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Justinian the Mighty

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Everything posted by Justinian the Mighty

  1. ooc: The thread is here for him to read and respond to at his leisure. It can begin whenever he's ready.
  2. ooc: I like the United Kingdom of Scotland and England, or the Kingdom of Great Britain Minus Wales. I nulled the vote, cause I couldn't decide.
  3. Statement to the press from Premier Medvedev about C.S.S.R. “I’ve talked personally with a couple CSSR officials, but there’s only so much we can do over the phone. I think we’ve done about all we’re going to do that way, so now would be a good time to invite CSSR government officials to come to Moscow and meet with us.” Slavorussia invites CSSR and coalition diplomats to Moscow to discuss Slavorussia’s surrender terms, and officially end the war.
  4. ooc: Only if we send up Bruce Willis, Ben Affleck, Michael Clarke Duncan, and that russian guy who's plays the russian character in every Hollywood movie. or... We could watch it plop into the ocean and flood the world, then have Morgan Freeman make a speech after the water recedes. Because the waters will recede, and when they recede we will rebuild.
  5. ooc: I was thinking we should handle this whole thing like the Nuremberg Trials. Hold it in the city where Nordland was first conceived with coalitions appointing several judges.
  6. ooc: who to pm about joining the meeting? I think that since the CEU nations lost the war (before sumer chimes in saying we were saved. that's not an issue, so please don’t bring it up kthxbai.) There should be some influence from the European countries who were on the winning side of the war, especially since the outcome of these meetings can effect all Europe. Edit: in hindsight it was stupid of me to post asking who to pm. I should have sent a pm to the op. /fail.
  7. It’s not really a deal, more like reconciling for past mistakes. We are offering them the chance to make things right. I'm confident in the CSSR's desire to do the right thing.
  8. ooc: I didn’t feel like writing a whole speech just that small part. It’s basically a post-war State of the Union type address.
  9. Exerpt from Premier Medvedev’s speech to parliament: “…Sadly some Slavorussians are still separated by national borders. I have contacted soviet government in Crimeastan about this very sensitive issue. I believe that during my short conversation with a CSSR official I made it very clear that the CSSR has no right and no reason to occupy Slavorussia any longer. I requested that as part of their surrender terms Slavorussians would like to see land returned to them. I made it clear that we could not accept no as an answer, and I’m confident that our neighbors in the CSSR understand our position and will agree to our terms…”
  10. Ooc: Thank you for your entirely unwanted and unnecessary commentary. It's called negotiating, not everything is just automatically agreed on. Kthxbai.
  11. ic/ooc: That's what I meant when I said self rule. Independant, and not an autonomous part of Nordhiem or Slavorussia Any high ranking military officials would be appreciated as well, and if you can provide us with the whereabouts of the infamous Kaiser Martens, we believe he should stand trial with his compatriots. Despite what some may believe that the Baltic is purely Nordlandic, or purely Slavorussia the region is first and foremost Baltic. There were Baltic tribes and Baltic nations there before Slavorussia or Nordland interfered. Partitioning it wasn’t really what we hoped for the people, but we’re open to the idea. I have to point out I can only speak for the Slavorussian government. Premier Medvedev and the Dowager are very weary of these talks, the wars the bickering and they just want it to be over with.
  12. Nordheim’s nuclear weapons have been an issue of concern since the end of the war. There was a proposal that the codes for these weapons be given to Prussia. If there was a small committee, or seasoned, rational military leaders with control over Nordheim’s destructive weapons we may accept. As for the trials, they will be held in Europe in a place of the prosecution’s choosing. I personally favor Berlin for the location. It seems fitting, a city near the heart of Nordland. Magnhild is a leader, just like Albert Trazband. If she was not responsible the jury will find her not guilty and she'll be released. Either way her testimony should be useful during the trials. We would appreciate it if Nordheim’s authorities would detain all the leaders who will be put on trial we would greatly appreciate it. EDIT: There is one more thing I’d like to address, the issue of the Baltic States. Slavorussia and Nordland have both occupied the area for centuries, and the issue has been huge topic of debate and the cause of rivalry between our nations for some time. I think now this would be a good chance for the region to have self rule.
  13. We don't have any nuclear weapons for Nordheim to fear for their safety, but if we did we don't have a history of threatening to use our nuclear, biological and chemical weapons on our neighbors.
  14. And risk creating martyrs for other fascist fanatics to use in order to justify their actions. I think we should avoid execution of Nordic leaders if possible, and prevent suicide attempts.
  15. Yes, we can discuss the theories of “nature verses nurture” later. If these men and women are guilty of any crimes they should be punished and if possible rehabilitated. In order to positively ensure these people can’t move themselves back in positions of power in their respective countries or any country in the world, it is necessary to confine them to institutions that can adequately separate them from the public. Institutions not unlike prisons. There high security correctional institutions and programs that can ensure their safety while they pay their debts. We don't want to see them harmed after all, we're humans not beasts.
  16. There's still the need to put Nordheim's leaders on trial. Note that the trial and list of offenses go back to the early days of Nordland, therefore the Martens family are requested to turn themselves over for trial. ooc: I think KM is still rping Nordheim, it's just the character who needs to be put on trial. ic: You might be bargaining for more than you can handle.
  17. It could be argued that several leaders of Nordland are violent criminals. Nordland has started several wars at the drop of a hat, without using any means diplomacy. Many of the wars started by Nordland lead to the deaths of thousands of people, with many more injured or missing. House arrest will be enough for some who’s crimes are as severe, or those who were only supporting and unknowing actors. However those who were more involved should face prison. Slavorussia is however against the death penalty, we don’t want any martyrs being born here.
  18. We thank everyone for their congratulatory comments and understanding. Slavorussians are one step closer to reuniting our country. We hope that future negotiations with other holders of Slavorussian land will lay the framework for stronger relations between Europe’s great countries and dependencies.
  19. Slavorussian based internet political forums say this move is "made of win." Slavorussia's government also supports it.
  20. ooc: this sort of thing is usually done by the winners.
  21. The Martens family has had a considerable amount of political and military power throughout Nordland. The Slavorussian government believes that members of the martens family are directly responsible for several wars, which lead to dozens of crimes throughout Europe. If we're shown proof, during the trial, that members of the Martens family were little more than figureheads then they will be acquitted.
  22. It seems with the GNR gone the world is scrambling to find a new "enemy." Peace really is just an illusion.
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