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Justinian the Mighty

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Everything posted by Justinian the Mighty

  1. Establishment of the Temporary Autonomous Region of New Slavorussia President Akhmetov and the People’s council along with members of the Slavorussian Imperial Family reached a stunning agreement today. The Federal Government agreed to grant the Imperial Family jurisdiction over the Kostanay and North Kaz provinces, where the over 500,000 Slavorussian refugees are now living. The president commented that “today is another great example of how far socialist governments and monarchies have grown over the past century. Our Federation is proof that two groups of people with different ideals can work together if they keep an open mind towards one another.” Critics of the federal government claim this is a dangerous step toward hereditary rule in Central Asia, something that many citizens are vehemently opposed to. Some seem to thing the merging of the socialist parties of Central Asia and Eastern Europe was in reality a grab for power by prominent Eastern European refugees, and it was by their influence alone that Autonomous was formed. The president has refused to comment on these allegations.
  2. Today President Akhmetov and the Council of Ministers approved the final designs for the Flag and Coat of Arms of the Central Asian Federation. After reviewing a mountain of submissions, by dozens of artists the President is confident the government has chosen a flag that appropriately define the nation. Flag of the Central Asian Federation The pattern represents the art and cultural traditions of the Kazakh people. The light blue background stands for the various Turkic peoples who make up a majority of the Federations population. The sun represents the source of life and energy. The eagle symbolizes the power of the state. Coat of Arms of the Central Asian Federation In other news President Akhmetov welcomed the Empress Regent of the Slavorussian Empire to the Federation today in a ceremony outside the Presidential Palace. Over one thousand well wishers came out to greet the Regent and attend the ceremony. The President and the Regent hoped to meet and discuss the situation of the roughly 500,000 Slavorussian refugees in the Kostanay and North Kaz provinces.
  3. Not with me smack dab in the middle of it. the CAF declares war on ASW! :jihad: No I'm Kidding. On a serious Note the Central Asian Federation's territories are.. Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan Uzbekistan Provinces: Toshkent Viloyati Namangan Viloyati Farg'ona Viloyati Andijon Viloyati Kazakhstan provinces: North Kaz Akmola Karagandy Zhambyl Kostanay South Kaz Aktobe Kyzylorda
  4. The exiled Slavorussian government in the CAF does not recognize the Slavic Kingdom of Novak. When the Tsar is back on the throne we shall meet with the leaders of this rebellion and end it permanently.
  5. ooc: KM you and the rest of Nordland have forced the Nordic ways on the cultures of Europe. Most recently the Russians/Slavs who don't consider themselves Nords and in Slavorussia's case, the people there hate fascism, and extreme nationalism. If you guys rp'ed the occupation realistically you would be fighting a very serious civil war in Russia right now. The monarchy may not have been perfect, but Fascist and nationalistic it was most certainly not. I think thats all I have to say about that.
  6. Cent gave back all the land that was annexed along the Caspian Sea if I remember correctly, she can have that. If she doesn’t want it then I'll take it. If I cant take it then I'll blow up the world so nobody can have it. Don’t ask how I plan to do that, I haven’t thought that far ahead.
  7. This moment has been noted as the greatest moment in recent German history. For the first time in recent memory Germany actually intends to end something diplomatically. Congratulations you're moving up in the world.
  8. ooc: the Regent is the Tsar's mother, so the Regent is a she, not a he.
  9. The exiled Slavorussian government, who still considers itself in a state of war with Nordland supports Mariehamm in their mission to defend their land from the Nordic invasion. In the CAF the Slavorussian refugees cheer, but caution the people and government of Mariehamm, the Nords goddmod are formidable opponents. In contrast the CAF government has no statement at this time.
  10. Message from the Regent of the Slavorussian Empire: Once again the nations of the Evil Empire have turned on those they once called friends. It has become abundantly apparent that the nations of Nordland, now more than ever, lack civility, integrity and respect for their neighbors. The Nords are now embarking on a campaign of ethnic cleansing throughout Europe, forcefully converting millions of Europeans to their ridiculous ideals, and liquidating those who refuse. Once again Nordland has been successful in removing another prominent European family, who reject Nordland’s ways, from their ancestral homelands. We can only pray that through the grace of God the Evil Empire shall fall, and true peace shall return to Europe, not peace that is achieved at gunpoint.
  11. The way I see it is, if Sumer can do this then I can claim Fall Barbarossa never happened and I get Slavorussia back. That’s the example that I feel you're setting for other people in cnrp, and it'll probably only have a bad outcome.
  12. Most of that belongs to the Central Asian Federation. What am I supposed to do now?
  13. My country's stats: Tech- 1,805.68 Infra- 7,309.99 Land- 2,177.424
  14. ooc: You said I could claim that land as the CAFSR or CAF for short. I know I said it was ugly, but beggers can't be choosers.
  15. "As stated before the surrender was illegal. All decisions require the signature of Head of State (Tsar) and the head of Government (Prime Minister). Although the issue has never come up before in our history, that does include surrender of all government assets. The Head of State and Government can never be one and the same person, especially if the Prime Minister is not a royal. Therefore there is no need to create a new state and declare war, because the war is still ongoing, and Slavorussia still exists." "Your surrender terms were ridiculous and imperialistic. The world knew and we had them at our side. It is my firm belief that some Nordic soldier held a gun to my son's head and forced him to relenquish his powers to Premier Belyakov. However any good Slavorussian taking high school level civics would know what I've stated before. Without the both signature of the Head of State and Government surrender is impossible." "Nordland was in a constant state of war with nations around the world. With Nordland in power war was a constant reality in Europe. The invasion of Confederate Tion pushed us to take drastic measures, but before we could begin the diplomatic process Nordland's ally Belka invades Slavorussia, fallowed by Nordic and Rebel Army soldiers. The war began because of Nordland's lust for blood and conquest, not vice versa. If the quest was to destroy RUSSIAN, then why did you only invade Slavorussia, why not Vaule and the Northern Empire? Your logic has far too many holes in it."
  16. The Slavorussian Imperial family, rather what’s left of it arrives in Northern Dragonisia by train. After Traveling through Russia and Central Asia, all the while hiding from the NC for fear of execution, the family is exhausted. Just hours before his death Premier Belyakov had negotiated with the Dragonisian government to house the Imperial family until the end of the war. Little did he know their stay would be more permanent than they had hoped for. Upon crossing the border into Northern Dragonisia the Imperial Family receives word that the Prime Minister and his wife are dead, Slavorussian MP’s have been systematically assassinated and Catherine Palace where the Tsar was stationed had been overrun by NC soldiers. The rest of the ride is somber and quiet. It now seemed as thought they would never be able to return home. At the train station the Tsar’s mother gives a piece of paper to her attendant. The next day the letter is mailed to all the governments of the world, newsrooms, newspapers, magazines, and even posted on dozens of internet sites. Greetings nations of the world, You may not know me, but you undoubtedly know my son, Tsar Justinian of Slavorussia. I have learned of the surrender of the Slavorussian Empire, and the circumstances surrounding it. It would be interesting to note that the Sovereign cannot relinquish his powers to anyone outside the Imperial family. His decision to transfer power to the Prime Minister was illegal, and therefore the Premier Belyakov‘s authority to surrender Slavorussia is also illegal. While the Prime Minister was an exceptional man with dignity and integrity, we are unable to track his bloodline back to any Slavorussian royal lineage. Since his final actions in life were illegal I have no choice but to recognize a state of war between the Slavorussian Empire and the members of the NC and their puppet Russian state Molakia. As the Tsar’s closest living relative his regal authority outlined in the constitution falls to me, until he can return to his position. As Regent of the Slavorussian Empire it is my duty to continue the traditions of the country I so love. I also proclaim that the Slavorussian Empire still exists, the government shall continue to carry out it’s mission. In these past few days since the unlawful surrender of the Slavorussian Empire, and all it’s assets to the dark minded invaders from the west, I have been traveling on orders of His Majesty to a safe place. During my travels I have heard ridiculous words to describe the Slavorussian Empire by our invaders. Words like oppressive, aggressive, imperialistic, militaristic all these words are lumped into my favorite word of all “Slavoism.” Our invaders saw us as enemies, because of the of the rich prosperous lifestyle we had crafted for our people over several centuries. When they saw freedom and wealth, they called it oppression and poverty. Where they saw equality they called it slavery. Where we had peace, they called it instability and aggressiveness. When they saw democracy, they called it Slavoism, a word never before used to describe Slavorussia, until they decided to engage in an unjust war against Slavorussia. Admittedly Slavorussia’s past isn’t spotless, but these words do not describe Slavorussia today or ever in it’s history. Interestingly what they more accurately describe is the Dark Empire, known outside Slavorussia as Nordland, and the ideology known as Martenism. My son is not a megalomaniac like certain world leaders are today. My son is a diplomat first and a warrior second. When all attempts to curb Nordland’s bloodlust failed, and they allowed their ally Belka to invade Slavorussia we had no choice but to fight back. Now Neo Nordland holds a gun to Europe’s head, and I have no doubt in my mind that some Nordic soldier held a gun to his head and forced him to sign the transfer of power. Since there has been no indication that my son’s body has been found then I must assume that he is alive and being held in one of the NC’s death camps along with tens of thousands of loyal Slavorussians who refused to bend to the will of foreign aggressors. If you release him immediately to the custody of the Imperial Guard then we can begin the peace negotiations. If not, then the war you started shall continue until we have freed all of Europe from the iron fisted grasp of Neo Nordland once and for all. You can be true to your word and preserve the peace which you have broken, or you can continue your dark quest to conquer the world and in turn be conquered yourselves. We all have a choice, let’s all turn over a new leaf, or continue down the same destructive path which you laid out before us all. The choice is ultimately yours.
  17. In the days fallowing Slavorussia’s surrender hundreds of high ranking political figures were forced to flee the country. Some had gone farther east, while others went to the Americas and Africa. The majority however sought refuge in the land of a former “ally” Altin Urda. With their homeland now occupied by faux-communists, imperialists and fascist the Slavorussian Socialist Party had lost all hope of restoring Comrade Stalin’s Soviet Union in Russia. They instead looked to Central Asia, where the political atmosphere was perfect for a revolution of the people. In the dark of night the SSP leaders left Slavorussia en masse. Within days of their arrival in former Altin Urda they had contacted prominent communist and socialist leaders inside the fallen country. Several meetings between party leaders lead to the merging of Slavorussian and Altin Urdan parties into the Central Asian People’s Liberation Party, the most powerful political party in the region. The CAPLP elected Turkic-Russian Viktor Akhmetov party leader, and subsequently the President of the Central Asian Federative Socialist Republic. President Akhmetov made his first national address the fallowing day from the People’s Palace: “Ladies and Gentlemen of Central Asia my fellow countrymen and revolutionaries, I come before you today to announce the formation of the Central Asian Federative Socialist Republic. We have faced hardships, and for decades several nations have risen and fallen. Virtually each generation can claim to have been born in a different nation, despite never having left their hometowns. That shall all come to an end now. In the coming days the provisional government will be phased our and the new People‘s Commissar will take the reins. We will reorganize this parcel of land into a mighty nation, forever united and never again divided. We shall strive to be the best at everything we do, and restore the people’s faith in their government. It is my dream that the will of the people, not the government will govern this great nation, and thrust it ever forward into the future. Together with our fellow socialists around the world and our neighbors we will restore the integrity which the world greatly lacks today. Let us lead the world by example, and others will surely fallow. Our cause is righteous my friends. May we go forward into the future knowing that we will help craft a safer world, that future generations will be proud to inherit.” Throughout the country the new government receives mixed response. Some cheered, and some cried, but the majority remained indifferent. Their faith in the government or rather governments had been lost a long time ago. They couldn’t care either way if the CAFSR lasted or died in a few months or years. They would continue their everyday lives just as they had done before, and if anyone tried to stop them there would be hell to pay.
  18. ooc: I love when two rp's tie together so well like that
  19. ooc: I don't mind, they're not my people anymore. Before they war they generally disapproved of Nordland, and it's hard-line nationalist reincarnations. Without Slavorussia they're bound to flee in mass numbers to other countries. In related news the Slavorussian/Zamiran Imperial family needs a new home, I think perhaps I'll rp a government in exile, just to occupy some of my free time.
  20. ooc: Sounds like fun to me. ooc: The family name of the Slavorussian tsars would be more accurately called the House of Holstein-Gottorp-Zagwe-Romanov. Zagwe being the family name of the Zamiran royal family which Justinian is a also the heir. ooc: That's why I've excused myself from rp. Until I can get over certain ooc issues I have with a player here I'll limit my activity in CNRP. ooc: Maybe Justinian will take a page from Kaiser Martens book, and return someday. Then again maybe not.
  21. ooc: I'll be rping non canon things from now on. Like we did back in the day.
  22. Despite the war being waged only a few kilometers away the halls of Catherine Palace were quite and peaceful. This is where the Slavorussian High command had made it’s home. Top Slavorussian commanders and their subordinates were housed in the palace along with hundreds of soldiers. Any order given to soldiers in St. Petersburg would definitely come from here. The battle to hold St. Petersburg looked promising. After an aggressive series of air strikes by the Imperial Air Force the Molakians were foolishly attempting to take the city anyway. Slavorussian soldiers fought small numbers of Molakians on the ground in what often times turned in to vicious brawls, with both sides taking heavy casualties and causing serious collateral damage to the city. Despite their casualties the Slavorussian are able to hold the city, and keep enemy movements to a minimum that is however until enemy reinforcements arrive and sack the city. Early the next morning, in the palace the Tsar who had been given the rank of Major-General and was jointly commanding troops in the Northern Front with a Lt. General named Zorin, was receiving word that the city had fallen. Slavorussians tried to retreat in the night, but were all killed or captured, the city fell shortly after. As he reads his eyes gloss over. He throws the report on the desk and orders everyone out of the room. He looks out the window at the Slavorussian fighters screeching through the sky. He puts his face in his sleeve and sobs, The capital of the old empire had fallen, and now the enemy was on a direct course to Moscow. When Justinian hears the doors open he turns violently toward whoever is approaching and unleashes a string of expletives. When he wipes his eyes and focuses he realizes he’s just cursed at the Gen. Zorin a ranking general. He quickly salutes the general, who at the same time bows to the tsar. They both chuckle nervously, it’s an awkward situation for both. No Slavorussian general had ever outranked the sovereign before. “Your Majesty, you‘ve seen the report I assume?” “Yes general, It‘s disturbing news at the least, but we have several thousand reinforcements en route to take back the city. St. Petersburg will not be in enemy hands for long.” Gen. Zorin looks at Justinian confused. “Sir, the reinforcements were rerouted to the Moscow. CSSR and German forces have surrounded out troops there, and they are in dire need of assistance.” “W-what? Who authorized that order?” “The General of the Army, Gen. Belyakov did, Your Majesty” Justinian falls into a chair in disbelief. “Then St. Petersburg is truly lost.” “That‘s why I‘ve come here Your Majesty. Premier Belyakov wants us to return to Moscow. We‘ll be needed there in the next few days. I told him we wouldn’t be able to leave the palace however.” Justinian looks at the general confused, “Why would you tell him that?” Gen. Zorin chuckles and lights a cigar. His chuckle soon turns into a sinister cackle “Because in a few hours we‘re all going to be dead… well you will be, I‘ll be on a train to London.” Justinian jumps out of the chair furiously and over toward Gen. Zorin “Traitor! Are you insane?” The General upholsters his side arm and points it only inches away from Justinian’s face “I’m perfectly sane! I‘ve waited for this moment for years. Finally the collapse of the Slavorussian Empire, and the end of the Romanov line. You pathetic pompous idiots should have died out with Nicholas II, but somehow you weaseled your way back onto the throne. Sadly I still need you alive for my plan to come together completely.” Seven other people enter the room, all dressed in Slavorussian military uniforms of various rank, mostly officers. As the soldiers surround the tsar Gen. Zorin picks up a phone that’s a direct line to the Premier’s office in Moscow and hands it to Justinian. “Your Majesty, what we want you to do now is name Premier Belyakov the Emperor Regent. My agents in Moscow will give him directions on what to do next.” Gen. Zorin chuckles, “Yes he has a gun being held to his head too.” Now confused and angry Justinian pulls his knife and takes a step toward the man holding the gun. He focuses on the man’s throat, he hopes he can slash the man’s jugular before he has a chance to pull the trigger, but he says a quick prayer and lunges forward. Two of the male soldiers restrain the Tsar before he can swing the blade, while another takes the blade and Justinian’s sidearm. Gen Zorin laughs and hands his gun to a female officer who keeps the gun trained on Justinian’s head. “Did you think it would be that easy Your Majesty? Unlike yourself I am unable to be killed. The vessel you almost killed was just that only a vessel. You would have succeeded in nothing, except your own suicide.” With the soldiers hold Justinian’s arms Gen. Zorin cracks his knuckles and throws a powerful right hook right into Justinian’s jaw. The blow causes Justinian legs to give out and he slumps with the soldiers still holding him. The stand him back up for the General to unleash another powerful blow to the Tsar’s stomach, instantly making him drop to his knees. “I think I broke my hand on that elegant Romanov jaw of yours, or is that your Zagwe side?” The General massages his hand which is now throbbing with pain. The two soldiers pick Justinian up off the floor. The pain in his jaw and stomach make it almost impossible for him to stand by himself. General Zorin chuckles through the pain of his hand and whispers in Justinian’s ear. “I am the Darkmind, I cripple empires and destroy governments. I am always and forever” Justinian spits blood into the General’s face and laughs almost as if his pain is now gone. “You‘ll hang for this. I‘ll watch your feet dangle from the gallows while the world cheers the death of more anarchist vermin.” “Oh don’t be ridiculous, even if you do life you’ll never find me. Besides this country hasn’t executed anyone in over a decade.” Justinian is now laughing hysterically, as his bloody spit rolls down the Darkmind’s face. “Then I‘ll kill you myself, and nobody will ever know you existed.” General Zorin puts his palm firmly against the back of Justinian’s neck and bends him down. Their foreheads touch and they both stare coldly into each other’s eyes. Zorin joins Justinian in laughing then knees the Tsar hard in the abdomen. As he lay on the ground again in pain, not laughing anymore, the General kicks him in the forcing blood to spray from Justinian’s mouth. Zorin picks up the phone and puts it next to Justinian’s head. “Enough of this, make the call. The Premier is waiting.” “I‘ll die before I let you win.” Justinian groans as he tries to sit upright. Gen, Zorin turns on a television, on it are the Prince Radziwill and his family, including Christina. “Do it or I‘ll have them killed. Funny it‘ll be the second time I‘ve murdered your lover. However if you comply I‘ll release them. They can go wherever their hearts take them” He chuckles sarcastically, knowing they’ll be arrested by advancing NC soldiers. “Quickly now, the Molakians are closing in, and we have to leave soon.” With no other choice Justinian picks up the phone and calls the Kremlin. Premier Belyakov answers the other line. “Hello?” "Premier Belyakov, get the Imperial Family out of Moscow" "They've already left on a train to Bosporan. They should be safe there." “Good. Premier Belyakov, one more thing, I’ve just put my signature on a document naming you my regent. Until I can return to my official capacity as Tsar you shall be endowed with all my powers. God bless you and God bless the empire comrade. “Your Majesty no!” The line goes dead, and all Premier Belyakov hears now is the dial tone. As Vladimir hangs up the recover two loud explosions shake the city, and a deep raspy voice comes from a man holding a gun in the Premier’s face. “That would be the parliament blowing up… boom. Heh, congratulations Prime Minister you’re now the absolute ruler of the Slavorussian Empire. Now sign the surrender papers and we can all go home.” Across from Primier Belyakov is his wife, who also has a gun to her head. Sobbing and with seemingly no other choice Vladimir signs the unconditional surrender of the Slavorussian Empire to the Nordic Coalition. As he drops the pen on the desk the two men turn their guns onto the Premier’s wife. Two shots kill her instantly. In a fit of rage Premier Belyakov lunges over his desk and reaches for one of the guns. When another shot is fired the Premier slumps on his desk and slowly bleeds out and dies. As the two men leave the Kremlin with the surrender papers in tow another bomb goes off, killing the executive cabinet who were locked in the conference room. The Dark Hand had finally accomplished their mission, but for reasons still unknown to anyone but themselves.
  23. Oh, sargun I'm going to miss you. That last time we clashed it was over my proplem with a GM ruling, and how to properly express myself. I cant help it sometimes I just speak from the heart. Truth is truth, and there's nothing I can do to change that.
  24. Dont give me that, Im not in the mood to hear it. BS reason for switching is BS. "Brilliant rp move" No just pure backstabbing both IC and OOC, and for what? Anyway since I surrendered Russian goes to the NC to do whatever they want with it. The Tsar's army in the north has been overrun by Molakians. Assume he's been captured or killed. Preimier Belyakov is trapped in Moscow by enemy forces. Assume he has been captured or killed. Qatar, left ungoverned is given to the RA for them to do whatever they want with it. Dragonisia is now the controller of the entire South Asian protectorate.
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