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Everything posted by firingline

  1. And yet as NG conducts shark week, they do nothing. You're right, UCR was very clear in their intent: they'll attack the weak if they can get away with it.
  2. Oh. So it's not one ally defending another. It's one amorphic alliance... defending itself... which is somehow wrong? You've yet to find a compelling reason we wouldn't defend our treaty partners (or alliance-mates, as you seem to define them) from an attack. Seems you were just bored and want attention. That's fine - thanks for the casualties that I'm sure are to follow!
  3. It doesn't matter why you did it. You attacked our allies and treaty partners. And you're not 'disappointed' we defend those allies? 1) We got involved pursuant to our treaty obligations with Doom Wolves. 2) Oh dear, he actually doesn't understand the concept of "tiering".
  4. Weren't you just screeching about DS fulfilling their treaty obligations and defending Doom Wolves? Which is it?
  5. UCR tried to bully Bundy because they thought it was just a 2-man AA. We're following our treaty obligations. We didn't have a treaty with Bundy when he went rogue (obviously.) I don't know why this is so difficult for you to comprehend - or why you're appalled at us following a defense treaty.
  6. You attacked our treaty partners, and you're "disappointed" that we fought back? Talk about arrogance. Let's be clear. You thought you could bully Doom Wolves. (As noted, you haven't attacked Non Grata for their raids.) So you did. And now we're defending our allies.
  7. Doom Squad calls on UCR to immediately cease their imperial assaults on Doom Wolves and join us at the peace table.
  8. Do you get upset about being nuked? I didn't take you for one of those folks. I get nuked, like, monthly. Tells me I'm doing something right.
  9. None of your comments are necessary, yet you still make them.
  10. We defined from the beginning what our attacks would look like. An update worth of ground attacks and then peace.
  11. Why are you putting a k at the end of Tick Toc?
  12. You're not allowed to drink wine yet. @Van Hoo X
  13. I figured you planned to do this by continuing to attack your alliance-mates and allies. 10 mil is a pretty hollow accomplishment when the casualties come that way. But you do you. That being said - would be hilarious to watch these guys declare on NG and just get shredded.
  14. I'm raiding right now as well. Do something about it.
  15. Shrug you've got 60-some nukes pointed back at you. We're happy to return the favor. Enjoy that nuke.
  16. I'm still waiting for that 9m / 100 tech / 4k soldiers
  17. You could send me 9m, 100 tech and 4,000 soldiers. That would help.
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