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Justinian the Mighty

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Everything posted by Justinian the Mighty

  1. Slavorussia has noted the dissolving of the UFE, which has been met with mixed responses in the empire. ooc: That thing with the navy and nukes, I don't think it's gonna happen.
  2. Regardless of the tech scale i'll still rp having 2009 tech.
  3. By mainland we mean the parts of Gebiv that sit on the African continent, not the central seat of Gebiv's government, economy or culture.
  4. Slavorussia will respect Gebiv's right to do this once we're sure what Gebiv's territorial waters include. If Gebiv proposed territorial waters include the passage between mainland Gebiv and Sardinia then we foresee a bit of a problem.
  5. Justinian stopped in his office to sign a few thank you notes to the countries who sent gifts, baked goods, and congratulatory statements earlier in the day. As the emperor approaches the entrance to the ballroom the conductor instructs the band and choir to sing the personal anthem of the House of House of Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov.While the song plays he descends the staircase to the ballroom floor fallowed by other members of the Imperial family and the imperial court. Emperor Justinian is wearing a red uniform with golden epaulettes, and medals. At his waist was a sword encrusted with jewels and other semi-precious stones. The idea was to showcase the grandeur and economic prosperity of Slavorussia in these dark times, although it was somewhat excessive. “Greetings majesties and excellencies, nobles and subjects to my home. I thank you all for spending this joyous day with me and my family. I hope tonight we can all put aside the international disputes and economic crises that plague the world and relax, so that we can go back and tackle these problems refreshed and renewed tomorrow.”
  6. I don't think its that weird for one country to have a colony in another continent. Slavorussia controlled half of India for a few months irl, and nobody seemed to complain. The spending of the money and nobody keeping track is a problem though, but 100 billion here 250billion there is something a lot of countries with stable economies can probably afford. Of course they'd have to make cutbacks in other areas of their budget.
  7. Ambassador Ushakov offers a temporary suggestion, "The government is Moscow have been very interestid in Altin Urda. The country shows great promise as a potential regional partner. However I think the Slavorussian government would like a chance to warm up to the Altin Urdan government before we make any final decisions. I propose we grant Altin Urda observer status in the RUSSIAN Pact, and then discuss how to go about this issue. The way i see it, we could amend the charter to fit Altin Urda's situation, or sell them a chunk of the RUSSIAN Protectorate."
  8. ooc: you don't have to rp their arrival. I know how everyone hates those.
  9. For the record Slavorussia doesn’t recognize the Augustus Doctrine as a serious doctrine.
  10. Slavorussia is a little offended by the name “European Unity treaty.“ If it were true to its name all European countries would have been brought together and had the opportunity to join or give input to the proposed treaty. We read and understood article 1 of this doccument, but we feel the name is greatly misleading nonetheless.
  11. As night falls the citizens are treated to a beautiful fireworks display. The skies over Moscow are light up by the many mini missiles that screech up into the air then explode with a thunderous boom. The people are mesmerized by the fireworks and sounds of astonishment fill the square. The colorful lights dance and paint a beautiful picture in the night sky. After the fireworks display Slavorussia’s social elite go to the palace to eat, drink and dance the night away. Everyone who is anyone is there, from big business CEO’s to nobility government officials and foreign delegates. As usual the ball is held in the a beautifully decorated ballroom built during the reign of Catherine the Great. Back in Red Square the party continues. Slavorussia’s most popular pop singers and bands take center stage and put on the biggest show of the year. Thousands of people fill the streets of Moscow, cheering and enjoying themselves.
  12. After the emperor finishes talking the whole booth of delegates military and government officals and the royal family stand for . After the anthem PM Kolesnikov takes the stage and instructs the crowd to take a moment of silence for all the lives lost in the recent nuclear war in Europe, and around the world. After the moment of silence the Lady Kolesnikov talks briefly about the emperor’s achievements in the past two years since his coronation.“Your Majesty it has been an honor to sit as the head of your government. Your guidance has lead this country down the right path. You have brought Slavorussia to the forefront of technological development and medical treatment. Under your enlightened rule our schools have begun to improve, and we are not on par with other European nations. Our hospitals are among the best in the world our economy is strong, and our politics is never wrong. Our great nation has enjoyed 2 years of your reign already, and may we have many many more years in the future.” As the Prime Minister steps down from the podium and takes her seat the long parade line starts to move through Red Square.
  13. Efimov: Hello, everyone I’m Zhenya Efimov and this is my co-anchor Sofia Semenov Kuzmin, and welcome to this year’s televised celebration and parade in honor of His Majesty’s birthday. Behind us right now the infamous red square, used by the Neo Bolsheviks for communist rallies. I think today we’re gonna put those old Russian commies to shame, we have over 150 civilian and military entries, and a huge fireworks show later tonight. Right now the skies are clear and the temperature is pretty mild. Just remember if you’re coming out tonight to bring a jacket or sweater because the temp will drop as the night begins. Kuzmin: As soon as the emperor’s motorcade makes it down to his viewing balcony we can begin. It looks like everyone is here, Lady Kolesnikov and her cabinet, members of parliament, General Belyakov, even the dowager empress and her husband are here, so it looks like all we’re waiting for is the emperor. Efimov: I heard there may have been some difficulty with his limo, but he should be here s… here he comes now. As the emperor’s motorcade becomes visable and drives down the street the crowd lets out a loud shout fallowed by thunderous applause. Some chant the national motto, and military officials salute the passing motorcade. The motorcade then turns, enters the Kremlin walls and stops at the back entrance of the viewing balcony. When the emperor emerges from the other end the crowd continues its loud cheers and applause. He steps up to the microphone and waves to the people. When they calm down he begins to speak. “Ladies and gentlemen, loyal subjects, foreign dignitaries and members of government. Thank you very much for honoring me today, and sharing in the special experience that only comes once a year. On this day 20 years ago I was born in Addis Ababa, Zamira. A series of events would bring me here to Slavorussia, to lead this glorious empire after the death of my grandfather. Althought we had a rocky start, you all accepted me and pledged to fallow me and my government. For that you have my eternal thanks Let us for at least 1 day forget the state of the world, pay no attention to the peril we‘ve gotten ourselves into. Let us enjoy the day our Lord has given us, and celebrate it to its fullest Without any further ado, let the party begin!”
  14. Slavorussia is interested in joining the World Congress. A resolution to join will be brought before parliament first thing monday morning.
  15. ooc: I agree with what LVN said. I'm not nuclear weapons expert, but I've read airbursts create much less radiation than a weapon detonated on the ground. Edit: As for the rest of that stuff he said... yea, um... wut?
  16. Slavourssian cities are bustling as they make the final preparations for tomorrows nationwide parades in celebration of Emperor Justinian’s 20th birthday. From St. Petersburg to Rostov and from Vilnius to Samara, Slavorussian citizens are excited to take part in the festivities and reflect on another year of His Majesty’s life. Parade organizers in Moscow promise that this year’s parade will be the biggest and best in a long time. Over a dozen of the empire’s most popular singers and performers are scheduled to perform life in Red Square for His Majesty and his subjects. As the Slavorussians party into the night they can expect a grand fireworks display and street parties to continue well into the night.. His Majesty himself plans spend the early day with his family and close friends. Later in the afternoon and evening he will attend the parade in Moscow, and will ride in his limo down the square to his booth where he will watch the parade and fireworks. After the fireworks he’ll return to the palace to the grand ballroom to entertain government officials, social elite, and foreign delegates. If last year’s celebration will be any indication of this year’s we can expect parties to go on well into the next day.
  17. The military anthem uses the same melody as Slavorussia's national anthem. Good choice.
  18. DPM Belyakov leans over and whispers to Ambassador Ushakov. After a short exchange Belyakov sits up in his seat and sighs, “Da.”
  19. Alot of alliances don't allow their members to give out that information, so I say no.
  20. Let me just get this straight, because I've been confused by this rule once before. It's how many soldiers you can buy, not how many soldiers you currently have on hand, and that number is multiplied by 10. Right?
  21. The Slavorussian Empire recognizes Altin Urda as a sovereign nation-state. We hope this will be the beginning of a long and stable regional partnership.
  22. ooc: Didn't KM use a militia in the last war, or did I just imagine that?
  23. The government has dissolved and anarchy reigns supreme. The UESR is restoring order to the country. The UESR's mission is a noble one, and so we shall support them on their journey.
  24. The Slavorussian Empire is prepared to move, but because of our considerable distance from both aggressors we'll need time to move out military to the region.
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