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Justinian the Mighty

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Everything posted by Justinian the Mighty

  1. The air strikes on the Estovakian buildings have startled the Dark Hand’s leadership. The council decides its in their best interest to flee the city while they still can. They plan to use the darkness of night as their cover, but before they can leave they have to tie up some loose ends. Some Estovakian rebels and their leaders have seen the faces of the council and know their identities. They must be killed to prevent them from leaking any information to the Slavorussians. The council tells the Estovakian rebel leaders that some of their men intend to betray them. They name eight rebel soldiers who they claim plan to kill their leader and take over the rebel cause. Infuriated by the plot of betrayal by their subordinates the rebel leader have the traitors arrested, then taken out in front of the building and executed one by one. “Two bullets to the head, three if they‘re still twitching, and a forth for good measure.” mumbles the rebel leader just before the traitors are executed. Only a few minutes after killing the traitors the rebel leader sits in a small office with the Darkmind. Darkmind is sitting behind an old wooden desk. Behind him a tattered and ruined Estovakian flag. The commander stands on the opposite side of the desk. To his right sitting in a pair of armchairs are two members of the council. The commander nods to acknowledge their presence. The Darkmind gestures towards the chair beside the commander. “Please commander, have a seat. Would you like some Vodka?” He sits in the old wooden chair and it creeks while he fidgets around in it. “Yes, thank you. I‘m dying of thirst.” One of the council members pours a glass for the commander. He has a sinister smile on his face as he walks back towards the commander. The commander is completely oblivious to the current situation. He doesn’t look at the glass before taking a drink, but when he does the Darkmind smiles. The Darkmind leans back in his chair and lights a cigar, “Commander, you‘re familiar with the Dark Hand are you not? Would it come as a surprise to you that I and my comrades here are members of that organization, and that I myself am the leader of the Dark Hand?” The commander chuckles nervously, “You‘re kidding right?” The Darkmind takes the cigar out of his mouth and leans forward. Now a sinister almost devilish grin appears on his face “No commander I can assure you I‘m not kidding. We have been using you and your men in a little experiment, and the results were very much to our liking. Although your little revolution will fail, we have succeeded in toppling Slavorussia‘s closest ally, and murdering the Tsar's lover in under 24 hours. And the best part is you and your men unwittingly helped make it possible. How does that make you feel?” The commander feels a sharp pain shoot down into his stomach. He knocks over the glass of vodka, and grabs his himself grunting in pain. “It makes me feel pretty sick actually. What did you do to me?” One of the other men remarks, “That’s the poison I slipped in your drink commander, it works very quickly. The pain should be gone soon, and so should you.” The commander tries to get out of the chair, but collapses on the ground from the pain in his stomach. He’s never experienced pain this intense before in his life. His whole body aches, and the pain only seems to get worse. He tries to shout for help, but it seems all he can muster are cries of pain that won’t even reach be heard far outside the room. Then suddenly almost as quickly as the pain started it was gone, and the commander was dead.
  2. Ambassador Ushakov, scribbles on a piece of notebook paper with his pencil, "It just takes a little rewording, and presto!" He slides the piece of paper across the table to the Vaule representative.
  3. I always force myself on people, I guess thats why I cant get dates. lol. ic: "I hope the investigation into the death of Queen Calan yield fruitful results. I also hope those responsible are served the justice they deserve." -Prime Minister Kolesnikov
  4. ooc edit: I was led to understand none of those wars happened, especially the Cold War since Slavorussia's existance pretty much wipes the Soviet Union from existance. Slavorussia's version of the USSR only lasted during Stalin's time in office, and ends with his death. ic edit: Representatives for United Slavs are unsure when anyone anywhere say anything about war? The Pan-Slavic movement has nothing to do with with international disputes in Europe or the rest of the world.
  5. The decline of the Slavic culture in Europe and the retreat of Slavic people from their homelands, has sparked a rebirth of the Pan-Slavic movement in Slavorussia. United Slavs, a prominent political party in Slavorussia since the Early 1930’s, is organizing efforts to return to a more Slavic national identity. Party leader Andre Tymoshenko says his party has been working effortlessly with other pan-Slavic political groups to present their case to the Slavorussian Empire’s government. The government has been warm to the idea, but still has its reservations about pan-slavism. Although Slavorussia’s name implies a dominant Slavic culture, government officials say, “Slavorussia is a country of many cultures and ethnicities mixed together to form a very unique and distinct national identity. Slavorussia is home to African, Arab, Asian, Germanic, West European and Siberian indigenous people. To put any one group over all others would jeopardize the relatively calm ethnic relations in the nation.” Tymoshenko and his associates say they simply want the government to strive to preserve the Slavic culture from being washed away entirely from Slavorussia and Eastern Europe, and work with pan-Slavic organizations to fix the damage that has already been done. He stressed Slavic people should be proud of their ancestry and embrace it. “There is nothing wrong with people having a strong Slavic identity. The Slavic people should be proud to call themselves Slavic descendants. We’ve contributed a lot to the world from our unique architecture and cuisine to our films and music.” Tymoshenko and pan-Slavic supporters everywhere remain hopeful that their movement will help unify Slavorussia , and build relationships with other countries with large Slavic populations.
  6. Construction companies have begun to repair the Luninets Air Force Base in Brest region In south west Belarus. Although Luninets launched few aircraft during the war it sustained the most damage from R.A. and Nordland’s air strikes. The air force base is also expected to feature an extended runway and a new state-of-the-art command center. Similar upgrades are being made to the Vitebsk Air Force Base in Vitebsk, Belarus. Upgrades at Vitebsk include adding another runway and extending existing ones, building a brand new command center and adding housing units to increase the number of permanent personnel manning the base. Air Force bases in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia are being linked together into the regional Baltic Early Warning Radar System (BEWRS) with the task of detecting missile and aircraft entering Slavorussian airspace, and providing enough warning to intercept or attack incoming threats to imperial defense. BEWRS will then be connected to the Imperial Slavorussian Early Warning and Detection Program (ISEWDP). Since Slavorussia’s Baltic seacoast relatively lacks natural defenses like the Arctic seacoast, which in some areas freezes during the colder months, the Department of the Navy is hoping to secure funds from the Ministry of Defense’s budget to build a sonar web in the Baltic Sea and Gulf of Finland that will give Slavorussia early warning against enemy surface and submerged vessels. The Ministry of Defense seems optimistic about building a sonar system, but for now they plan to install stationary cannons to defend the Baltic seacoast.
  7. "Nuclear weapons should be used as a deterrent, not as an actual weapon. We have seen the destruction of Central Europe, the Middle East the South Pacific and East Asia because of nuclear weapons, and the world has grown tired of it. Slavorussia has already aligned ourselves with nuclear capable lunatics in the past, and we will not allow it to happen again. We want assurances that our allies will not strike first with nuclear weapons. Not only that, if we all adopt a no first strike policy our nuclear capable signatories can safeguard themselves from anyone claiming they cannot be trusted with nuclear weapons. In the end you would be defending ourselves from outside forces who may try to take your nuclear arsenals off of you, and gaining the respect of countless countries around the world."
  8. ooc: I read that post before and I read it again, but I and still think she needs to choose one of the two.
  9. ooc: I think sumer did rp the building of her navy, but I still think she needs to pick between Sky City and Altin Urda.
  10. ooc: I gotta agree with everyone else. Either Altin Urda or Sky City...is that a city in the sky?
  11. I'd like to point out that the majority of the US's land purchases were within it's, for lack of better words, sphere of influence, and they were sold for very good reasons. The Louisiana Purchase was sold by France because they were in debt and anticipated the coming war. The US and Russia were building a telegraph line to connect Europe to the Americas, Russia backed out, and fearing a North American country would take Alaska from them, they decided to sell it to the highest bidder. Anyway I agree, try using a little more detail, and try to stay near what you can reasonably control.
  12. Homosexuals in Slavorussia are applying for travel permits to Azerbaijan. Thousands of Slavorussians hope to be married in Azerbaijan, despite the fact that their union won't be recognized at home. Although they regret the fact that as long as the monarchy exists to connect the Russian Orthodox church to government they can never legally marry in Slavorussia, they hope neighboring nations will help bring the change to the empire.
  13. "I think Slavorussians would prefer if we left article seven in the charter, but amended it to a no first strike policy. This seems to be the most common policy used my nuclear capable countries today, and would keep RUSSIAN countries from incurring the ire of their allies by launching the first nuclear attack."
  14. Foreign countries have a right to comment on any and all events that take place on an international scale. Just because you choose not to comment on events in Europe does not mean European countries cannot comment on events in Australia.
  15. Slavorussia was led to believe New Cymru had annexed the Australian Republic, not Neo Olympia.
  16. I picked out J Andres, Tahoe and Rebel Army because I think those are the 3 countries that go back to 2006. Transvaal and Slavorussia go back to early 2007 and I think everyone else that rp's here started from 2008 and after.
  17. I mean what country has been continuously rp'ed without the rp'er ever having rerolled. I was thinking Rebel Army, J Andres, or Tahoe. I didn't count Shillia, because the government did collapse and the country became part of Neo Triyun... something.
  18. I always thougth Transvaal was younger than Slavorussia.
  19. This brings up an interesting question. After all the rolls and rerolls, what country is the oldest in the world?
  20. Ambassador Ushakov's plane should arrive soon.
  21. The Slavorussian Empire cannot and will not support this new socialist regime.
  22. It seems like some people are just tying to escape the nuclear disaster they created for themselves. I think King Penchuk should have a second chance here, its not like he's taking back his land from new players who really really wanted to rp, but this should be a warning for him.
  23. Good morning everyone I’m Zhenya Efimov with SNBC world news. We have more details about the hostage situation taking place at the Slavorussian embassy in Gracemeria. Officials are reporting a grotesque scene, we have learned the ambassador to Estovakia has been killed, and hung on the side of the embassy building in, and covered by the tattered Slavorussian flag that once flew over the building. On behalf of everyone here at the SNBC news team I send our condolences to the ambassador’s family and friends. In related news air strikes over Estovakia’s capital have reportedly killed over 200 rebels in the city hall and parliament buildings. Military officials hope with the help of the loyalist army they can return order to southern Estovakia soon, and free the hostages trapped in the embassy. For now though authorities have to play the waiting game, and plan their next move very carefully.
  24. Whether I’m full of myself or not isn’t up for discussion here, the fact is and will remain you lied. Your contradiction is a plain and open faced lie and you're trying to cover it up with more lies will only make things worse. You say they are loyal, or at least sympathizers of the Vaule government. Whether they're Mongolian or now, why do they allow lowlife rebels to hide among them? I think the rebels are using the Outer Mongolian citizens without their approval to bait Vaule's military into attacking military populations so that they can gain sympathy for their cause. I may be full of myself, but at least im not fooling myself.
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