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Justinian the Mighty

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Everything posted by Justinian the Mighty

  1. Read and comprehend please. Nobody is saying the DE leaders didn’t do their jobs. I'm saying, and i can only speak for myself, is that there wasn't any realistic rp put in place before. As I said its very unlikely so many countries would give up sovereignty to such an organization, when they don’t have similar cultures. Realism sometimes has an effect on rp, and DE wasn’t realistic. Thank you
  2. My point is most states/territories were not asked beforehand by the US government, or the European colonial governments to become part of the US/colony. We took them, sometimes we paid for them, sometimes we didn't. So everyone in the Dragon Empire didn't rp equally? Maybe I'm not using the right words. Everyone in the Dragon Empire was active, and shared the responsibilities, they didn’t make MV rp it all for them.
  3. The only locked countries I can think of is Triyun's. Jerrey has posted several times in this forum, and that voids the lock, and sumeragi just posted today so her lock is now void too.
  4. Reading comprehension is lacking on these boards I see. I said "everyone rped their states equally." What I mean by that is everyone was equally active, you didn't rp everything while all the others sat back and did nothing, until war came. So stop with the subtle insult's because you're not cute. As far as coming together for mutual protection/co-operation, that’s why countries make alliances, sign trade agreements, and work together on other social and technological projects. The Dragon Empire wasn’t like the U.N. I don’t even know why you’re comparing the two. Comparing it to the USA that annexed, bought or won land in wars. The USA didn’t go to the Native Americans and say “Hey guys join the USA, we have caek.” We didn’t say “hey Spain give us Florida pl0x” and we definitely didn’t ask Mexico for… anything. People don’t willingly give up their sovereignty like they did with the Dragon Empire.
  5. ^^I didn't know we had to give explanations. I answered No... my reason for that has been proven over and over in the past. People get lazy with mergers. The rp's are better, because mergers are gone, and everyone is forced to be accountable for their own chunk of land. Before mergers were removed, in most cases there's no rp behind the mergers, no cultural and historic similarities, and sometimes there not even located near each other on the planet. You see nations in North America merging with nations in Africa and Asia. Pacific based nations merging with countries in Europe and eventually it all becomes one big cluster smear. Like I said, it forces responsibility of all rper's not just one. For instance the issue with Triyun and all those NPO rper's who everyone said were just there to back up Triyun when there was a war. If they had been given the opportunity to merge with him their countries wouldn't have been purged in a timely manner, and he would have had a slew of other rper's to command when a war starts. Everyone says the Dragon Empire was a reasonable merger, no it wasn’t. There wasn’t any rp before these leaders just said "O hai, yah we'll join ur empirez for teh lulz." True everyone did rp their states equally, but if we were people living in these states, we would think to ourselves, "Lolwut?" I've heard that military power and tech wont stack, that’s dandy. but that doesn’t make up for those lazy people who are just merging to be allowed to keep their land, and only rp when their buddies need them. The only kind of merger I think should be allowed is when a player quits or rerolls and another neighboring player annexes their country, or one country invades another and occupies it. So basically the only good mergers are the ones that never happen.
  6. No, absolutely not. No, but thanks for asking. No mergers ever please. However you can reward our good behavior with free tech ingame ...lol, or not.
  7. ooc: probably because he traded his land in Russia for the Phoenix Empire. ic: We understand Germany's apprehension, at letting foreign investigators come and look into their internal affairs, but Germany shouldn't be crying that other countries are "sticking their ugly heads into the sovereign affairs of Germany" especially after thier invasion of Slavorussia and annexing over 90% of the country's territory.
  8. Communist party candidate Gennady Zyuganov, has taken some heat from his own party today for his comments about the NC occupation of Slavorussia. Mr. Zyuganov told Channel One reporters during a press conference that, “They (Nordic Confederacy) are animals, devoid of any human emotion or any sense of integrity. They‘ve brutally murdered hundreds of thousands of Gebivans, Andonians, Alvonians and Slavorussians for their own purposes.” He later stated that Novak and the Eastern Reich are puppet states created by Germany and other Nordic powers as an attempt to oppress millions of Slavorussians. He even went as far as to call Nordic leaders, “demons who plague the world with their evil and backward ideas.” Several communist party leaders who were also at the press meeting were visually uncomfortable while they listened to Zyuganov’s rant about Nordland, some even left the room. Communist leaders later asked him to retract his comments, and offer an apology to the Nordic people, Mr. Zyuganov outright refused. He says he’s not the least bit sorry for his comments. He’s only stating what other everyone in the country, and much of the world is thinking, and to offer an empty apology would just be more of in insult.
  9. ooc: I think I called the zombie virus silly and unlikely on several occasions, but it kept on going, so I chose to ignore it.
  10. ooc: I don't think this kind of thing is possible, but even if it was why would someone make themselves into a 12ft winged monster? People fear it and then try to kill it. Lets scale it back down to reality and leave the monster chairman to CNRPS
  11. Liberal-Democrats Candidate: Dmitry Medvedev Slavorussia’s Liberal-Democrats favor liberal positions. Candidate Medvedev and his party favor laborers and labor unions, much of there recent legislation was aimed at these two groups. Medvedev is opposed to unregulated business and finance, support the progressive income tax laws. He believes the it’s the government job to work toward ending poverty and social injustice. If elected Deputy Medvedev plans to overhaul the social security system, patching the holes left by former administrations for decades. That includes streamlining the healthcare system to eliminate unnecessary bureaucracy. He also supports new government funded programs aimed at improving the nations education system, and giving tax cuts to universities who accept a wide variety of ethnic students. Medvedev says his foreign policy will change dramatically compared to past administrations. He says he will end the “ethnic alliances” Slavorussia has been so accustomed to take part of in the past, fearing ethnic alliances only lead to wars, ethnic cleansing and violent retaliatory attacks from the loosing party. However when questioned if he had any plans to build relationships with Nordic nations, Mr. Medvedev did not comment. Communist Party of the Slavorussian Empire Candidate: Gennady Zyuganov Like the Liberal-Democrats the Communist Party favor liberal positions. They are self-proclaimed friends of the proletariat, heroes of the working class, and enemy of the bourgeoisie and Aristocratic class. Although small the communist party is appealing to the strong Anti-Nord sentiment burning throughout the country. Gennady Zyuganov, the party leader, believes the government should control all trade and business within Slavorussia, and then equally and fairly distribute the wealth to the citizens. Zyuganov describes his foreign policy as “tough but necessary.” He says if elected he plans on putting pressure on western nations to take action, real action to preserve the smothered cultures of Europe from being eliminated by enemies of freedom and peace. When asked who were the enemies he referring to he simply stated “Nordland.” Zyuganov’s says that Nordland is watering down the continent’s cultural and historical identity with a quasi-Germanic ideology that has no place in most of the regions Nordland has conquered, Slavorussia most of all. Both candidates agree that the key issues are national defense, especially in the wake of the invasion. Both Medvedev and Zyuganov say they can strengthen national defense measures, expand the army, air force and navy, while keeping government spending at reasonable levels.
  12. ooc: I was thinking about it, does that count? ic: Both sides in this conflict deserve to fail. Tsar Romanov betrayed his people and those he calls family, so its no surprise his own brother would now betray him.
  13. With Slavorussian oblasts regaining independence from the NC fallowing Slavorussia finds itself in dire need of a strong and capable leader to bring new light to the country. The murder of former Slavorussian Premier only minutes after he signed a document that effectively surrendered the entire Slavorussian Empire and all its assets to NC invaders, has created a void in the Slavorussian government. German investigators officially classified the Premier’s death as a suicide, caused by the failed defense campaigns in the north and southwest. One official comment was that, “Mr. Belyakov‘s inability to lead the country and the reality of his impending arrest and trial for crimes against the Slavorussian people drove him to murder his wife and himself. Case closed.” Vladimir Belyakov, had a long and distinguished career serving his country, but his life was cut short before he could peform his greatest duty as head of the Imperial Government. He had served as Deputy Premier to former Premier Viktoryia Kolesnikov. When Lady Kolesnikov resigned, for health reasons, just one day before Slavorussia was invaded, Primier Belyakov was left to defend the honor and integrity of not only Slavorussia, but all of Europe. His untimely death has left the government without a strong leader, but several newcomers have announced their candidacy for the vacant office in the wake of German withdrawl from Moscow. One of these men is Dmitry Medvedev. A relative newcomer to the Slavorussian political scene, Medvedev was elected to 1 term in the Imperial State Duma in 2000. He was later appointed to several positions within the executive branch of government, including Deputy Prime Minister, in early April. Born in St. Petersburg in 1965, if elected Medvedev would be the youngest man to serve as Prime Minister in over a century. Running as a Liberal-Democrat, Mr. Medvedev seems to be the most likely choice for to fill the office. Prominent Slavorussians like, Prince Andrius Radziwill of Lithuania, Former Premier Viktoryia Kolesnikov, and several members of the Imperial Family have publicly endorsed Mr. Medvedev and made contributions to his campaign fund. Medvedev’s main competition in the upcoming emergency election is the Communist party’s Gennady Zyuganov. A devoted communist and one of the country’s most outspoken Anti-Nordic Confederacy proponents, Zyuganov aims to restore the people’s faith in the government. While many of his campaign promises are similar to Medvedev’s, he says the difference is “He (Medvedev) is a rookie, he has no idea how to run a government. I have nothing against Mr. Medvedev, but he‘s just not experienced enough to run this country during what is definitely its darkest hour.” With a very short time to campaign both candidates are going to have to work hard in the next few days to really stress the core values of each campaign platform, a task that is easier said than done.
  14. I think it matters. They're not tiny ponds, they're large lakes that should be represented on the map. When you look at real world map you'll be able to see all the major lakes in the world.
  15. Are major bodies of water going to be added later on? I noticed the only thing on the map are the Oceans and large seas. It's missing things like the Great Lakes in North America, Lakes Ladoga and Onega in Russia, Lake Balkhash and the Aral sea in Kazakhstan, African Great Lakes and so on.
  16. Fresh to the scene and already allied to some very respected countries. Your Foreign Affairs team must be top notch!
  18. ooc: Yes, yes that was what everyone assumed would happen.
  19. I don't think we need a formula and a scale for infra. It's starting to get a little out of hand now. We can generalize like this: Nations below a certain number of infra are developing 3rd world. Nations above that line are developed 1st world. Pick a number to draw the line at and BAM! Ladies and gentlemen we have an infra scale.
  20. ooc: No Eastern Reich was a country in the far east of Slavorussia. Not a general term for occupied Slavorussia. Edit: the player has been banned btw.
  21. Like what the NC is currently doing to Russian nations? How interesting.
  22. It certainly would be, considering Tahoe would likely be viewed as imperialist. For a country who opposes Eurasian occupation in the west you would look like a bunch of hypocrates.
  23. That's not quite what happened. Greedy Germany, Nordheim and CSSR get to keep what they stole. ooc edit: oops thats classified. ignore this post please.
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