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Justinian the Mighty

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Everything posted by Justinian the Mighty

  1. We consider those actions to be a form of diplomatic pressure. Something that helps convince other countries to come back to the table to talk peace.
  2. I've read my history books. Nothing about human history, especially recent history causes me to have much faith in certain country's reasoning skills or their desire for peace. I'm a realist, its my belief that war will always be part of our society, and nothing short of a single global empire, or the annihilation of the human race will change that. What I do have hope for is the dramatic reduction of the number of wars, and the weapons used in wars. The fact is we can't remove a country leader without using force or threatening to use force, and that seems to contradict the spirit of this discussion.
  3. I think you put far too much faith in the human race. It sounds like you think that we can end all wars just by sitting at a table and discussing our differences. I wish it were so, and in some regions of the world that does sometimes happen, but in most cases it doesn’t. The majority of word leaders are too stubborn and fool headed to even try to have a successful discussion. Instead they make outlandish demands from their neighbors while constantly threatening war. In reality most world leaders don't really want to see peace, they just want to see their neighbors tremble or be destroyed. Until world leaders like that are removed from their positions of power I think it's very unlikely certain regions of the world will see a comfortable and lasting peace.
  4. Drakoria is new and they have few allies. It stands to reason that they would sign a few treaties with friendly neighbors. I'd be less concerned about the signing of treaties and more concerned about the movement of troops in Northern Europe. edit: also grats
  5. Sounds like a very serious situation. Did any of the Louisianan legislators give any reason for their mass resignations?
  6. Even though there will probably never be an complete end to all wars if nations work together we can have longer lasting times of peace. Maybe this conference will serve that purpose. Considering Laura Kingswell aka Valerie's track record of starting wars, there are people who doubt if she's the ideal person to sponsor the event, but nonetheless Slavorussia’s Foreign Minister will attend.
  7. Office of the Prime Minister: As expected Parliament approved Premier Medvedev’s appointee Vladimir Putin as Deputy Premier. Moments after being approved the Premier signed the appropriate documents to have Vladimir Putin put on the government payroll. Ministry of Defense: There’s been concern lately about military activity to the west. The Slavorussian government knows all too well the consequence of ignoring obvious signs of war, so the army is asking for 250,000 volunteers to join the Slavorussian Imperial Armed Forces and activated the majority of the country’s reservists. The Ministry of Defense is urging factories to finish the initial arms orders if and when war breaks out.
  8. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=59969 The Romanov Pact - MDoAP between Molakia and Slavorussia Yay!
  9. "I only said the government has started to spend more money because we want to avoid a complete economic breakdown. Slavorussia’s economy is driven by the people’s confidence. When people don’t spend the economy stagnates, like its doing now. When people see the government spending money, and spending it wisely, it helps restore their confidence. I like to say we’re leading by example. What we’re doing is spending more on national defense, providing incentives to our country’s biggest employers and investing in high tech industries coming in from North American and West Asia. I’m not sure our spending can be classified as a “bailout” but I will say that bailout funds do serve a purpose. If large companies close their doors they’d have to fire thousands of workers, which only makes things worse."
  10. Everything I’ve said just now is backed with facts. Vaule’s strategic location combined with the government’s stance of neutrality prevented Crimea Iso and the Northern Empire for several days. Like I said if you look at a map both nations would have had a hell of a time getting to Slavorussia without going through Vaule’s territory. Whether you were being used by the Nords with or without your knowledge, I think it was a bad decision to look the other way, even for a minute, while a friend is being attacked. In regard to the railroad all I’ll say is, just like a publicly traded company, each RUSSIAN nation had stock in the Railroad. Each nation had a vote over how to use the rails, where to build them, and who or what could use them. Although it’s unfortunate that Vaule’s neutrality wasn’t respected, our Northern and Crimean allies felt their duty to defend Slavorussia was greater than Vaule’s neutrality. We did not instruct them to do what they did, but like I said, they did what they felt they had to do. Anyway, if you like the Slavorussian government can pay for damaged that resulted from foreign soldiers being transported through Vaule, just send the bill to my office or the Foreign Ministry HQ. … Now back to business. Right now Slavorussia’s is in the middle of an economic recession. The situation is very fragile and could change at the drop of a hat. We’ve slowly increased government spending to prevent a economic collapse, much of that extra spending comes from the revenue collected from tariffs. We can agree to reducing tariffs, but not at a high rate. I think it’s better to ease into economic treaties rather than rushing in and regretting it later.
  11. Silly Americans and your love for your neighbors. Congrats!
  12. Statement from the Palace Our family, once divided is now again united. The preservation of our proud family coupled with the friendship of our two nations is a major step forward in Europe. Although we had fought on opposite sides of the war, we've come together today as friends. Let this be proof that peace does not have to be created by shooting guns and dropping bombs.
  13. These demands are rather steap, but Yamato's territorial ambitions in East Asia have been obvious from the beginning. Korea doing what must be done to prevent itself from suffering the same fate as Slavorussia, but perhaps the traditional suicide is a bit too much for this “mistake”
  14. I'm flattered. Too bad you would have failed if I didn't give up. B)
  15. ooc: actually it would take just one post. *long whistle...........................* "BOOM!"
  16. “Is there anything else I have to do today Alex?” Premier Medvedev says to his chief of staff as he tosses his pen on his desk and loosens his tie. Alex takes a document from his briefcase and lays it in front of the Premier. “One more thing sir, the papers from Molakia. It came from the palace a few minutes ago. All it needs is your signature. Oh, and you wanted me to remind you to call your wife about dinner tonight.” The Premier groans, “Oh dammit that’s right we’re going to the opera tonight. Heaven forbid we go one night without spending my paycheck… Where do I sign?” “Um, at the bottom, sir, right under the Dowager’s name.”
  17. ooc: send Nixon. The Slavorussian government sends the routine congratulatory letter and bottle of champagne. The Foreign Minister would like to attend the Independence Day Ball.
  18. ooc: I have a feeling that by the end of this thread I’m gonna feel like a dirty little perv.
  19. Now the countries of Europe can be glad that North American nations no longer hold territories or protectorates in Europe. Maybe this will help ease some of the tension, although I doubt it. Anyway I hope the Romanum Imperium will do great things in Europe. -Premier Medvedev
  20. “Take this into consideration for a moment, if you will. Look at a map, you’ll see that Crimea Iso and the Northern Empire would have to move troops and equipment through Vaule’s waters or over it’s land to get to Slavorussia. The fastest and safest route. Otherwise they would have had to sail through the Arctic Sea or around the world to reach Western Europe, neither were reasonable options. So you see you did prevent Crimea Iso and the Northern Empire form offering assistance when you closed your waters and your borders to all foreign armed forces. To me it sounds like you think we blame you completely for the war, the deaths resulting from the war our surrender, and loss of territory. Well that’s obviously not true, but your actions only gave the Nords the advantage while giving your so called allies the disadvantage. These are not just baseless opinions from a single politician, the facts where there for the world to see. If you recall the timeline of events preceding the war, Nordic nations prepare for “military exercises” we put our military on alert and inform our allies of the situation. Several weeks pass, we remained on high alert, Vaule and Nordheim officials meet in Vaule and sigh a NAP, other NC nations fallow suit. Hours later NC forces enter Slavorussia and massacre border populations by burnng the forests and bombing cities. Could you honestly tell me you didn’t see it coming? It’s clear to us they played you like fine tuned piano the fault isn’t yours alone, but common sense would dictate that after building up large armies on the border with Slavorussia an invasion would soon fallow. You don’t need excesses of 800,000 troops thousands of military vehicles and aircraft for military exercises. We’re not just “saving our stinging rhetoric and blame” for Vaule but it’s obvious that our interests were not even the least of your concern. Rest assured if Altin Urda and Bosporan still existed we would have stern words for them as well. We never trusted the Nords, not for one moment, but we trusted Vaule to be at our side the moment things got rough. Perhaps that’s our own fault, for being so relying on our allies.” Premier Medvedev sighs, and puts an unlit cigarette between his lips. “If Vaule doesn’t wish to do business with us we wont try to convince you. Slavorussia and Vaule can just pursue relations with the other countries here independently… Is it ok if I smoke in here?”
  21. I’m glad you brought that up Lord Gaznayev. Please excuse me if I’m wrong, but Vaule’s “reservations” seem to have surfaced only after the Slavorussian government directly accused Vaule of abandoning us during a very distressing time. At the time the majority of Slavorussian’s though of Vaule as one of our closest allies, the fact that Vaule was even conflicted about defending Slavorussia was completely mind-boggling. Even more concerning is the fact that we had previously informed all RUSSIAN members of the warning signs of Nordic aggression. However many of Vaule’s officials ignored the warnings and still flirted with the Nordic governments, eventually signing a paper thing NAP which technically they violated hours later when they invaded your MDP partner. The fact that Vaule was the single greatest hindrance in the war is also quite troubling. Closing jointly owned railways and claiming them to be owned solely by yourselves, prevented the Northern Empire and Crimea Iso from assisting, then combined with Bosporan leaving the war, fallowed by Azerbaijan, and Altin Urda never even answering the our calls for help were quite a moral breaker. By the time your flimsy force arrived our soldier’s spirits had already been broken. In comparison when Vaule was invaded early on in RUSSIAN’s existence, all RUSSIAN nations sent troops immediately. The idea that Vaule would surrender a singly acre of land was incomprehensible, and in the end we prevailed. Our combined might caused the collapse of two Asian superpowers only days after the war began. I hope now you can see why we feel the way we feel.
  22. ooc: Nobody ever said LVN wasn't a GM. What I said was a GM, in this case LVN cannot make the rules. I don't see a need for a discussion because he can claim it, as long as its not a huge absurd claim. For instance a brand new country with 10 land annexes half of Antarctica.
  23. Otherworld can do this. LVN doesn't make the rules. The way it's always been almost all rules is the majority of rp'ers agree on the rule and it becomes a rule for GM's to enforce. As long as he writes a nice story for us all to read there should be no problem.
  24. Office of the Prime Minister: Premier Medvedev submitted, Lord Vladimir Putin‘s, name to parliament to fill the open position of Deputy Premier early Friday morning. Premier Medvedev says he’s confident Parliament will approve Lord Putin especially considering Lord Putin’s long service to the Empire. Immediately after his graduation from St. Petersburg University in 1975, where he obtained a law degree. Lord Putin enlisted in the Slavorussian Armed Forces. Fallowing graduation from the one of the premier military academies in the country Lord Putin joined the Committee for State Security’s (KGB) sub department the Imperial Intelligence Agency, and worked as an agent in several European countries during the 80’s. In 1991 he was promoted to director of the IIA, and by 1994 he was appointed Chairman of the KGB. He retired two years later and pursued a seat in the Imperial Council. In 2000 he successfully won the race for the Kremlin and governed the nation during one of the largest economic growths in half a century, despite strong opposition by the Dark Hand controlled parliament. Lord Putin was forced to withdraw his name for reelection after several threats were made against him and his family. Premier Kolesnikov kept him on as an unofficial advisor. Many believe him to be the driving force behind the Dark Hand’s expulsion from Slavorussia. The Duma is expected to approve Premier Medvedev’s appointment of Lord Putin first thing Monday morning. Ministry of Internal Affairs via the Department of Immigration: In a recent press conference Minister Rashid Nurgaliyev said, “I’m happy to report that we’ve successfully freed 1.5million Slavorussias from the yoke the Nordic nations. The majority coming from the German, CSSR and Novak occupation zones with smaller numbers coming from Arkhangelsk and Nenetsia” Of course the Minister made these comments before Novak’s secession from the “Greater Nordic Reich” and Slavorussias change of policy toward the Slavic Empire. Minister Nurgaliyev says as long as there are Slavorussians seeking freedom in free Slavorussia, immigration quotas will remain suspended. Ministry of Defense: Construction has begun on stationary components of Slavorussia’s defense network. Gun turrets defense walls and military barracks are high on the list of necessities. However the Defense Minister has reversed his position that the current defense budget will be enough to rebuild Slavorussia’s defense infrastructure, and has requested additional funds. Additionally Slavorussian factories have begun work on the first order of weapons for the Slavorussian Armed Forces. ***Classified*** Slavorussia has received enough shipments of weapons grade uranium to begin building a nuclear warhead, and has ordered at least 20 ICBM’s to deliver Slavorussia’s nuclear deterrents.
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