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Justinian the Mighty

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Everything posted by Justinian the Mighty

  1. Lol, I didn't know we were either. In any case Tyannar no longer exists, Slavorussia unofficially withdrew when it was occupied, and if Crimea Iso is no longer in RUSSIAN then it can be removed from the list.
  2. Ministry of Defense: ***G-14 Classified*** Slavorussia's Defense Minister reports that Slavorussia plans to build a nuclear bomb should be completed within the month. The Defense Minister affectionately named the project the "Berlin Project" after the capital city of the country who convinced the Slavorussian government of the importance of a defensive nuclear arsenal.
  3. You may not claim to be the successor of the old Netherlands, but by our definition you are. You deposed the old government, and took over all it's assets and territory. We are not completely blind to the good deeds that the so-called Nordic countries have accomplished it, just that they are few and far between. What we mean is Slavorussia was far less responsible for the UFE's involvement in European affairs. The only agreement Slavorussia had with the UFE was a joint announcement declaring Gebiv to be a threat to the continent. We later learned we were deceived by the UFE and their European puppets. We tried to put the past where it belongs, in the past. Sadly the NC is not willing to end their vendetta against Slavorussia, and other nations who refuse to sit by while the continent is held by the white knuckle grip of the Nords. Until they change their attitudes we will continue to point the finger where it belongs.
  4. They’re obviously masters at economic matters. Several countries can undegroundized all their factories in 1 post, and launch 2 cruise missiles at hundreds of targets without crippling the economy... duh
  5. Our support was simply vocal and political, does the ReichKanzler forget the alliance that existed between Germany the Seven Netherlands and the UFE? The alliance that existed ultimately pulled the UFE into a nuclear war that devastated Europe and Asia just so Germany and the Netherlands could steal Gebiv's land. We only offered our support because of misleading Intel given to us by you and your allies in the UFE, and after you committed the atrocities against your non nuclear neighbors we withdrew our support and denounced your actions. Furthermore Our displeasure with the Grand Army of Europe was expressed a number of occasions by the Kolesnikov government. Initially we protested because we were not invited to the negotiating table, then after reading the treaty we protested because nations like Germany, the Netherlands, Prussia, All NC nations, willingly gave up their sovereignty to an Asian nation. Just before the decline and collapse of the UFE and the GAE Slavorussia was nearing a direct confrontation with the UFE. Slavorussia on several occasions voiced our extreme displeasure with the persistent nuclear attacks in Europe by both sides. We received no "loot" as you so colorfully put it, because we refused to help with the nuclear genocide. Additionally Slavorussia was never at the negotiating table at the end of the wars which the UFE attempted to assert control over Europe. If we had been given a location, and time we would not have allowed the UFE to do what they did, Let us not forget who was in bed with the UFE in their conquests of Europe, Y - O - U. Good day to you sir.
  6. Crimes and sins? Are you a government official or a commedian? When will you realize the world recognizes the lies you spew at us, and brush them aside. None of your accusations are supported by facts or any shread of evidence.
  7. Ministry of Defense: Citing the increased mobilization of neighboring militaries, chiefly those of the Nordic Confederacy and Molakia the Armed Forces of the Slavorussian Empire are taking necessary steps to defend against another Nordic imperialistic invasion. Government owned factories have been converted to wartime readiness, meaning they produce only the goods and equipment used and consumed by the Imperial Armed Forces. The Armed Forces can expect to see thousands of tanks and other armored vehicles, as well as planes, helicopters, guns and medium and intermediate missiles. The Ministry of Defense is funding A nationwide project to shield civilian and military targets from EMP attacks. Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov says that the Ministry’s budget can easily accommodate the shielding upgrades, but other projects like repairing the missile defense and radar networks may cost more than previously expected. Ministry of Education and Science: Minister Andrei Fursenko reported that hundreds of public schools have been taken over by Provincial governments and are experiencing massive changes. Thanks to increased government funding Slavorussian students will have brand new textbooks and clean safe learning environments. With the addition of standardized public school uniforms and the introduction of a new discipline techniques, the Slavorussian government expects next years test scores to improve by a considerable margin. Ministry of Energy and Ministry of Environment: With no more oil flowing into the Free Slavorussian provinces several nations around the world have stepped up to assist Slavorussia in reducing its dependency on oil, and at the same time using more environmentally friendly methods to power our cities and homes. Slavorussia is preparing to switch to fusion power, and electric powered vehicles. Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Slavorussia hopes to begin pursuing closer relations with a broad range of nations, including Molakia, Mariehamm, Canada and New England, while continuing to isolate itself, or rather defend itself from countries it considers dangerous and aggressive.
  8. ooc: I was refering to Lubeck, and the USA as well if they are doing it too.
  9. Slavorussia never has and never will recognize the expansion of non-Antarctican nations in Antarctica.
  10. You should name names, or pm the people, or the problem may not get solved. For what you said about people needing to "let things go once their character is destroyed and move on to a new slate entirely" because of the kind of rp it is. If any people here think like I do, the point is to write about your ingame nation. My ingame nation isn’t the one I rerolled as in central Asia. It was just a placeholder while waited for the inevitable to happen, and thanks to some friends it happened sooner than I thought.
  11. Have any of you tried have a chat with the people who you think are disrespectful, poor rper, godmodders, ooc too much, ect? If someone doesnt know that they're doing wrong then you can't blame it all on them. If I was yapping in ooc too much, or godmodding I would like to know.
  12. We never said, nor implied you have anything to apologize for. We simply said it’s sad that a NAP, that was in a way violated only hours after it was signed, kept Vaule from coming to the aid of an ally.
  13. It's sad, the RUSSIAN pact showed true promise. Unfortunately a NAP overrides a MDP these days.
  14. I don't think that was really an opinion, but ok. You have every right to not do what someone here thinks might be a good idea, but try not to be so smug about it. I’m not the only person to say that you seem to act that way in the map thread. I didn’t see anyone here bossing the mapmakers around or treating them like slaves. People ask for updates, and the mapmakers get around to it whenever they want. Sometimes in-between people ask for the same thing several times. When this happens Sumeragi from time to time gets a really sour attitude like we're all standing behind her with whips forcing her to update the map immediately. If you cant handle the criticism or cant handle the demand then maybe what you're doing isn’t the best thing for you to do. CNRP can exist without a map, and in many ways it was better without the map.
  15. People have the right to give their opinion or give positive and negative criticism as long as they're respectful. I don’t participate in map making, because on the rare occasions I've tried to edit the current map it took several minutes for my compute to load the file, and every time I click to add color to the file I’m forced to wait another several minutes. I don’t know who’s been bossing you around, but frankly it comes with the territory of doing any job, and if you cant deal with it then I suggest you hand in your two weeks notice.
  16. I'm happy for you? Lol, you treat the map like your own personal creation, and it's really not.
  17. That's sad to hear. I don’t know if I've told anyone this, but I don't think mergers belong in cnrp.
  18. I recommended that a couple times before, and even looked for a decent map for the mapmaker to use, but nobody listens to me.
  19. I don’t know what blackjack is, besides a card game, but it appears someone here is in a bad mood because of it.
  20. Baron Erwin von Uberstein is always welcome in Slavorussia. He saved Slavorussia from the U.R.P.R. and he also helped save the Imperial Family and dozens of foreign delegates from terrorists. As stated before the man is a hero, not a criminal. If you’re looking for criminals you need only look within your own borders. Additionally Nordic Confederacy militants, and law enforcement officials are not allowed in Slavorussia without the proper visitor visas.
  21. The fault does not go to our former allies. Although they may be pathetic cowards who believe in being “friends when convenient” its neither their fault nor ours. The fault in this issue rests solely upon your allies in the Nordic Confederacy, and yourselves. The world knows now that Slavorussia wasn’t invaded to liberate the already free people. Slavorussia was invaded to steal the land and resources nothing more. As for the Nenetsia Oblast that your country now occupies, it was sufficiently developed. The capital of Villarus, our former ally was there, much of the infrastructure was centered there, and we made every effort to sustain that area. There are several major port cities along the Barents Sea, so to claim the area was undeveloped is a blatant lie. Please don’t attempt to justify your wrongdoings with misdirection and lies, because it does not help the situation. Having said that we thank you, and wish you luck as well. We wouldn't want to impose on the people of the Middle East again, by annexing any land. The citizens of Qatar served the Tsar well for many years and they deserve their independence. We would appreciate the RA's assistance in lowering our dependency on fossil fuels, and moving toward more environmentally friendly fuels.
  22. We appreciate your offer very much. We should be able to sustain ourselves for another week. Between now and then we should meet and hammer out the cost of importing and possibly extending the pipeline. Canada has been such a tremendous help during and fallowing the war. Indeed if it weren’t for Canada and ComIntern there would be no such thing as Free Slavorussia. It’s a new era for Slavorussia, and perhaps its time we take the necessary steps to catch up with the rest of the world in respect to technology. A very generous offer. New England and its allies have been extremely supportive in our time of need. Proof that there is still good in the world. We wish to discuss a number of issues with Procinctia, and perhaps rebuild the relationship that once existed between our two countries. We hope you’ll understand if we do not trust you, or question your motives. Your direct actions helped put us in the position we’re in today, and your country currently occupies part of Slavorussia. We think you know what you must do to redeem yourselves in the eyes of the Slavorussian people. Unfortunately we must decline your offer for now. It seems the nations with the most integrity exist in North America. If only we had neighbors like Viniland We hope Slavorussia, Mariehamm and ADI officials can get together as soon as possible and have discuss this issue more. We know that right now Molakia is struggling, and we wouldn’t want to impose. Oil and its many forms are vastly valuable and important in modern Slavorussian society. We use oil for heating purposes, creating plastics and lubrication and petroleum is greatly important for Slavorussia’s transportation system. ooc: spite
  23. The people of Free Slavorussia were, considering the circumstances, holding up well. Despite loosing the war Slavorussian life in the free provinces continued as normal, or as close to normal as possible. Thanks to generous donations from nations like Canada and New England hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing the occupied territories were fed, clothed and sheltered. Their new Premier, Dmitry Medvedev was a promising young man with a great vision and an all star cabinet. The Imperial Family had bestowed their blessing and placed all their confidence in the new Premier. During a press conference Premier Medvedev announced to the world that, given the proper attitude and environment, Slavorussia and Nordland could forgive and forget the past rivalry, and focus their energies on making a better future. Less than a week later however Nordland spat in the face of millions of Slavorussians by transferring control of the Russian oil to Nordic companies and cutting the oil to the free provinces. Slavorussian oil barons lost millions over night. Prominent families who’s fortunes had been made on the oil business face imminent poverty in the near future. In the past Slavorussian was largly dependant on domestic oil and natural gas, and in one fell swoop invaders had come in and stolen what was theirs, and refused to share their ill-gotten spoils of war. To make matters worse nearly all of the oil reserves were stockpiled in the northern and eastern provinces. Nordland has virtually sucked the blood out of the Slavorussian veins. Needless to say the Slavorussian people are furious. Muscovites march through Red Square, passing the Grand Kremlin Palace, still showing a gaping hole from a supposed terrorist attack the very same day Slavorussia surrendered to the NC. As they march the enraged Slavorussians shout patriotic slogans like “Long Live the Empire!” and singing songs like “God Save the Tsar,” “The Prayer of the Russians” and “The Hymn of the Slavorussian Empire.” The protest is peaceful, and at first shows the resolve of the united Slavorussian people, but the mood quickly turns sour when a popping sound disrupts the peaceful demonstration. Believing the sounds to be gunshots the crowd explodes into an uncontrollable fear which turns to rage. The collective crowd quickly single out the several people they thing caused the disturbance. They chase and brutally beat several fellow protestors. They then begin to turn on each other, causing a massive street fights, causing dozens of injuries and at least two deaths. The peaceful protesters turned rioters then turn on inanimate objects, knocking over and igniting vehicles, and looting from local businesses then setting them aflame as well. Fortunately the quick response from riot police ensured that that the rioters remained contained, and that police were able to keep injuries, deaths and collateral damage was kept to a minimum. The Moscow Militsiya report making over 100 arrests that afternoon. After the situation calmed down Premier Medvedev gives a televised speech from his office. “Earlier today the Slavorussian people showed great strength and unity. Men and women, Europeans and Africans, rich and poor marched together as one to protest another attempt by nordland to distablize Slavorussia and Eastern Europe. I looked out my office over the ancient Kremlin walls and what I saw was true unity, a bond created and perfected since the ancient times… but in one short moment our unit was divided. Honestly I am quite saddened by what unfolded today. Two lives were lost today and many people were injured. There is no justification for these crimes, and those responsible will face justice. To the victims and their families, the prayers the Imperial Family, the government and the entire nation are with you. It was a terrible tragedy, but fortunately the local police units were able to contain and break up the riots and make a dozens of arrests. The people of Slavorussia will sleep better knowing that our nation’s finest are on the job 24/7. We are working on solving the oil crisis, and economic programs recently put in place will help lighten the damage done to our economy. During a meeting with the cabinet, It became apparent to me and my government that Nordland is not dedicated to peace in Europe, and they have proven they are not going to even attempt to patch the rift between our nations, just as they never attempted diplomacy in any of their unjust wars against the governments and people of Europe. Nordland has created a synthetic peace through violence and terror. They’re doing these things to us in a desperate attempt to provoke us. They know the world will not tolerate a third unjust invasion of Slavorussia, so they want to guide our bombs to their cities to make themselves look like the innocent victim of a vindictive government, and it‘s violent people. Well I say to Nordland today you cannot divide us, you cannot conquer us. We will not allow you to force us to your level. We will not become a band of thugs, thieves and murderers like yourselves. You can continue with your sad attempts to divide us, and to provoke us into another war, but you will not succeed. The ideals of peace, liberty and justice will always run through our veins. No force on this planet is powerful enough to break our bond. We can and will break down any wall, overcome any obstacle and defeat any threat you send our way. In the end the glorious Slavorussian Empire, its people, and our love of freedom will inspire others, and help usher in a real era of peace. Thank you, God bless the Empire, and all humanity.”
  24. We're not sure what these other gentlemen are talking about. Comrade Lenin ordered the execution of the Imperial Family, and was in turn executed after, he was found guilty of his crimes. His successor Joseph Stalin founded the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. It lasted until the restoration of the Tsars in 1953. Between 1953 and 2009 Europe enjoyed a long and prosperous era of peace, until the birth of the Evil Empire, who unjustly invaded the land of the Tsars twice, stole the land and resources, and enslaved the proud Slavic people. And the world sat by while this so called thousand year Reich committed the atrocities against the Slavs, Scandinavians, Dutch, French, and Italians.
  25. The Slavorussian soldiers keep their guns pointed at the military convoy, while their commander contacts the base for permission to allow the convoy to reach the border. The soldiers are informed that the convoy is friendly, and stand down. The outpost commander signals for the convoy to approach the border checkpoint. They are ordered to stop again just before crossing the border in to Slavorussia. “Good day, I’m Colonel Malinovsky. I have with me the diplomatic visas that were approved by Premier Medvedev personally. My orders are to confiscate all weapons and escort you to Hermitage Palace in St. Petersburg for tonight. After that you will be transported to Moscow to a building that will act as the official Molakian Embassy, and your weapons will be returned then. Is this acceptable?”
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