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Justinian the Mighty

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Everything posted by Justinian the Mighty

  1. How can civilians allow rebels to hide among them for the purpose of disrupting Vaulean control over the region, but at the same time be loyal to the government of Vaule? The MLA has contradicted itself, and therefore revealed themselves to be liars.
  2. Ministery of Transportation: The Ministry of Transportation reported today that the massive construction project to repair hundreds of kilometers worth of dilapidated highway road has finally been finished. Transportation Minister Aleksei Chistyakov says the project has brought Slavorussia’s interstate up to par with current imperial safety regulations, not only by repaving damaged streets, but by installing free to use phones every few kilometers. The phones have a direct like to the traffic stations, and station officials can contact fire, police and other emergency services. The renewed highways also are equipped with video cameras that can monitor traffic and motorists. The upgrades also bike lanes protected by guard rails, and carpool lanes in heavily populated areas. The highway system has in many places been extended by at least two lanes to increase the flow of traffic. Now that construction is completed and all roads are open we can expect to see a major commute times decrease especially in the major cities like Moscow and St. Petersburg. Ministery of Commerce: Minister of Commerce Sergei Golubev reported that the Moscow International Business Center is nearly complete. Building contractors say they are putting the finishing touches on the 12 billion rouble project started in early 2000 with the ground breaking of Slavorussia Tower. Department of Defense: Parliament has approved an appropriation bill for the Ministry of Defense’s proposal to repair, upgrade and build new permanent defensive structures along the Slavrussian border. The issue was brought to parliament shortly after the conclusion of the war with Nordland. Ministry of Defense investigators reported that much of the defensive infrastructure in Belarus was destroyed, or was seriously outdated. The Ministry of Defense is currently accepting bids from Slavorussian based construction companies.
  3. The rebel propaganda falls on deaf ears. Vaule’s government has given the Outer Mongolian region free rule, only to have it thrown back in their face. The law abiding people in Outer Mongolia are having the wool pulled over their eyes by these rebel leaders. Hopefully they realize that and put an end to this rebellion before it’s too late.
  4. ooc: Im pretty sure the last post on feb 9 puts it a few pages back, therefore its a gravedig.
  5. By morning news of the death of the empress has reached every corner of the Imperium. The news sent shockwaves through the nation, as the Estovakian people try to comprehend what is going on. The people are shocked. The empress wasn’t especially hated, she had her dissenters, but all monarchs do. It was just inconceivable that someone would murder a symbol, the very icon of Estovakia. The news of the violent assassination reached Moscow by sunrise. At the palace the Tsar was sitting down to have breakfast with his family when he heard the news. From then on he sits at the table emotionless. He gazes coldly at the table, not touching anything on his plate, or even drinking. He just sits there silent and motionless. The Kremlin is on the other end of the spectrum. Kremlin officials are worked up into a frenzy. They were informed that over 150 hostages are being held in the Slavorussian embassy in the Estovakian capital. Slavorussia’s ambassador had already been executed when he refused to comply with the rebels demands, and now innocent civilians lives were in danger. Kremlin officials order an invasion of Estovakia without consulting other RUSSIAN leaders. Fortunately for Slavorussia the rebels remained localized in the capital, with several smaller rebel contingents in the northern regions. Slavorussian bombers fly over Gracemeria. There are three main concentrations of rebel soldiers, one at the Parliament building, another at the Slavorussian embassy and the third is at the Gracemeria city hall. Air-to-surface missiles are fired at both the city hall and parliament causing moderate damage, and killing large numbers of rebel soldiers. As the bombers turn around for another strike the Estovakian air defense systems come online. The bombers encounter heavy fire. They are forced to break formation and retreat back over the border. On the ground several special operations teams attack and kill rebels who are attempting to ransack the city. They slowly make their way towards the Slavorussian embassy.
  6. ooc: because Mongolians = the Nords of the East? ic: We support Vaule's decision. *Classified message to Vaule* We are concerned Vaule may be going down a very slippery slope from which there is no return. We truly hope this matter can be fixed and Vaule can return to normalcy. If you need anything dont hesitate to ask us.
  7. When it comes to tech sharing i think people are taking advantage of it. I've seen some nations with low ingame tech elevated to my tech level or higher, and im on the higher end of the tech spectrum. Tech trading needs to be more specific and rped in more depth. example of the wrong way to do it: Nation A and I share tech. I go from 1975 tech to 2020 tech. The right way to do it: Me: Hey nation A can I have the plans to your fighter plane? Nation A: Sure, can you help me emp proof my tanks? Me: Lets share more stuff in the furture Nation A: sure <3
  8. The loyalist soldiers who have retaken the palace are struggling to hold off the advance of the rebel soldiers who are once again breathing down their necks. This time the rebels have the added support of a tank, and the loyalists are ill-equipped to destroy it, so they hastily take Empress Kusanagi right out the front gates of the palace compound into a waiting convoy. The 5 car convoy drove away from the palace in a hurry. They drove east on the main street in front of the palace. The convoy starts to turn north onto a small back street, when an rpg hits the lead car destroying it and blocking the path. As the cars quickly regroup and return on keep going straight another rpg destroys the second car from the front, which the rebels believe the empress is in. Almost instantly a handful of rebels step out of the shadows and riddle the remaining three cars with machine gun fire. When the rebels stop to reload two bodyguards exit the last car in the convoy. Carrying only with their side arms they pick off the rebels one by one the two rebels are quickly overwhelmed however and killed, but not before killing two rebels and injuring four more. Now two of the empress’ bodyguards lay lifeless on the ground, and two of the cars mangled and enflamed. the rebels check the three remaining cars for any life. They open the doors or smash the windows and fire their guns wildly into the vehicles. When the rebels have satisfied their bloodlust they pour gasoline or alcohol on the three vehicles, and set them on fire. While the rebels stand around the flaming cars and cheer their commander calls the Dark Mind on his cell phone he mumbles the words “Da, she is dead.”
  9. I’m almost positive the mod ruling is law. It's the GM rulings some people might try to squeeze out of by way of the mods. Anyway if Sargun's position is respected, then my navy and those nukes I stole from Nordland will disappear too.
  10. ooc: we can magically move the conference to Moscow if you guys want. ic: Slavorussia votes yes on Altin Urda's admission in regard to the establishment and recognition of the Federal Republic of Bosporan we also vote yes.
  11. There's a first time for everything. Also I haven't seen Triyun argue for direct IG stats at all.
  12. Is it safe for me to assume nobody has a problem with this? *grabs and huggles* of course, of course! /perv
  13. And so the Slavorussian Empire has become the last fortress of the Slavic people's once great culture. In Slavorussia there has been a rebirth of Pan-Slavicism, and citizens have begun pressuring the government to return to the old ways to preserve the Slavic traditions. Since this is not the government we originally signed the MDoAP with we hereby submit our notice of cancellation. We will consider a treaty with Kleinsudlichen Reich at a later date.
  14. Ok then Slavorussia's full navy is reinstated. An assortment of aircraft carriers, battleships, destroyers, submarines, frigates and cruisers. I'll determine what my country can realisticly support soon. Edit: Also since im one of the principal invaders of Nordland i confiscated Nord Nukes... lets say 2.
  15. Who said anything about RL? Nukes and navy = what you have ingame. End of story.
  16. ooc: Woah rewind... western Kazaksthan doesnt fall under the Augustus Doctrine plus wasn't that given to sumer? I thought you were invading the western part of the country?
  17. Again Slavorussia doesn't recognize the Augustus Doctrine. We are willing to look the other way just this one time, but the next time it is invoked as a veil to Byzantine imperialism we will take necessary action to put down the imperialist actions of our southern neighbor.
  18. Like Lord Frost said CNRP is based on realism and ingame stats, not anime and star trek. It's about being creative and still simulating near realistic situations.
  19. Slavorussia's communist party sees this as a good omen. They are confident the Soviet Socialist Republic of Crimeastan presence will influence the Slavorussian people embrace communism once again, resurrect the Soviet Union of Slavorussia. The Imperial government recognizes the Socialist Republic to our southeast, but has no comment.
  20. Some Mediterranean traders wouldnt find this method very secure. Gebiv could revoke the passes whenever they want. We request Gebiv recognize at least a 10km corridor between Sardinia and Africa that is open to international trade.
  21. Gibraltar is not owned by Gebiv, its jointly owned by the FBP the disbandment of the UFE does not transfer power to Gebiv. We’re talking about the sea routs between Sardinia and Africa.
  22. Are you aware closing that passage would divert all outgoing Mediterranean trade farther north into a narrower passage, or do you just not care?
  23. ooc: Yes, and I think we all complained about it. Also neither are ok. Nukes and Navies are strictly what you own ingame. This community needs some consistency with the rules
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