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Justinian the Mighty

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Everything posted by Justinian the Mighty

  1. Your propaganda would have some effect if it had any basis in the truth. Anti-nordic sentiments and warmongers? The Slavorussian armed forces took the necessary precautions required in a situation like this. The increase of armed troops and military equipment stationed along the entire northern and eastern border of the CSSR, which is only shared with Slavorussia is enough of a reason to be on one's guard. Had it been vice-versa and we had positioned our military on the CSSR's borders with our allies contributing 100,000+ soldiers for 'military exercises' we would expect the CSSR and their allies to respond in the same way. However as good neighbors we would feel obligated to inform the CSSR that we were conducting military exercises in the area so as not to alarm them. We were given no such warning. Be honest, would you sit idly by while forces are amassed on your border, especially from a country which you have no treaties with?
  2. It’s a warm spring day in Vilnius, much of the normalcy that existed before the nuclear war has been restored. Just a few weeks ago those forced to abandon their homes were allowed to return. Today was an especially unique day. For the first time since the war the Tsar will be touring the evacuation areas, and to add to the excitement he will be among the people, helping with the clean from the riots that shook the major cities of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. The streets of Vilnius are filled with excited citizens watching as the Tsar’s motorcade moves slowly toward the Vilnius Palace. The whole street leading to the palace is lined with people hoping to get a glimpse of the Tsar. The people hold banners and signs with the Tsar’s picture on them and children wave small Slavorussian flags. Outside the gates of Vilnius Palace a crowd has formed. Everyone hopes that maybe they’ll have a chance to peek into the windows of the Tsar’s limousine as it drives past the gates. When they see the motorcade coming down the street all the people start to cheer and wave. To surprise of the crowd the cars stop just outside the gates. The crowd quiets down for a moment, but when they see two of the Tsar’s guards walk up to the limo and open the door, and the tsar step out, they burst into a loud roar. The Tsar fixes his tie and buttons his jacket. He smiles and waves, which only adds to the crowd’s excitement. He walks over to crowd and starts to shake the hands of the happy people who have come out to see him. The people pay him compliments, and being the ever gracious monarch he is he politely thanks them He returns to his limousine and put up his hand and the crowd grows silent. Now with the crowd quiet he can speak. “I am so pleased that you have all come here to see me today. I thank you all for your compliments and even your criticism. In dark times such as these its important never to loose one‘s nerve. As we continue to rebuild from riots we will grow closer as a country, and hopefully better neighbors to countries in Europe and Asia.” To the tsar’s surprise there is an unexpected guest waiting for him in the palace, Prince Radziwill. Although the prince doesn’t mention anything to the tsar, he thinks his daughter Christina would be a perfect bride for the tsar. The prince and the tsar sit down and chat for a while. “Your Majesty, how long has it been since you‘ve stayed at my castle in Biržai? At least 10 years am I right?” The tsar thinks for a minute, he remembers the Castle Radziwill vaguely. For some reason it was one of his least favorite places to visit, but he cant figure out why. When the prince suggests he stay at his castle this coming weekend the tsar cringes, but it would be impolite to turn down the prince’s offer. He graciously accepts the offer, and makes preparations to stay at Castle Radziwill before he leaves the province.
  3. We're glad that Vaule has restored order, and taken a big leap forward in preserving their peaceful way of life.
  4. "The CSSR has reported that they are performing military exercises in the region. We requested that they do this someplace not so close to our border. Only time will tell if we are being told the truth or not."
  5. "This ‘military exercise’ is alarmingly close to the Slavorussian border and the number of troops involved would suggest that there is more going on here than simple military exercises. If the CSSR and its allies could move their military exercies a little farther away from the border we’re sure it would help diffuse the situation and we can all return to a state of normalcy."
  6. ooc: I'll be using Deputy PM Belyakov for the rest of the meeting. ic: “For whatever reason the CSSR is amassing a large number of soldiers and military equipment on our border. We are waiting for word from the CSSR‘s government, but so far they have not responded to our inquiries. Their actions lead us to believe RUSSIAN nations should probably prepare for war.”
  7. Nuke sharing is a no. Nukes and navy = what you have ingame. There's no exception to that rule.
  8. ooc: I think you would pass out after that. The rest is probably relatively peaceful.
  9. The Slavorussian Empire takes notice of this mobilization of troops on our shared border with the CSSR. All outward appearances indicate that the CSSR and their allies have been plotting something sinister against Slavorussia. Slavorussia has taken its own military measures. Defense forces are elevated to Defcon 2, our missile defense systems are at full alert, and all cybernetic systems are being backed up in the event of a cyber attack. Counter measures are in place to slow tank movement, and soldiers are fortifying their positions. The Imperial Air Force is fueled and ready to go, and anti air guns are being deployed.. The Kremlin awaits word from the CSSR on their obvious military buildup. We don’t know exactly what’s going on, we will be prepared nonetheless.
  10. "Do whatever you want then, but that kind of thinking is hardly productive to prolonged peace. For the record our policy is not to help any country that starts nuclear, chemical or biological war, aggressive or otherwise and that same policy applies here. If any RUSSIAN country fires the first strike, even in their own defense you can rest assured we will not defend you." Ambassador Ushakov stands up and leaves the room.
  11. ooc: from the person who owns half of China...
  12. ooc: forum pm's are ooc unless stated otherwise. Uberstein did this with me and I’m pretty sure the consensus was no he cant use my pm's as ic proof I intended to invade him, so this can't really be used as evidence of bribery.
  13. If you were all so against having your sovereignty imposed on in the first place then why would you have signed the treaty in the first place? The original article 7 forbade the use of nuclear weapons and called for the decommission of all nuclear arsenals. We further imposed on national sovereignty when we adopted a standard currency. If anything this is a reasonable step up from where we were before. It’s not as though it would dictate if individual nations can use their nuclear arsenals without the approval of the AC. Simply asking for RUSSIAN nations to pledge not to use them first. If you detect a nuclear launch coming towards your country then by all means launch a full counterstrike, we would expect nothing less. Showing the world you can act responsibly and promising to do what is right is the first step towards a world without war. Otherwise all we have is a gallery of barbaric warlords doing everything within their power to destroy every trace of life on the planet.
  14. "A pledge supported by a treaty like this one ensures that nations will act responsibly. Many countries around the world have chosen to adopt a no first strike policy. They realize nuclear warfare has no place in modern warfare, unless your aim is to completely eradicate the human race. More importantly there is no logical need to use these kind of weapons when you have the most powerful nations in the world organized into the most powerful bloc in on the planet pledging their undying support in the defense of each other."
  15. Indochina's territorial waters infact do not cut off the Solarian Federacy's access to international waters. Any claim that they do, is an over extent of Indochina's territorial waters. Slavorussian peacekeepers will continue on their present course.
  16. We can't trust anyone to "endeavor to" do anything. We saw during the last war that the nations allied to nuclear offenders can and will be nuked along with their allies, regardless of their own nuclear status. We should "pledge" to not use weapons of mass destruction, and "endeavor" to eradicate nuclear warfare altogether.
  17. Whether we’re truly civilized or not it not the issue of debate. If we wish to call ourselves civilized then we should strive every day to be civilized.
  18. "Uniforms and explosives are relatively easy to steal. Perhaps you should investigate a little deeper than uniforms and explosives." General Ivan Belyakov and roughly 10,000 peacekeepers are prepared to go to the Solarian Federacy to supplement the additional 5,000 already in the country. Slavorussia is adamant that this will not escalate into war, and requests other Asian nations to contribute to make an international peacekeeping force.
  19. The nations of the world have learned nothing from the last war. Here we have Tiawan invading other nations without cause, the Western Republic instigating escalation, and Aotearoa just throwing around aggressive statements. Then in Southern Asia there are terrorist attacks, and more aggressive statements being thrown around. In Europe we have nations plotting against their neighbors because they're unable to let the past go. And we call ourselves “civilized human beings?”
  20. "It would be in Indochina's best interests to stop sending threatening ultimatums to the Solarian Federacy, unless they're trying to start a conflict. I can promise you that if Indochina starts a war with the Solariam Federacy Slavorussia will be there to end it." -Prime Minister Kolesnikov
  21. Slavorussia expects to be kept informed of this situation. The involvement of both Indochina and the Solairen Federacy, two of our former territories, concerns us deeply.
  22. Slavorussia would like to aid the RA in its greatest time of need. We're a little strapped for money, and we anticipate a less than average crop yield from this year's harvest, but we can offer building materials, fuel and crews to help with radiation clean up.
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