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Everything posted by firingline

  1. I think it's pretty obvious what Hersh meant. NG was less interested in defending a rogue and more interested in attacking Bundy. They have no right to complain about anybody declaring war on Bundy given that they opportunistically declared on Bundy themselves.
  2. Words have meaning. Nowhere in Hershey's post did he 'open[ly] support rogues.' I know we're in a post-truth era, but you'll have to do a little better than that.
  3. The individual wars continue. Xavi is a sworn enemy of Jason8 and firingline.
  4. All good things must come to an end. The most storied alliance in TE history has fallen to the great Xavi Guarneros.
  5. Well good thing DS is here to help given how concerned you guys were about handling a couple rogues. It's OK. We're experts in this, and we're happy to help.
  6. Simmer down there cowboy, it was just a joke. You know how those work, right?
  7. Nobody is. You guys seemed really angry about Bundy, so I figured I'd attack him for you. Besides - he fits my raid criteria, and I haven't had a good war in a long time. I almost got over 1mil casualties on the first day, I will definitely be over the hump tomorrow! If you tried really hard, you could probably find the answer to this on your own - but yes. Huh? The original claim that started this whole conversation was that Bundy couldn't go back to CLAWS. I pointed out that NG has no ability to prevent that. To be very clear - CLAWS doesn't need NG's permission to re-admit Bundy. NG just doesn't have the influence or power to require that.
  8. Wow - a bounty? That's pretty bold. As I stand for everything that is good and just in this world, I will join you in your perpetual battle against the insidious Xavi Guaranteenos.
  9. You are now an enemy of the state of defcon 1, as is Xavi.
  10. Stop helping him or you will be declared an enemy of the state and so will he.
  11. I don't know what any of that means. I was just making a simple statement: NG, as per usual, will do nothing but talk trash. You have no ability to change the behavior of CLAWS, myself or really anybody else, because you have little power and equally little influence. You know it and I know it.
  12. Oh no! First NG was considering creating drama, and now they're taking notes!
  13. I don't think anyone particularly cares about the level of 'drama' NG can raise. I certainly don't.
  14. Bundy wouldn't have to admit anything, and there's nothing you can do about it.
  15. I'm fairly certain that if CLAWS chose to accept Bundy back, there's precisely nothing you could do about it.
  16. You should apply to Roman Empire. https://discord.gg/CTXZsxrR
  17. Yeah, sure looks like it's being handled.
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