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Everything posted by firingline

  1. As usual, the Roman Empire fights for all that is Good and Just in this world.
  2. When someone would bring what up? I saw the logs. I wasn't bragging about reducing damage. Read them again and apply your critical thinking skills.
  3. That's basically TE. I think it's a combination of all of these things. The advantages of seniority are very real. It takes a long time to build a nation. I'll never be able to catch Steeldor, for example. It's one of the major flaws of the game. But I think over time people grow more friendly with each other in general as well.
  4. First time in history CLAWS has impressed anyone. Good work @tehol!
  5. Hmm, strength seems more plausible then. I don't know that the NS size is real-time so it's possible that at the last time the size of the bubbles were determined, you didn't meet the threshold? I dunno, I'm literally just guessing here. I could ask, but that means I'd have to talk to Jazzy... and it's just not worth it.
  6. I think it's based on number of members, I'm guessing the threshold might be at like 100 which you are just under IIRC.
  7. It's really not that odd at all. Bundy clearly focused his nukes (and energy) on the nations he had more of an axe to grind with, and put little effort into fighting me. Nobody's disputing that. My second war with him was ended by divine intervention. IIRC it was roughly 24 hours in, I had fired CMs but had no chance with air, my GA's had failed, but I had just nuked him for the first time. Had there been no divine intervention, I assure you, the second war would have looked very similar to the first. (OOC: the third war I thought it smarter to peace out given I did not want to be seen as being an ass to the mods, as others informed me my attack could be perceived as. After I peaced out, NG filled his third slot.) Correct - we can tell that I put in real effort against Bundy, despite NG's incessant whining.
  8. Why would you count? You're a 320k NS nation with over 40k tech and we were told to let you do the nuking. No reasonable person would make a comparison between your performance and mine. I compared the damage from the Fark nations I fought alongside for most of the war who were in the same 'weight class' (though they had significant wonder and tech advantages, so the fact that two of them only equaled me is pathetic.) I also compared my performance to the guy doing the trash talk, also in the same size range as me. I guess I don't know why any of this is confusing to you, it seems like common sense to me.
  9. Here are the two wars for the Fark nations that fought him at the same time as me: https://www.cybernations.net/war_information.asp?ID=846465 https://www.cybernations.net/war_information.asp?ID=846487
  10. Following up! I did ~5,916 NS damage to Bundy. The two Fark nations fighting him did 5,947 NS damage - combined. For that matter, you only did about 800 more NS of damage, despite having a WRC and 3x my tech. In fact, the two Fark nations I listed also had WRCs and way more tech than me. If I'm one of the 'worst fighters in CN history', what does that make Fark? What does that make you? Look, Doom Squad was happy to do the neighborly thing and assist Non Grata with their rogue. Based on the stats, it's quite clear the assistance was meaningful (compared to the damage you could produce) and quite important to your war effort. Maybe we should also consider sharing some guides or something with you to help NG & friends moving forward, since by your own admission your performance makes you and your allies 'among the worst fighters in CN history.'
  11. "Don't bother", because you know it's specifically Fark nations whose effort I'm about to compare to my own - and, like I said, it's going to be awfully embarrassing. To be clear - FAN asked me to specifically avoid nuclear attacks and let a specific Fark nation nuke for max damage, a request I honored. As a result, there were fewer attacks the first couple of days (until that nation's war ended). That being said, I believe the total number of attacks in the first week was over 60. I'll be back a little later today and we'll evaluate NG and Fark's claims. The data will speak for itself.
  12. It's going to be awfully embarrassing when I come back tomorrow and compare the stats from my war against Bundy and that of your allies.
  13. defcon 1 surrendered to you. And now you are dancing on its grave.
  14. I vote Jason8 is GUILTY of the crimes he is charged with. /s/ FiringLine, Princeps, Wreckingball, NukedJason twice, NLON foreign contractor, Bane of Wes
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