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Justinian the Mighty

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Everything posted by Justinian the Mighty

  1. We never said we claim only the known universe, wherever did you get such a silly idea?
  2. You need not believe what I believe, because my beliefs do not require you to. Farwell.
  3. Premier Medvedev laughs as he addresses the international press. “Ladies and gentlemen we wanted to keep this a secret until it was final but lubeck has forced our hand. Slavorussia is in the final stages of a merger with God. This means all things in the universe, all stars, planets, galaxies, quasars, comets, black holes, asteroids, nations, plants, creatures and everything else you can think of now belongs to the Holy Slavorussian Universal Imperium. The invasion of the sun will be met with extreme resistance.” *Poof* Lubeck is gone forever and ever.
  4. No need to get an new gm. All disputes can be settled in the coliseum, in a fight to the death battle!
  5. Hypocrites indeed. Until you've made amends for your own dark deeds you shouldn't be making comments like this.
  6. I swear to God I've said something similar to that at least twice already, but they just keep bringing up the USA to support their arguement. Hopefully hearing it from you will finally help everyone understand. simple, but directly to the point. I agree 100%
  7. Did I mention yet that I dont think mergers should be part of cnrp? If not, I dont think mergers should be a part of cnrp.
  8. Pick a spot on the map and stay there for a while...
  9. I support the bolded 102% with a 2% margin of error. I don’t have any comment on the first merger, other than “neet-o”
  10. After a few last minute adjustments Premier Medvedev is finally able to present the Slavorussian people with their new government. Premier Medvedev’s spokesperson told reporters the reason for delay was that there had been some difficulty getting Parliament to approve of several of the original appointees, and the Prime Minister forced to find replacements. With his new government in place Premier Medvedev believes he’s ready for his first international press conference. Prime Minister- Dmitry Medvedev Deputy Prime Minister- Vacant Minister of Agriculture- Yelena Skrynnik Minister of Affairs of Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief- Sergey Shoigu Minister of Commerce and Economic Development- Viktor Khristenko Minister of Culture and Arts- Aleksandr Avdeyev Minister of Defense- Anatoly Serdyukov Minister of Education and Science- Andrei Fursenko Minister of Energy- Sergei Shmatko Environmental Minister- Tatiana Sorokin Minister of Finanace- Elvira Nabiullina Minister of Foreign Affairs- Sergey Lavrov Minister of Health and Social Affairs- Tatyana Golikova Minister of Interior- Rashid Nurgaliyev Minister Justice- Alexandr Konovalov Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection- Yuri Trutnev Minister of Regional Development- Viktor Basargin Minister of Sport, Tourism and Youth- Vitaliy Mutko Minister of Transportation- Igor Levitin “I’m here to answer any questions from the international community, but before I do I just want to say that I am very happy to say the government is back, and working at full capacity. There were some bumps in the road, but as I said, the road to recovery will not be easy. I’m very confident that with this fine group of people at my side I will be able to easily reach the goals I set for my government during my election campaign. Hopefully now the Slavorussian people can move forward. Though we Slavorussians may be divided by occupation borders, we are united in spirit and cause. I have instructed the Foreign Ministry to open a line of communication between Moscow and the Nordic Confederacy. Slavorussians want their country united, and we hope strong diplomacy will make that happen. We can forgive the actions of the past if you can too, and strive to build a true peace in Europe. The ball is now in your court gentlemen. Now ladies and gentlemen of the international press, I'll take any questions you may have.”
  11. I'm sure the world is very thankful for that.
  12. GM's dont make the rules they just enforce them. LVN seems to be missing that point. This rule needs to be agreed upon by the majority of the people who rp here.
  13. ooc: The "Visit to the Northwest" topic was never completed. The events of the Tsar's weekend at Castle Radziwill are important foundation for future events and character relationships. The pages of the journal are kept secret by the Imperial Family. ic: I arrived in Vilnius today. I think it’s a lovely city very modern but it also a rich history. I haven’t been to Litva in years, but little seems to have changed. The people were surprisingly receptive. Before I left Moscow I told the Imperial Guard I wanted to get out of the limousine and meet some people, but I had no idea so many people were going to be there. I actually enjoyed meeting some people, one man, he looked to be about 80 years old, told me I reminded him of his younger brother. He said he died young, I certainly hope that won’t be my fate, I have so many things I want to see and do before I’m gone. I was quite surprised, once I got inside the governor’s palace, to see an old friend of my grandfather’s, the Prince Radziwill. He asked if I would honor him and his family by spending the weekend at his home in Biržai. The very thought of staying at his castle, for some reason or another fills my soul with dread. I recall spending the summer at his home the last time I visited Litva, and for some reason I hated it, no I utterly detested it. I don’t know why, but for me it’s the equivalent of spending the weekend in Dracula’s castle. Unfortunately it would be rude to refuse his offer, especially since the Radziwills have always been strong allies to the Romanovs. Of course I graciously accepted, as any good aristocrat would, but I can’t say I’m looking forward to the end of the week. I just hope the Lord can give me the strength I need to survive this weekend.
  14. ooc: No detail FTL. Remember the 5 W's and an H. Who, what, when, where, why and how?
  15. Uh... yeah there was. The soi rule has always been there.
  16. A lot of his SOI covers regions of Italy he doesn't own in cnrp. His SOI could cover his claims, but he just wants his capital centered on Rome, I don’t think he should be penalized for that.
  17. ***Reply to Tsar Nikolai Romanov*** If the Molakian army can safely transport Malokian Royal Family members to the border we can provide a safe place the duration of the conflict.
  18. We owe a lot to Canada. Even when our allies abandoned us Canada stood by us, when we had given up on ourselves it was Canada and ComIntern who helped us get back on our feet. The Slavorussian people will be forever grateful. I hope we can return the favor someday. Thank you for your kind words and your generous offer, which we graciously accept. We hope to be able to repay you for your kindness.
  19. ooc: Slavorussia claims the area in question and we declare war on the HC and Yamato. May our silly imperialistic actions bring new unity to Asia, while they fight off the silly European invaders. ... I don't know, I was just bored. ic: Perhaps both countries could share in the protection of the region. It seems like the most peaceful solution.
  20. Any contributions from Canada will be greatly appreciated. We have hundreds of thousands of "refugees" fleeing the occupied regions of Slavorussia who are in serious need of canned food, bottled water, blankets and various other supplies.
  21. Both of those areas were already owned by other players until just recently, thats why they're not on the map.
  22. Interesting. We should call upon Nordreich's natural enemy... Norway.
  23. ooc: Thanks On behalf of the Slavorussian people, in the interest of peace and co-operation worldwide we gladly grant IBBC the rights to open a branch in Slavorussia, and accept the gracious gift to the treasury. Moscow and St. Petersburg are our two main economic hubs, we can open a dialogue between the IBBC, and local governments as soon as possible. signed, Premier Dmitry Medvedev
  24. The Slavorussian Imperial Flag once again flies proudly above the Ancient Moscow Kremlin, on the flagpole of the damaged palace. Around the fortress and throughout Red Square thousands of Slavorussians eagerly await a victory speech from their new Premier, Dmitry Medvedev. Premier Medvedev’s victory was a sign to many that Slavorussia was on the right path to recovery. Before the new premier takes the stage the is played, while on giant television screens digital versions of the Imperial Flag are proudly displayed. As the anthem finishes playing Premier Medvedev walks onto the stage. Sitting behind him are the Empress Regent and the rest of the Imperial Family, cabinet ministers, party leaders and the heads of the houses of Parliament. Premier Medvedev wastes no time getting to his speech. “Thank you, everyone! Today we have a fresh start, with a clean slate with new goals to reach. I’m very proud of this country tonight, and everyone who came out today to vote. During this election we had the highest percentage of voter turn out in decades. I think that sends a message to the world, and to our enemies that even though we are bruised and bloody, we are stronger than ever. We will not be defeated, or destroyed, because we believe in our collective might. While the rest of Europe is shrouded in darkness, oppressed by fascist dictators and their puppet states we will remain the bright shining star of democracy and freedom, and no force shall ever diminish that brightness. Tonight we can stand strong even in the face of adversity, we have proven anyone out there who wishes to do harm to us that the powerful voice of the mighty Slavorussian people cannot be silenced! Slavorussia was targeted for attack, because of our love of freedom. Our burning desire help spread freedom to every corner of the world, and share with every man and woman on the planet the God-given rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Our nation was confronted with evil, the very worst aspect of mankind. Without warning or just cause our country was violated by our enemies, and abandoned by our allies. The only nations to answer the call for help were those who’s love of freedom and democracy equaled ours. Our thanks goes to those brave foreign soldiers who fought bravely on the battlefields to defend one of the last beacons of freedom in Europe, and even after we had left the fight, they continued the mission for us. I’m speaking of course of Communist International, our allies in the former Northern Empire, Azerbaijan, Beijing Corp and Bosporan. Thank you to our other allies in the Melvin Republic, Glorious Aotearoa and Crimea Iso. It’s countries like these that keep hope alive in a cruel and unforgiving world. These countries had one thing in common, they dedicated themselves to a country thousands of miles away for one purpose, preservation of peace and freedom. Your contributions were not in vain, though the way may have been lost, the ideals for which you honorably defended were preserved. I won‘t sugar coat the situation, I wont try to confuse you or trick you into believing something that isn’t true. The truth is that the road ahead will not be easy to travel. With 90% of our territory occupied and our resources taken from us, recovery is going to be difficult. We also can’t continue to just rely on our allies in Russia, our destiny is now in our own hands, and what we do with it must be entirely up to us. The burden is ours and our alone, that’s why every Slavorussian, whether free, or occupied must stay strong. In the coming months Slavorussia will be transformed from 3rd world hunk of land we have been transformed into by our enemies, back to a 1st world economic and cultural powerhouse. I know we can do this, because we have overcome trying situations in the past. We survived the Time of Troubles, through two Bolshevik revolts, we survived the Soviet and Fascist rule in Slavorussia, and we will do it once more. The world will see the strength of our resolve and our enemies will tremble at our undying unity! Our national defense is the main concern of the government, to ensure the crimes of the past are never again carried out against the Slavorussian people. We will employ new military technologies for the defense of our borders, and the people living inside our borders. Our soldiers will have top line equipment at their disposal. We will call on the international criminals to answer for their crimes, and serve justice to these enemies of humanity. The enemies must be taught peace cannot be forced through gunpoint. Using tact and diplomatic prowess is the only way to create and preserve a long lasting peace. Forced peace is not real peace. Forced peace only leads to devastating vendettas that claim innocent lives in the process. The task ahead of us will offer new and exciting challenges. At times when it seems too hard to keep going, we will march onward. No obstacle will get in our way, no challenge will slow us down. The determination of the Slavorussian people demands that we succeed in our goals. It’s because of that determination that our empire grew to such heights, and it’s why our people are so proud. As long as we are united and strive toward a common cause we cannot be destroyed. As a single and unbreakable union let us march on into the dark unknown and bring light to those who live in the blackness. Good night, and God bless the Empire!”
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