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Justinian the Mighty

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Everything posted by Justinian the Mighty

  1. As said before the Slavorussian government, the true governemnt of the lands of western Russia wishes to discuss the matter in the near future. For now though we will see how the world judges your rule illegal though it may be. ooc: I don't believe in the whole rebellion thing when other people are currently using the land to rp on. I feel it would set a dangerous precedent that could eventually be used on myself one day, something I'd like to avoid happening. If they were less active then it would be a little different.
  2. ooc: for the record I would treat anyone who created a country in Western russia this way, because until recently that is where I have rped since I started rping 2.5 years ago. I don’t care who you side with and many of my friends as you see could care less as well. Taking Nordland’s side only makes it easier for me.
  3. Mariehamm's cause is just. Nordland has grown into an even more evil entity than it ever was before. They invade nations, then partition up their land and give it away to the highest bidder. Your illegal occupation of Slavorussia's easternmost provinces is an issue the exiled Slavorussian Imperial Government wishes to discuss in the near future.
  4. Yes, if the Slavorussians were terrorists thugs and pirates, then yes their actions would have been justified. ooc: I cant believe I said that.
  5. We're beginning to believe the Helzan supports the NC's actions in Europe. In the past weeks The Helzan has done little but flip flop around on the issue of the NC and it's actions.
  6. We believe Mariehamm is doing this for more than a “piece of dirt and a building” the government of Mariehamm is watching as the NC systematically invaded and destroys the history, language and other cultural aspects of the nations they attack. They’ve seen the NC unjustly invade country after country, with paper thin evidence supporting their case, and without even attempting to use diplomatic channels prior to their invasions. For those reasons and countless more, the Central Asian Federation supports Mariehamm’s current course of action.
  7. The Evil Empire has fired the first shots in handfuls of previous wars. Refusing to fire the first shots in next war does little to improve your reputations. Right your wrongs, and no one will have to fire any shots.
  8. We the government of the CAF were under the impression that peace and diplomacy had prevailed. Sadly, as usual countries around the world continue beating on a dead horse.
  9. ooc: why do you guys have to come in and rain on my parade?
  10. ooc: Slavs or at least the Slavo-Russians aren't nordic. End of story, that’s all she wrote, game over. The Slavo-Russians are strongly anti-nord, not because its a "race" or "ethnicity" because their core ideals glorify fascism, ultra-nationalism, and imperialism, and this was all before the invasion of Slavorussia. Slavorussians do not speak the blanket language or Nordland, and a lot of people would probably reject any notion that they would learn the language, especially with the Imperial Family assuring the people that the Slavorussian government will return someday.
  11. A statement released by the Slavorussian Imperial Family: Peace cannot be achieved until the wrongs of the Nordic Confederacy have been righted. When the ancient fallen republics, kingdoms and empires of Europe have been restored to their former glory, the healing process can begin. Over the years dozens of nations have fallen to the Evil Empire’s vicious armies. Lubeck, Gebiv and Slavorussia are just a few of the many nations that have been abused and conquered by the evil figures that rule the Nordlandic nations. Someday your vision of a peaceful world may be realized, but not before the wrongs of the NC have been fixed, and made right again.
  12. We would be delighted to exchange ambassadors with Azerbaijan. President Akhmetov has appointed, Igor Bakiyev, as the official Ambassador to Azerbaijan. President Akhmetov, and the council have voted in favor of the CAF joining the Dragon Bloc. We hope this will be the beginning of a long and healthy relationship between all our countries.
  13. “Peace, true peace can and will return to Europe someday. The nations of the Evil Empire must first be taught the ways of peace, how to reason with their neighbors, and use diplomacy to achieve their goals. What the Evil Empire does now is invade the nations of Europe, corrupt their allies and steal the land which has never belonged to them They tell native peoples they are nordlandic, when they are not. They lie, steal, cheat and murder to meet their goals, and as long as these practices remain indoctrinated in the Evil Empire’s foreign and domestic policies there can never be real peace in Europe.” -Dowager Empress Maria Romanov-Zagwe, Empress Regent of the Slavorussian Empire.
  14. ooc: Hmm, you're probably right, this would fit better in the other forum.
  15. It’s late evening in Moscow, the setting sun turns the twilight sky shades of pink, red and orange. The Kremlin is buzzing with activity, only a few hours ago Slavorussia had declared war on China Town, a nation in the far east, bordering Slavorussia’s Siberian territories. In a few moments the Slavorussia armed forces would be crossing the border, and launching their first attacks. As Premier Belyakov enters the war room a myriad of military officials, cabinet members and other high ranking officials salute the Premier. “Good evening Your Excellecny” says one of the Generals as the Vladimir takes his position at the head of the table. “Missile strikes will begin in 15 minutes.” Vladimir sits down and lights a cigarette, only taking one drag before setting it in a nearby ashtray, “Good evening gentlemen. We‘ve planned for this moment for quite some time. The Chinese have attacked our allies in central Asia, and tonight we‘ll make them rethink that enormous mistake. Are the Iberians prepared to attack?” “Da, Premier Belyakov, the Iberians are in place to attack along with us. We will invade from the north and the Iberians will invade from the west.” “Good. Gentlemen the Tsar is on the phone right now. He wants to be sure everything is prepared. I‘m going to put him on speaker now.” Vladimir reaches over to the speaker in the center of the table, and presses a button, “Your Majesty are you there?” “Yes, Prime Minister, how are you tonight?” “I‘m fine, and how is Your Majesty?” “Good, very good, thank you Prime Minister. Is everything set to go?” “Yes Your Majesty, we’ll be read to move in 10 minutes. General Belyakov tells me we have not only the element of surprise, but overpowering numbers, as well as better equipment and training. Tonight should go smoothly for us.” “Good, good. Well gentlemen I just wanted to check and be sure everything is in order. Good night gentlemen. God bless the Empire!” Moments later Slavorussia missiles were rushing on their way toward their targets. Within the first minutes of the attack the Chinese radar systems in the northern regions were completely knocked out by Slavorussian missiles. With their radar disabled Slavorussian aircraft unleash their devastating payload on their targets in China. With their Northern armies crushed by Slavorussian air strikes, ground forces rush the border and capture towns, cities and other important locations with relative ease. The next morning Vladimir sits at his desk reading the papers. The headlines highlight the successes of last nights operations, and praise Premier Belyakov’s government for defending Slavorussia’s allies. Suddenly there’s a frantic knock at the door. Before Vladimir can respond the door open, and the Defense Minister walks in. His tie is hanging loosely around his neck, and his jacket looks as though it’s been put on inside out. The DM is sweating profusely and gasping for air as he tries to catch his breath. “Matas, you look like you’ve seen a ghost. Calm down then tell me what‘s wrong?” “Sir, our warning systems have detected a nuclear launch. Moscow seems to be the intended target.” Vladimir jumps out of his chair and runs to the door. “We have to evacuate the city!” “There‘s not enough time sir, we have to get you to the bunker right now. Your family is already there, and the Imperial Family left for St. Petersburg last night.” Vladimir walks to a window and takes a long look at the city. A thousand thoughts rushing through his head as he looks at the city. He knows Moscow will never look the same ever again. “May God have mercy on those poor souls, and ours.” ooc: I'm now a member of the Nuclear Anarchy Club.
  16. Will you be staying long? Should I brew some coffee or tea?
  17. Parties are welcome to use the Federation's capital, Astana for the meeting.
  18. Aw, they already have propaganda sigs, how adorable!
  19. Very, very true. I'm glad someone here is able to think for themselves, and not just repeat what already been said.
  20. ooc: If you just want along with the rp, instead of nitpicking ooc then we could enjoy ourselves more. I'm rping Slavorussia's government in exile and the surrender is illegal. I'm not pmming you guys saying "I wuntz mah landz bak plawks!" This is entirely ic, the purpose is to show the challenges faced by the imperial family fallowing their "fall from glory." In addition the time that elapsed between Slavorussia's surrender and the first post of this topic was less than a week. ooc: I'm not convinced you read the rp at all KM, nor the rp I posted a few hours after the surrender. She can only assume that NC soldiers held a gun to the Tsar's head, based on the facts she has been given. ooc: Reading comprehension is key here. She believes, but doesn't know for a fact that he was held at gun point. I believe in God, but do I know for fact that God really exists? No I don't, I’ll just have to wait and see. So before you go cursing at me make sure you’ve read and comprehended the text. Thank you.
  21. The words of Scolar Visari couldn’t be anymore true than they are right now. When Mariehamm invaded Gebiv to take their land they… wait… When Marieham eliminated the Andorians… no that’s not right When Mariehamm nuked the hansa… oh wait that’s not right either When Mariehamm invaded Slavorussia and occupied Moscow… no, that wasn’t Mariehamm either The CAF withdraws the original statement.
  22. We have no objections to imperial troops staying while aid is distributed.
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