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Justinian the Mighty

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Everything posted by Justinian the Mighty

  1. The Slavorussian soldiers are there for IndoChina's defense. They're very capable of defending themselves.
  2. Slavorussian soldiers in Indochina and the Solairen Federacy are on alert now. Ooc: Slavorussia keeps about 5,000 soldiers, a dozen tanks and a squadron of aircraft in both countries as part of the peaceful independence negotiations. There are also patrol boats in the Indian Ocean.
  3. The world was much different back then. Slavorussia was happy to appease Nordland and New Roma while their armies advanced across Europe unopposed. Now those days are long gone, and we will not look the other way while peaceful and stable nations are invaded, especially when Europe is lacking countries of that caliber.
  4. ooc: lol I just like to be difficult, and this was a good chance have a little fun. ic: Slavorussia has no need to send troops to Zurran if there is no threat to it's continued independence. If Byzantine troops withdraw, then there will be no reason for Slavorussian soldiers to deploy.
  5. Perhaps Byzantium has missed the fact that this is not only an internal Byzantine issue. This is a war against another independent country. The age of imperialism is over, the sooner Byzantium recognizes that the sooner we can all go back to our normal lives.
  6. Slavorussian Message to Zurran: The Slavorussian Empire is sympathetic to your cause. Byzantium’s invasion of your country is unjust and we won’t sit by while a neighbor is invaded. We are prepared to send troops and equipment in your defense. All we need is permission to enter your borders. Message to Byzantium: Slavorussia is prepared to send our military into Zurran and defend the country from your invasion forces. We do not want to see this situation get out of hand, so we ask that you end your campaign and remove your troops from Zurran. If not we will take necessary actions to ensure Zurran remains independent.
  7. Again this is not exclusively a Byzantine affair. Zurran is not part of Byzantium, it’s an independent country, and because they are independent they have rights and freedoms which Byzantium is violating. When one independent nation invades another it becomes an international issue.
  8. Anything that happens so close to our borders is our concern. This is not purely a Byzantine issue, this is an international issue, and nothing the Byzantine government says will change that. Byzantium has no reason to invade Zurran, they are no threat to your people or economic and political interests. Remove your military from Zurran now and you can prevent this from coming between us.
  9. ooc: I'll take the criminal refugees and have the Italian organized crime fight against Russian organized crime.
  10. Statement from the Slavorussian Empire: The Slavorussian Empire cannot, in good conscience, do nothing while our neighbors are invaded. This is not the first time the leaders in Constantinople have declared war against a peace loving Russo-Caucasian country. It’s time for responsible countries to prevent the loss of stable and peaceful European countries, especially in these dark times. The Byzantine military should leave immediately, and preserve the peace between our three countries. If not Slavorussia will aid in the defense of the Socialist Republic of Zurran.
  11. If we have to have a limit I would agree with this one. We just can’t trust some people to keep themselves from going crazy and trying to destroy the world.
  12. It's my opinion that the world superpowers have crippled themselves. The Netherlands, Germany, Gebiv, Rebel Army, and the UFE have all lost considerable strength. I don’t think you can claim your prize yet Triyun.
  13. Yea 2 continuities is not gonna work. I just don’t like how some people are trying to turn CNRP into a joke and ruin the rp on purpose, by “declaring war on the environment.” If you want to move on to CNRP R then do it, and stop ruining CNRP for the rest of us.
  14. My land is already taken in CNRP-R, and I refuse to rp anywhere else. I say those of you who seem to care less about CNRP because of the other rp worlds, pleace consider those who are happy with the standard CNRP. Edit: don't restart cnrp, that is lame.
  15. ooc: I didn't realize Prussia nuked anyone already. ic: Slavorussia wholeheartedly supported the invasion of Gebiv and the retaliatory nuclear attacks, but it has to stop now. Slavorussia is being put directly in the line of danger by governments we call allies. It's time to pick a neutral nation and begin peace talks. Gebiv is no longer the greatest threat to Europe, that horrifying honor now falls on those who claim to be it’s protector. We’ve already annihilated dozens of cities around the world, killed millions and sentenced millions more to their deaths. At what point do we stop mutilating each other and start fixing the damage we’ve already done?
  16. The UFE may have just damned several million more Slavorussians to a radioactive death. Slavorussia will have to evacuate Latvia, Lithuania and much of Belarus now thanks to the UFE. We are ashamed we ever supported this insane war in the first place.
  17. Slavorussia is concerned the “unification” of Germany is just a veiled attempt to bring the Nordland back from the grave. This cannot be allowed to happen. We urge Prussia and all belligerents to agree to a ceasefire and begin negotiations to end this war now. ooc: I think even the mods called the neural links questionable, but I don’t know if they ever gave us a definite ruling on it.
  18. ooc: Someone said 1 MIRV = Your entire nuclear arsenal.
  19. ooc: when you started the war you only had 1, and Mercy looked the other way on 2 more that Gebiv had. Since mergers are banned and you can't use Gebiv's stats you've used 3 of your 4.
  20. Statement to the Slavorussian people and Qatari subjects of the Imperial Crown from the Prime Minister and Emperor:
  21. Justinian starts to blush while he answers Motoko‘s question, “Despite the ups and downs, Motoko, I do still have feelings for you. I don’t think anything is going to change that.”
  22. "I'm hoping the leaders of the nuclear giants currently involved in this war see the error of their ways. I hope that when the see their cities lying in ruin, and their people crying out in agony that they realize the full extent of what they have done." he pauses for a minute when an aide walks into the room. He quickly and angrily waves him off, mouthing the words "get out!" to him. When the aide is gone he continues, "As for myself, I've taken appropriate measures to ensure my safety, no matter what I cannot avoid what fate throws at me. I'm more worried about you though, Motoko. You have a difficult decision to make, and I wish I could help you with it, but I cannot. I would prefer it if Estovakia stayed out of the war, because in the end there will be no winners, only losers."
  23. The smile on Justinian’s face is gone now, and all that’s left is a ghostly expression. He doesn’t know exactly what to do or say. He sits beside Motoko, takes her hand and tries to console her. “The attack on the Hansa was inexcusable, and those to blame will reap what they have sown,” he pauses for a minute gathering his thoughts before continuing, “Including myself. I just wish I could express how sorry I am for your loss, but I know words cannot express my feelings. I just want you to know if you need a shoulder to cry on, I‘m here for you.”
  24. "Everything is fine here. Some disturbances in the northwest but the evacuation is going smoothly... at least thats what im being told. How's Estovakia?" Justinian looks at Motoko, while loosening his tie and smiles, albeit a fake smile since there's little to be happy about. At this point he's just trying to stave off depression, and keep his sanity, and he hopes smiling will help him do that. He walks towards Motoko with a somber look on his face wishing he could make everything right again, but he cannot.
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