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Everything posted by firingline

  1. Know what else is going to be public? UCR's surrender terms (or disbandment, I guess.)
  2. We have public ties with all those alliances. Your serve.
  3. For there not to be trades that require two parties to meet at a given time and execute the trade. Just let us select resources we're 'trading with' from a drop down menu. Things move too fast in TE to deal w/ trades. Trades prevent the biggest barrier for most players. Trades pose the most frustration for most players. Trades drive many players to quit.
  4. @admin - seriously. By far the biggest friction with TE - the thing that makes everybody stop playing - is trades. It's insanely bad. Things move too quickly, and people get so frustrated. I've seen more people quit this game over trades than anything else. I've come close. Trades are what causes 90%+ of people to quit. Trades work in SE where things are stable and long-term. They're an unmitigated disaster in TE. If people could 'select' the resources they were 'trading with' every X days, like they select their own resources, the game would be 100x better. Way fewer people would be frustrated. Way fewer people would quit. I'm imagining this might take some real work to implement. But I think it would drastically improve gameplay.
  5. We consider the group of people lead by Horton the Who to be enemies of all lovers of peace (Idiots) until further notice.
  7. Edit: moved here to preserve my cover.
  8. It's called a joke. I didn't tell GPA that. Nobody in DS wanted GPA to disband.
  9. I don't see this as GPA surrendering to us. We demonstrated to GPA that actions have consequences and declaring war on our allies isn't something we take lightly, and now we're mutually agreeing to white peace.
  10. Don't worry about it. I don't want to trigger any PTSD. Kashmir can sit in its safe little corner. It'll all be alright.
  11. I gotta hand it to you jerdge. Every opportunity for this to de-escalate, you manage to do something stupid that extends the conflict. I was hoping going into this I could get at least a couple weeks of solid casualties. Thanks for making sure that happened!
  12. Nobody said anything about "not being able to handle" GPA. You're bragging about a 20 to 1 beatdown on NG (which should be super easy) in the context of us fighting an AA with a 5 to 1 advantage on us in NS and huge cash reserves. It looks downright silly. I would like to see FTW willingly fight an AA with a 5 to 1 NS advantage alone. When you do that, then you can start thinking about talking !@#$.
  13. The biggest negative to TE (and the thing that drives most people away) is trades. Make it so people can set their own trade resources in TE and you'll see much more engagement.
  14. Kashmir is out of the war. That leaves 1m NS vs over 5m NS. 5 to 1. We're fighting alone here, which you for some reason criticize as us 'calling in every treaty we have'. Which makes no sense. And then, as an example, you point to your war with NG in 2019. Let's take a look at that war: Literally everything you're saying is the opposite of reality. Fact is, even though FTW is many times the size of DS and we're already engaged in a war with someone 5x the size of us, you're still scared. Pathetic.
  15. We're already in a fight with an alliance 5 times our size. Sounds like the ones afraid of a fight are you, not us.
  16. No you can't. You're too scared. And DLS would spank you if you tried.
  17. I'm gonna crash that... party? Congrats to Legion, that's a very long run.
  18. I don't know what you mean by "none allied alliance." DS is allied to DW. Please try to keep up.
  19. And 1 out of 46 in Kashmir, so clearly percentages didn't play into the equation for GPA. There were a lot of ways GPA could have played this. They chose the dumbest possible option. I think it's time for @jerdge to start putting his membership's well-being before his own ego.
  20. I'll let you work out for yourself what the better way of handling all this would have been. Hint: a DoW on entire AAs, followed by complaining as members of those AAs and their allies begin attacking you, isn't the best way to handle all this. If I were you I'd stop worrying about attacks and start worrying about what the conclusion of this looks like. I think there's still a chance for white peace for GPA, but if you keep pushing it you're likely to see more attacks and talks of surrender terms. I didn't blame them for a second for attacking the raiders. I don't even "blame them" for blanket DoWs, but I'm going to hold them accountable for them.
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