actions, I really do. I fear you're about to bring the whole house of cards crashing down, I'd rather see you leave before that happens quite frankly.
  17. [quote name='SpacingOutMan' timestamp='1299786670' post='2658870'] It didn't end up mattering because The Brain went in [i]anyways[/i]. It was more so the fact that they didn't tell us anything was up until the very last possible moment. And we weren't the only ones going in; Legacy and RnR were also preparing to go in as well.[/quote] So what was all the fuss about earlier? It seems that some from CSN have been making a mountain out of a molehill on this point. If they tell you they have a problem, you wait until the matter is resolved. [quote name='SpacingOutMan' timestamp='1299786670' post='2658870'] Not in particular, no. MDoAP with TTK. MDoAP with GOD. SF! with GOD. MDoAP with RIA. SF! with RIA. We only don't have a treaty with CRAP, but we stay pretty close with them anyways. If our allies feel our actions put them in disrepute, then they can, by the articles expressed in the Chestnut Accords, put us up for a vote of expulsion. This has been made clear. [/quote] I'm actually advocating you leaving on your own accord, saving your allies the unenviable task of actually having to expel you.
  18. [quote name='Liz Girard' timestamp='1299786454' post='2658863'] Last time I checked, one person is not SF. There is no "they". [/quote] So who is that one person then?
  19. [quote name='Van Hoo III' timestamp='1299786070' post='2658856'] Liz, that is a complete and total lie and you know it. RoK asked what SF wanted from them, and [b]they[/b] demanded that they drop NoR and Polar. RoK asked what would happen if they didn't and they were told that SF would be forced to put RoK up for possible expulsion ... RoK decided to leave instead. That isn't opinion, that is fact. I have no idea why you of all people would come here and say otherwise. [/quote] Who is "they" (bolded above in your quote)? P.S. I still hate you.
  20. [quote name='SpacingOutMan' timestamp='1299785478' post='2658834'] That is not my fault that your internal communication was botched. The fact is that the message was relayed to us at the last possible moment; we wouldn't have even known had we not messaged you. That is our beef with this entire ordeal.[/quote] I'm confused. If the guy you spoke to said he had information that would put a halt on the war at their end, why did you not wait? [quote name='SpacingOutMan' timestamp='1299785557' post='2658838'] We'd still remain a pseudo-bloc, so it really doesn't matter either way. [/quote] Yes it does. Considering that the maroon spirit is all but dead, and CSN has effectively bought the entire bloc into disrepute with your recent actions, don't you think the right thing to do would be to withdraw from the CA's?
  21. [quote name='SpacingOutMan' timestamp='1299780468' post='2658730']It's not even like Chestnut is that active [i]anyways[/i]. [/quote] So why don't you withdraw from the CA's then? If they're as good as dead why are you still a member?
  22. [quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1299777571' post='2658642'] This isn't going to happen. [/quote] Okay, let's make it the end of the month then... no! I want it to happen by the end of the week!!! Grrr..
  23. With any luck SF's as a bloc will cease to exist by the end of the week.
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