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Everything posted by TwistedRebelDB47

  1. Thanks for your support, TFO! We love that you guys wanted to be in this fight as much as we do, and we thank you for sticking it out on the battle field. We won't leave you hanging!
  2. I like this a lot. I think what should be taken into account is an additional column for nations in peace mode. Most alliances are going at about 50% peace mode rates at least, so makes it all the more impressive for the alliances in green.
  3. You know, I really do like that our boys at Mushroom Kingdom, Umbrella and Kronos have come in to make this more fun. Can we hear some more bawwing yet, TPF?
  4. Well would you look at the time? Time for Valhalla to die.
  5. You know mhawk, it really is so cute that you want to be friends. How about you take a seat at the little pink table and play with the EZ Bake with Dark Templar and us? I heard Archon was bringing the 'shrooms tonight.
  6. Archon, I couldn't ask for anything better than to fight beside your incredible alliance. Kill, kill, kill, murda, murda, murda.
  7. I'm terrified at the moment. Will you accept surrender at this time?
  8. Maybe the rest of TPF and allies should grow some balls like J here and have some goddamned fun.
  9. Show me somewhere we haven't followed our treaty word for word. As a TPF protectorate we fought against NoV, FCO, CSN and USN. As a Valhalla, GGA, RoK and MA treaty partner we fought against Nueva Vida and Atarax. As a Dark Templar treaty partner, we are fighting against TPF and a loophole filled NAP written by them. I don't know, you should ask TPF why after working for months to destroy us and later putting us under surrender terms they would hand this over to us. Then after signing, repeatedly violate the first clause over and over. Before there are any more responses from TPF, I would like to see an answer to this question.
  10. Back up y'all, it ain't me, Kentucky Fried Chicken is all that I see, It's a hellified way to start your day! So that's what that puddle was outside of Toto's door..
  11. Now Gantanx, you know we would never make a rash decision. I love you too much for that. Maybe you and your ministers should read the Bus Doctrine thread, and then read the first line of the treaty. Sounds like some hostile actions to me, sweetcheeks. This post wins the thread. Mhawk knew exactly what was in his treaty when he wrote it. We just beat him to the punch on using his own clause.
  12. Holy casualties! Chefjoe, I'm not going to give up my #1 spot to you easy. Also, I enjoy taking on Valhalla.. though ideally I was hoping I could fight our brothers at NEW. Been too long since we flexed our muscles with the Indo's!
  13. Good luck, Zenith! Show those Pink Clams how truly weak they are! I get ZI'd, then I get up again, ain't never gonna keep me down.
  14. Kick $@! and take names. If we make it out alive, we should get familiar again. I've liked working with y'all again recently.
  15. Ooorah, Poison Clan! I don't care if we go to ZI, buy back to 1k infra to buy a few more nukes, and go back to ZI 100 times, but we will keep nuking the Phoenix Federation until it crawls off the battlefield begging that this ends. Even then, the nukes will keep raining until they blot out the sun and all you can do is accept the Poison.
  16. Who is URSA? I sure hope everyone knows this crucial neutral information!
  17. Absolutely pathetic! Go run home with your tail between your legs.
  18. Leave them with nothing, Athens, and don't stop there. Just keep pressing.
  19. Give them hell. The giant falls tonight.
  20. And I ran, I ran so far away. I just ran, I ran all night and day. I couldn’t get away.
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