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Justinian the Mighty

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Everything posted by Justinian the Mighty

  1. I wish we could be a strong economic partner, but to be honest we have very few exploitable natural resources these days. We’ve been reduced dramatically in size and our economy is on the brink of collapse and all attempts to revive it have been unsuccessful. The only thing holding Slavorussia’s economy together is the increase in government and defense jobs. However it would be very helpful if the Slavic Empire ended the silly oil embargo imposed on us by your friends and former countrymen the Nords.
  2. Saving stats is fine in my opinion. I agree that the purpose of cnrp is to write stories about your country, and interact in other storylines, I think we should be able to choose to save our stats or explain any decline resulting from IG wars.
  3. Coming from a someone who's rp deals a lot with trying to eliminate war. Fortunately for me the ingame war and the cnrp war happened around the same time, but i still saved my stats so i could rp rebuilding to my former stats.
  4. I don't make huge technological leaps, so that’s fine with me. One of the drawbacks of rping in real time I suppose.
  5. If I can go back to the saved stats thing for a minute. I don’t have a problem with it. There are things going on in CN that most of us have no control over, for instance the recent war devastated a lot of people in cnrp. Believe me the weakened state of some cnrp'ers is something I'd love to take advantage of, but it just wouldn't be fair. As long as you have the proof of your stats before the war then it shouldn't be a problem. In other news, I think this nation locking thing is being taken advantage of. It seems like anyone with runny nose gets their nation locked for as long as they want. I feel that unless you are completely unable to reach a computer, your alliance has ordered all members not to post in the forums, or you're hands are broken then you should be able to rp.
  6. I have some ideas for names Neo Slavorussia, You should call it Neo Slavorussia cause you me. Justinianopia, Also cause you me. These are of course jokes. I like Novus Niciae.
  7. We respected the FBP for their diplomatic skills and military might. Because of circumstances beyond our control we alligned ourselves with their member nations on a few occasions, but overall we do not approve of their actions. We were not involved with the FBP during the fall of DKT, nor for some time afterward. The fact that you call the war against Nordland unjust is simply laughable. How many nations had fallen to Nordland's senseless aggression prior to their attacks on Slavorussian border regions? The Northern Empire's invasion of Nordland was the result of Nordlands invasion of Confederate Tion. Nordland, naturally assuming we would assist the NE sent their allies to attack us. It was this cowardly and despicable move, that prompted Slavorussia and all RUSSIAN nations to enter the war. Crack open a history book someday. Again you're 100% absolutely wrong. Nordland started the war, and the NE joined a coalition of nations who wanted to free the occupied Confederate Tion. Slavorussia, and RUSSIAN had nothing to do with it until we were attacked. Furthermore, although Slavorussia was a founding member of RUSSIAN as well as the oldest member, our influence was no greater than any other member state. Your anger seems to be grossly misplaced, as we never harmed you, your people or your allies without just cause. Your attempts to muddy our name with lies has failed, because we back up our claims with facts, and you back up yours with... well nothing. Good day to you.
  8. Slavorussia is and has always been a true Slavic country. Any claims that we are not a Slavic country are baseless and unfounded. Although we are very lucky to have various Asian and African cultures represented in Slavorussia, at our core we are Slavic. if you take a look anywhere in our country you would see clear proof that the country was built on old Slavic traditions.
  9. Premier Medvedev, two of his aides and a representative of the Imperial Family will be there. They will have a standard security team with them.
  10. The phone rings at the palace while the Imperial Family is glued to the television set. As usual the chief attendant answers the phone. On the other end Premier Medvedev requests to speak to the Dowager Regent (ooc: finally came up with a decent title for her.). She takes the receiver from the man and puts it to her ear. “Hello Prime Minister, how are you?” “I‘m fine, thank you, and how is Your Majesty?” he replies. “I‘m doing very well, of course I‘d be doing better if we things were going smoother in government. Anyway, tell me Prime Minister to what do I owe the pleasure of this call?” “Well ma‘am have you seen the news… about Novak‘s secession?” “Yes I have. Finally those rebels are seeing the light, although it was easier to not recognize their right to rule while they were puppets of the Nords. I have no doubt the world will recognize them as a legitimate government too. I suppose we‘ll have work harder in the future” “Actually that’s what I was calling about ma‘am. I thought it would be in all our best interests if we tried to have a better relationship with the breakaway kingdom. After all they do claim to be a government of the people, and they have gotten rid of the Nordic shackles. Not only that their government, specifically their legislature is very similar to our own. All in all they are the ideal neighbor for us right now.” “You can’t be serious.” she scoffs “I think it‘s what your son would want Your Majesty,” “Alright, alright fine Prime Minister, whatever the government decides will have the full backing of the Imperial Family” she sighs, resting her head in her hand, “even if it‘s the wrong decision. Just don‘t make me regret this.” “Your Majesty with your family at the helm of our empire there are never any regrets. My office will release a statement shortly. Goodnight madam.” “Yes, good night Prime Minister…” Announcement from the Slavorussian Empire Recently the Slavorussian government has thrown a number of insults at the Kingdom of Novak. We have called them rebels and Nordc puppets, but today they proved us wrong, and for once we are glad to have been wrong. The Slavic Empire has shown us today that they are a nation of dignity and integrity. Therefore we officially recognize the Slavic Empire’s government and its right to exist. God bless the Slavic Empire, and long live the Tsaritsa!
  11. “I’m fairly sure it's no secret that the Slavorussia does not view Vaule in the same way we did several months ago. All our respect for Vaule and its government has flown out the window because of their own actions. However one thing is certain, in order to pretect themselves and their interests from retribution from either side, even if it means abandoning their allies, Vaule's stance of neutrality will be firm and unwavering. I severely doubt Vaule would damage its already shaky reputation by leaving ComIntern and Joining the Nordic Confederacy.” -Premier Medvedev
  12. If Nordland couldn’t completely annihilate us, then we severely doubt the Fasci Empire can. Do your best not to tremble when you hear the might roar of the Slavorussian soldier.
  13. Although I do not support the Nordland governments in any way, shape or form I believe this was probably a necessary action. Of all the evils the Nordic governments have committed during their history this is likely the only one that can truly be called a necessary evil. -Premier Medvedev
  14. Ministry of Internal Affairs: Slavorussia’s Department for Defense of Public Security and Order (Okhrana) In St.Petersburg has begun to investigate the disappearance of the Tsar, and other members of the military stationed in that region during the war. They will be coordinating with local authorities and Armed Forces investigators. The investigation has rounded up a few dozen witnesses for questioning, all are expected to retell their stories before a parliamentary investigation committee. Ministry of Defense: The Armed Forces have begun an aggressive recruitment campaign to replenish the ranks of the army. Currently the Slavorussian Ground and Air defense forces have 75,000 personnel on the pay roll. A sharp decrease from the 500,000 on the books prior to the war earlier this year. The Army has been posting recruitment posters in schools and on college campuses, something that was largely frowned on before. Other general actions/announcements: Construction companies have come in to begin repairing fire and smoke damage done to the Grand Kremlin Palace and the Imperial Parliament Building only hours before Slavorussia’s surrender. Investigators say there is little evidence linking the attacks to anyone responsible, and that it would be ok to begin repairs.
  15. The Fasci Empire is the Nordland of North America?
  16. I agree with LVN. No mechs. No exceptions.
  17. ooc: Lol a 3-way tie, this is exciting! ic: Slavorussia commends the TEC, what you aim to do is very noble. We would like to request Observer status in the Bloc and pursue stronger relations between TEC nations and Slavorussia. ooc edit: Im sure it's come up several times before, and I just missed it but... whats the deal with the pink e?
  18. We are glad the rightful government of Molakia has prevailed and that peace can be restored to the country. We haven’t forgotten the treaty proposed by Molakia, but our Foreign Ministry has been somewhat backed up lately. We will contact you in the very near future. Glory to the Motherland!
  19. ooc: Yeah I mean fission, /fail on my part. Please excuse my accent. I mean fission, not fussion. The emp shielding program mainly applies to high risk targets. Thank you for your concern.
  20. We are receiving assistance in many areas of our modernization from much more advanced countries like Canada and the RA. Canada especially has expressed an interest in helping us switch from fossil fuels to fusion. (ooc: apparently it does exist in cnrp.) We know, but we don't want any nordic rebels coming to Slavorussia and disrupting the recovery process.
  21. Official Statement from Slavorussia: "lol"
  22. It's upsetting to see Tahoe and Gebiv fall into the clutches of the Evil Empire.
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