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Everything posted by TwistedRebelDB47

  1. Ask The Phoenix Federation and Valhalla if we have been fighting. We followed the terms we were forced to accept. Terms forced down our throats after surrender terms. Surrender terms brought upon us with no reason and no proof besides the typical NPO-backed front of "disrespecting you." You pushed non-existent accusations down our throats and convinced our allies to cancel on us and run off. Today we continue to push reality down your throat like the oil pushed down Troy Barlow's throat in We Three Kings. Drink our Poison, !@#$%*es. I will fight until there's nothing left in my nation. I say that in confidence that the rest of Poison Clan believes the same. You have wronged us one time too many.
  2. kar⋅ma    /ˈkɑrmə/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [kahr-muh] Show IPA –noun 1. Hinduism, Buddhism. action, seen as bringing upon oneself inevitable results, good or bad, either in this life or in a reincarnation: in Hinduism one of the means of reaching Brahman. Compare bhakti (def. 1), jnana. 2. Theosophy. the cosmic principle according to which each person is rewarded or punished in one incarnation according to that person's deeds in the previous incarnation. 3. fate; destiny. 4. the good or bad emanations felt to be generated by someone or something. Reference: www.dictionary.com The Phoenix Federation will get what it deserves for spending over a year with a sole goal of destroying our alliance. They brought this upon themselves. Their destruction is their destiny.
  3. Good lord, you need to roll that hard six. Let a few more protectorates die while you're at it, will you?
  4. Hey, we followed the terms to the letter. Tell me where we didn't. Is the type of ridicule we got in November deserved? Die, TPF, die! I wish there isn't a smoldering rock left of your alliance. My personal hopes are that you never, ever get peace after one year of attempting to ZI us. Don't pretend it was just Slayer, because you carried it on just as far as he did. Fortunate for you we are led by a generous man in Chinatownbus who will let you off easier than I ever would.
  5. The Forsaken Ones and Internet Superheroes were the nail and RAD was the hammer. Your coffin is closed. Blame it on the chicken or the egg. Either way, you were born and died fighting the allies of Poison Clan defending all that is pathetic in TPF. Doesn't matter who did it to you, 'cause both RAD, IS and TFO are worth more than you are considering you entered the fight with a nuke, NS, and membership number advantage and STILL lost. Your alliance surrendered. If you want more of a fight, go ahead and break terms. I am ready. Let's make sure you don't exist if you do break what you've signed.
  6. My version? My version is the fact that TSI ran from the battlefield while fighting The Forsaken Ones and Internet Superheroes at the thought of fighting RAD. I heard Avalon wants to die beside TPF. That can be arranged.
  7. TFO crushed Soldier, Terra Prime, and TSI. 'Nuff said. Shame on you, TSI, for upholding the ideals of a pathetic alliance like TPF. Kevin Cash is no better than TPF for attempting to crush a defenseless alliance like Poison Clan for no better reason than leaving the alliance for political differences over one year after the a conflict arose.
  8. You're a little late. RAD already DoW'd. Avalon lasted longer than your alliance and the threat of RAD. Hey, I heard RAD was coming for TSI again. Maybe you should hide under that rock again?
  9. The thought of RAD made your alliance surrender. How does it feel? Threatened to have you rolled by MDP's? Maybe you should learn how the treaty web works. We realized it wasn't worth our protectorate eating worthless damage, so we we made an internal decision to have RAD roll the $%&@ out of your alliance. You folded like an old lawn chair. If it weren't for Shuru, I'd have no respect for your alliance whatsoever, 'cause you and everyone else down the chain from Tokugawa down are just hilarious to listen to crying. Its so so funny, when I'm drunk like right now, all I can do is laugh. Shuru is all that keeps you from being a laughingstock of the whole damn world. Bawww.. we defended a terrible alliance in TPF and got rolled.. its not faaaiiiirrrr... . You made a miserable decision signing a treaty with a pathetic alliance in The Phoenix Federation. Pay for the decisions you've made. At least your leader acknowledged this mistake to some extent and surrendered. Time for Avalon to find this revelation. Until that time, we'll FORCE it.
  10. Sir William, Joker, and Archon are three of those most amazing people I've had the opportunity to work with this war. I hope it won't end after this war ends either.
  11. We don't have the smaller nations required to get coverage on the tiny Avalon nations nipping at our ankles. TFO, it's glad to have you back in the fight. So far Soldier, Terra Prime and The Sasori Initiative have folded to you, a fourth will be nice.
  12. Man, I wish other alliances would understand this point as well. Have I said lately how much I like MK? Just 'cause you signed a treaty and got pulled into a war cause your partner went bat !@#$ insane and attacked someone for no reason, doesn't mean you deserve white peace. Especially when you've rolled with them the past few years without question. Everyone of the 1V crowd + gang deserves to fight until NPO gets peace. And honestly, I hope NPO doesn't see terms until less than 5% of their alliance is in peace mode. I'm sure everyone remembers the declaration they've made to opponents about sitting out wars in peace mode..
  13. Says the alliance that ran from the war before the week was up. I hope you are enjoying purchasing infra again. I hear its a LOAD of fun. Point is, don't walk into a thread talking about how we should have handled our surrender terms to Valhalla when you aren't holding up your own end. The hypocrisy he's choking on is muffling the words coming out of his mouth.
  14. Regardless, there's no doubt that both parties have wronged the world in their own significant ways. You should have stuck with the war on TPF or forced reps, otherwise you have no right to say much here.
  15. The same could be said about the white peace your alliance gave to a significantly worse menace to this planet in The Phoenix Federation. Check yo'self before you wreck yo'self.
  16. It was a great fight, Valhalla. I couldn't have asked for a better war than two rounds of dancing with Chefjoe, especially the first round fighting Tronix and Lord Philip as well. Glad to have peace so we can focus on the real enemies. Also, time to reclaim my casualty throne.
  17. This one has twice the badass. Roll, RAD, roll!
  18. Watch out Avalon, you're about to get RADrolled. God, I love my Pink sistas.
  19. Please read this post: HERE. What would you rather have? TSI wanted to fight for 3-4 more days. These are our options: 1. We allow our protectorates IS and TFO to continue losing significant damage alone until TSI calls it quits. 2. We ask our brothers at RAD to help us, and we force TSI to eat unneeded significant damage, helping save IS and TFO damage. 3. We tell TSI that RAD is coming to IS and TFO's defenses, and we save IS, TFO and TSI damage. It wasn't a threat. It was a please let's make this decision soon and end the carnage, because I regret us allowing TFO and IS into this fight and being unable to defend them when they were hit back.
  20. I think its best for TSI, TFO and IS if the war ends sooner. If it means calling our allies to end that front, it means just that. We didn't forcefully oppress terms - by then I don't believe terms were even really on the table other than an agreement to tech deals instead of reps. I just let Shuru know what was pre-planned from the past 24 hours in an act of good faith. If you want to twist it into some kind of extortion attempt, be my guest I suppose. Ejay, how does that look like a proposal? That looks like an alliance that is new to the art of negotiations feeling their way through their first surrender, looking at past history of what their previous alliances have seen, and wondering what's changed from just six months ago in the Coalition war.
  21. "Yes, I saw the logs. Ejayrazz did too. So did TSI, but back then it was okay and people didn't mind." I think he means you saw the logs as well.
  22. It's funny how lies are perpetuated over and over again once its mentioned, and nothing to the contrary is acknowledged. Such is CN today. My query with Shurukian with irrelevant lines taken out: [12:33] <Shurukian[TSI]> I think if we have to give TFO 13-15k straight up with no money for it, Karma might come knocking at your door. XDDD [12:36] <Twisted|Away> Haha well, I want to let TFO learn and go through the process as well.. they are a good bunch, and getting that experience is crucial. I'll talk to him later either way. And I thought it was some 13k tech in tech deals? [12:37] <Shurukian[TSI]> Nahhh, Jens thinks it's for free. [12:38] <Twisted|Away> I thought Jens got it when he entered with: [12:38] <Twisted|Away> [11:31] <Jensofthedesert[TFO]> I guess we are up for the cheap tech deals for us [12:38] <Shurukian[TSI]> I got this- [12:39] <Shurukian[TSI]> 13:21… Jensofthedesert[TFO]: Shouldn'y we technically be getting it free? If "Shouldn't we technically be getting it free?" is demanding 13k in tech reps for free, then damn. Color me pink and do me twice. If you don't believe me, which I'm sure most won't, go ask Shuru. After speaking to her, I think she would validate these logs. I don't want to have to go through the process of taking a screenshot and all that. 1. I'll just leave this blank. 2. The Forsaken Ones are an alliance of 40, and Internet Superheroes are an alliance of 12. They fought three alliances, Soldier, Terra Prime, and the Sasori Initiative totaling well over 200 members and fought these three alliances each to an end with the help of two-three Poison Clan members. They had an NS, membership, and nuclear weapons disadvantage. They took about as good a walloping as TSI if not worse. That's profiteering? 3. Honorable is not asking for reps in war? How much in reps did your alliance receive in the Coalition war? 4. If you reference this post HERE you will see that there was never mention of any figures whatsoever. We would never ask for an alliance to disband. Not even The Phoenix Federation, despite their best efforts to force our own disbandment and Slayer's repeated allusions to it and other talks of our political isolation. You can run your smear campaigns. Bottom line is that both of these alliances fought an uphill battle for well over a week with no backup. You talk like TSI has no ability to pay 150 tech for $3 million.. neither The Forsaken Ones nor the Internet Superheroes can really afford to pay $3m for 100 tech at this point either. A full salute to two fine protectorates who absolutely stunned me against all odds. It was nice working with TSI during the negotiations tonight as well and I gained a new found liking to the crew that was in the channel. Shuru, don't forget to mention I let you know RAD was joining the party to ensure you would get out quicker..
  23. I'm sorry to see you go, Terra Prime. I know you guys were good opponents for our protectorates, The Forsaken Ones. An attack on a Poison Clan protectorate is an attack on Poison Clan. It's as simple as that. They are like members of our alliance minus the alliance tag. I do believe that Terra Prime declared on The Forsaken Ones, and besides one Poison Clan declaration, there was no other counter declarations on your alliance. I'm not quite sure where this conspiracy theory you have is coming from.. I think Chinatownbus covered everything with the logs.
  24. Would have been nice to hear about this before reading it on the boards. Regardless, a state of war continues between Terra Prime and Poison Clan, The Forsaken Ones, and Internet Superheroes.
  25. Are you trying to say that the calls of "chicken" fueled some kind of extra push to your fight? I sure hope not, because despite facing Chefjoe, TRON IX, and Lord Philip as well as three Phoenix nations, this war has been a breeze. Lord Philip: 17k infra -> 10.4k infra Chefjoe: 10k infra -> 4.2k infra TRON IX: 11k infra -> 3.5k infra Fighting six wars, I went from 5.8k infra to under 1k infra a pair of times, and still had the balance of wins against all six opponents. Oh, and don't forget TRON IX began turtling after the first nuke. The "mighty Valhalla warrior." I have experienced the phenomenon. I was shocked.. at how easy this war has been. I can only imagine this war had you not been given the opportunity to get pumped up. :lol:
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