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Justinian the Mighty

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Everything posted by Justinian the Mighty

  1. We can no longer continue the fight our communitcations systems have been destroyed, our army is in shambles, Our allies have all failed us betrayed us, or left the war. Slavorussia has been thrown to the wolves... literally. We curse the day we every helped a RUSSIAN nation in it's time of need. We only hope the nords continue their conquest and conquer all of Russia. Edit: not a rage quit, but I am quitting. What's gone on in this war behind the scenes is rediculous. It almost makes me think people have something against me ooc, because I have never seen so many shady deals done behind closed doors before.
  2. We'll yell whatever commands we want, while our borders are being unjustly violated by the psychopaths of Europe. Not you nor anyone else will change that fact. The sooner nations of Europe begin respecting one another the sooner we can stop yelling.
  3. ooc: are you telling me someone reported me instead of just telling me to remove it? This forums and the people on it amaze me. I'm not going to defend myself for using the pic, but seriously guys...
  4. ooc: thats too bad, I think he tied it together perfectly.
  5. ooc: Henceforth this shall be where I post my silly war propaganda. *Note: the images used in the fallowing are purely for satirical purposes. I'm not trying to be offensive... but if I was it would probably be funnier. ic: Narrator: Welcome to another addition of “The March of War” [the Hymn of the Slavorussian Empire plays as the title screen rolls] Narrator: As the Great Patriotic War really heats up, the government is calling on the Slavorussian people to help with the war effort. Narrator: Here we see little Jimmy and little Tommy, anxious to help out with the war. Hey Jimmy, hey Tommy, watcha doin boys? Haha. Jimmy and Tommy: We’re using our planes to bomb the dirty invaders and send them back to where they came from. Narrator: Hey boys did you know that you can help out with the war effort? [boys look confused] Yes indeed boys, Mother Motherland needs you to help in her defense. Save your old soda cans, paperclips and any other metallic products and take them down to your local reservist base. By doing this you provide the empire with much needed metal that can be used to combat the evil invaders. Jimmy and Tommy: COOL! Narrator: Yes boys, nothing is “cooler” than helping out our glorious empire in the war against oppression. Right now Mother Motherland needs you more than ever, so save up your allowance and go out and buy war bonds. Jimmy and Tommy: OK! Narrator: Hey lets go see what those crazy nords are up to shall we [Cuts to Germany] [image of an angry Nordic leader] Narrator: Wow! That’s one pissed off Nord eh boys? Jimmy and Tommy: He sure is, but why is he so mad? Narrator: Well boys the Russians and Nords have been rivals for a very long time, but of course good ol Mother Motherland has always had the upper hand against the Fatherland, haha. Anyway, because we lead by example and don’t oppress the mighty Slavorussian people, and give our people all the freedoms we could ever want the Nords got a little jealous. Our glorious government has also stood up to the Nordic governments because of their penchant to oppress and enslave their own people, so that only pissed em off more. Now they want to impose on our freedoms and make us part of the growing Nordic Empire, but are you boys gonna let em do that, are ya? Jimmy and Tommy: No way! Narrator: Haha, spoken like a true freedom loving Slavorussian. Hey you boys know what else you can do to help Mother Motherland? Jimmy and Tommy: What?! Narrator: Go down to your local reservist base and help the reserves prepare to battle the Nordies, they could really use your help. Also when you boys turn 16 join your local Youth Defender corp. You’ll gain invaluable experience incase you have to fight to defend the country yourselves someday. Not only that it’ll make sure you develop into well rounded mature young men. How does that sound to you boys? Jimmy: Gee wiz mister that sounds great. I cant wait to start helping out to defeat the invaders. Tommy: Yea, I’m gonna go start helping right now! Narrator: Haha, that’s the spirit boys. Go get em boys! [fades to black] This message brought to you by the Slavorussian Ministry of War/Defense.
  6. NO ONE should be operating inside our sovereign waters. Both of you get the hell out NOW! *Classified, but not really classified* Slavorussian coastal defenses are prepared to fire on any vessel entering our waters, that is not currently allied to us and assisting us in our war against the imperialist slime that has violated the peace of Europe and murdered thousands of innocent civilains. We are not warring the NC the NC is warring us. Our allies are helping us defend Slavorussia from the corrupt governments of Central and Northern Eruope. Furthermore the invading nation is not our ally, we haven't even established contact nor exchanged ambassadors. Perhaps if the Norden Kingdom had gotten it's facts straight in the first place it would be involved in this unjust war against the freedom loving people of Europe.
  7. I'm glad this information was brought to my attention, I'll be sure to look into it.
  8. KM and BR are fighting my army outside Kaunas, Lithuania. CSSR Vector, and Vince should be capturing cities in southern Belarus, which I abandoned. But then again maybe I'm high, and I missed everything after they captured southern Belarus. Although according to Vince they're in Kaluga oblast Russia.
  9. What about what? I need to see a link, because I have no idea how they marched through all of Belarus and are that close to Moscow, without being attacked.
  10. Everything else does, what makes this any different?
  11. They’re nothing but hypocrites and liars, why should we care what they think?
  12. Lol, let me put it this way. Just reading the Op was too much work for me. I gave up about halfway through.
  13. It's been a week at the most... I say give him time to fix the details. The way i see it his last post needs to be edited no matter what happens. 2009 tech is not invulnerable to 2009 tech.
  14. Like I've said before about tech sharing it shouldn't be general and all encompassing, for example: Nation 1: Hey Nation 2 can I have some teckz plawkz? Nation 2: Lawl, of course you can, we have no real relations or reason to interact on this level, but yes. Nation 1: Coolies broham, also can I haz ur nookz? :lol: Nation 2: lollerskates, sure u can. ^^thats what it is now. What I think should happen... Nordheim: Yo CSSR you have nice tanks, and we're allies now can I buy some? CSSR: You sure can buddy, you need anything else? Nordheim: Guns, lots of guns. CSSR: I got ya. B) See how much fun it is that way. That way there's no way people can claim your rp is vague. Everyone knows exactly what you're getting, and what it's capable of. Also, the NC is nowhere near Moscow. Martens and Brian are being attacked aggressively on the western front, and in the south Slavorussians had to retreat several kilometers, but so far Moscow is absolutely safe… unless of course it gets nuked.
  15. That would turn me into the bad guy, and I wouldn't get the international support I have now. I want the war to continue on it's present course. If loosing is a concern for the members of the NC, well honestly you just have to bite down and deal with it. These are the consequences of war. You rolled the dice, and you cant turn back now.
  16. They've been plotting for weeks and moved their pawns into place. I think they should continue. Just because your tech isn't impervious to mine anymore, (not like realistically was before) shouldn't discourage you. If not I’ll ask if we can treat this the way we do when a defender refuses to recognize an invasion, which I think means you loose your whole country to the invaders. Because I want to finish what has been started. I did not pull my hair out for several days just for everything to just be void.
  17. Guys what the heck happened? I see there was some issue with KM's tech level. I admit after I read his response to my attack, I was planning on calling that into question. No army is invincible, and he should have taken moderate to heavy casualties, not little to none like he indicated. I've mentioned that I think tech sharing is bs. It's lazy rp if you ask me. A stronger country with advanced tech can, in an instant propel, a 3rd world developing country in to the modern age, but declaring the rp void? I was really looking forward to reconstruction, if I win, or rping a government in exile if I loose. I thought it would be fun. For the record I think we should let KM get his tech straightened out and continue.
  18. Slavorussian engineers are beginning a massive project to fully shield both military and civilian targets from emp attacks. The cost is high, but the reward is much much higher, since right now Slavorussia only has minimal emp shielding, mostly on military assets.
  19. Statement from the Tsar of Slavorussia: "In the past few days we have come to know the true meaning of national unity. We Slavorussians as a people have grown closer together as a result of the despicable tactics being used against us. the Russians Afro-Slavorussians, Christians, Jews, Muslims, the rich and the poor are all united under the banner of our glorious empire. Our internal differences have completely disappeared in the face of total war being waged against us. I wish to say to the Molakian people, While we feel your pain, you must remember their unjust government started the war for their own territorial ambitions. Our intention is not to harm Molakians, but to strike the government where it lives and show the country we will not be taken advantage of. Convince your leaders to end the war now, and the bombings will stop. From there we can assist in humanitarian efforts, and request that some humanitarian aid intended for Slavorussia be instead allocated for Molakia. To the nations of the world who have come to our aid, I thank you. There is no greater joy than to see nations put aside their differences and unite against the scourge of imperialism, tyrrany and oppression. The Slavorussian Empire, the government and the Imperial family are all forever indebted to you. Your efforts will be rewarded. While we are engaged in the greatest struggle for our freedom in over nearly a century, we shall stand strong. The unused Imperial residences are now being converted to hospitals, to treat the civilians who's lifes clearly mean nothing to our invaders. These palaces will be marked as civilian hospitals, if the invaders have any shred of kindness they will avoid attacking the palaces, you may still able redeem yourselves. Remember Slavorussians support the troops and they will protect you with all their might, and in the end we will be victorious. Good Night and God Bless the Empire."
  20. Battle for St. Petersburg Slavorussias cheer the bombers who’s mission proved to be an outstanding success, For the first time since the beginning of the war Slavorussian commanders are able to report real progress. However the cheering and upbeat attitude quickly changes as the bombers reposition for another run. Molakian AA does it’s job well in defending the soldiers and provides enough suppressive fire, in many cases shoot down the bombers. They’re forced to pull back, especially when Molakian soldiers enter the actual city. The enemy AA’s are proving to be a considerable obstacle for the deployment of reinforcements. Whole transport planes are slaughtered. The initial damage totals between 1,000 and 2,000 casualties. As a result the Slavorussian commanders lead by the Tsar himself order ¼ of the artillery to focus on the Molakian AA and decimate their ability to defend from air strikes. The remainder continue to lay down heavy fire on soldier positions and enemy artillery. Civilians are evacuated from the inner city, or take up shelter in the numerous bomb shelters built during the Soviet regime. They’re old and outdated, but they should be effective in defending the citizens, who are not the primary target, or so they hoped. As the Molakian soldiers enter the city they are met with heavy resistance from Slavorussian soldeirs. Although Slavorussians are outnumbered roughly 2 to 1 they are more than willing to engage in vicious and brutal brawling in the streets of St. Petersburg this definitely causes them to take heavier casualties on the ground than the invaders, but they are supported by almost two dozen tanks and the successful air campaign has boosted moral in the city considerably.
  21. I agree, wars should be planned before they begin. There's still going to be bickering, but it will all happen before the war. People can't help the ooc stuff, we all have different ideas about how the rp is in general, and when countries interact in war there's bound to be problems. If you ask me though I think this war is going pretty well, apart from triyun complaining because I'm "ignoring" his posts. My military on that front sustained high casualties and retreated, what else do I have to say to that? Triyun help me help you.
  22. Slavorussian Government countered the propaganda leaflets earlier today. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=53544 Although the Slavorussia citizens are upset over the use of landmines, which often tend to be a major danger to civilians, long after armed conflicts cease they despise the NC for forcing Slavorussian army to take such measures. In cities like Riga, Tallinn, Vilnius, Minsk and Moscow Slavorussian citizens march to protest the war. They burn the flags of the invading countries, and spit on images of their leaders. One man was even photographed defecating on an image of the German Kaiser. Together they send a clear message that all Slavorussians are united in the effort to remove the invaders from their homeland.
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