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Everything posted by firingline

  1. Appears that I'm fighting (and winning) one right now. Sorry I didn't run headlong into a failed war on a bad CB. We can't all pull that off.
  2. It just doesn't matter how much damage was done. If you spy a member of Doom Squad (or an ally of Doom Squad) you may have visitors show up at about 11:57 p.m. one day. But it wasn't just spying. You also gloated about it - suggesting others should spy me as well, and following that up by calling DS 'pixel huggers'. And so here we are. Put up or shut up. Attack or take your peace and scurry away, hopefully having learned your lesson.
  3. The ball is in Kashmir's court. Peace has been on the table since 5 minutes after update. Today we conveyed to Jason that he has until day 5 to accept. If he still has not acted by then (either fighting or accepting peace) we will assume he is acting in bad faith and attempting to stall so that he can nuke us at the last second on the last day of the war. And we will proceed with attacks accordingly. The best outcome here remains for Jason to take peace and move on.
  4. I don't understand. Your point is that you caused little damage, and we caused a lot of damage? That's how this works. Actions have consequences. You attacked DS, we attacked you back. We didn't use CMs, air, navy or spies - so frankly it could have (and some would argue should have) been much worse.
  5. Hersh tagged everyone in a discord message saying to suspend tech to Jason, except Jak, who therefore followed the normal priority list. Oh well!
  6. If you fire them all at the same time, it's even more devastating than a nuke!
  7. I didn't have any cruise missiles when he ran that op. You can run a cruise missile op whether or not somebody has cruise missiles. I generally don't keep cruise missiles on hand - that being said, your alliance has 172 cruise missiles right now and my alliance has 4, and last time I checked you don't have 43 times the number of members, so...
  8. You NG folks are really bad at reading the room, aren't you?
  9. No, the Crown Prince of Kashmir declared war on a member of Doom Squad. We responded by acknowledging his war and fighting back. Kashmir can choose, of course, to escalate. They would face the consequences of those decisions, just as Jason is now facing the consequences of attacking me.
  10. Correct- Jason's actions amount to a war against all of DS. DS has chosen a limited defensive action with the hope of restoring peace ASAP.
  11. I don't know what you're talking about. We didn't start this - Jason did. Spying on nations is an act of war. Doing it three times, bragging about it, encouraging others to do it as well, and then calling that person's alliance "pixel huggers" is going to result in a response. Frankly Kashmir is fortunate that it was one update worth of GAs only. If they choose to escalate their war on us, we'll respond appropriately.
  12. DS shows mercy - a limited engagement; an 'eye for an eye'. Peace has been offered across the board, and Jason would be wise to take it. Attacking or countering will be seen as a full declaration of war and handled appropriately.
  13. Nice to meet you as well and nice fighting alongside you guys.
  14. You'd have to sell a little infra to get in range, but it'd be worth it, I promise.
  15. Aren't you alliance leadership? Why are you too scared to make a move? Attack somebody. Start a war. Let's go.
  16. They probably matter about the same amount, if we're being honest.
  17. Now now. They handled their reps payments to NG very effectively.
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