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Everything posted by firingline

  1. That’s an old tally. Your spy probably gave it to you a few weeks ago. At one point there were even more people voting to cancel. Currently it’s 10 to 5. Hersh and Spectre are voting to keep the treaty for what it’s worth. As did Stone. I voted against. If you want anyone else’s vote you’ll have to ask them.
  2. If things go the way I want, we'll make it very easy for CLAWS to decide who to side with in the future. The New Polar Order doesn't get to mock anybody - let's be very clear about that.
  3. You said you wouldn't grant us peace. I asked why that conversation would even come up in the first place. Pretty simple stuff. You seem to be making an awful lot of assumptions.
  4. If you learned ANYTHING in this thread, then you’re so out of touch that your opinion is irrelevant.
  5. I don’t play any role in DS FA besides complaining and suggesting. Hersh drives our FA and it’s why you still see a treaty with CLAWS. Hersh has been kind enough to take my suggestions into consideration and throw me a bone with things like allowing this poll (I did have to request in twice months apart and push quite hard for it.)
  6. You must not have been around when this was all happening. We haven’t been very secretive about the poll or its results. I’m the one who pushed for the poll. Hersh said we could do it, but that I would need to provide pros and cons to our continued treaty with CLAWS. Our relationship with CLAWS will be re-evaluated after the war. The vast majority of members think the tie should be severed. I’m the most vocal proponent of that. I doubt it will happen. And no, we most certainly would not have been rolled even in the absence of a CLAWS treaty. Even if that were the case I would still advocate canceling. I would never suggest staying tied to someone you don’t gel with for safety. I also don’t particularly care about spheres. You know my FA preferences.
  7. I was thinking the poll on CLAWS might come next tbh. But yeah this is pretty much the best summary. A month after joining black we had complete control of the senate. If anything was going to happen, it would have happened a long time ago. But that's not the direction things went, and until now there were no issues coexisting with both parties on black. There's still no issue with Sparta to be honest - I was most pleasantly surprised with our interactions the first couple weeks. OBR on the other hand came in on the bandwagon declaring black 'their lawn'.
  8. You've been around long enough to know that spying is treated harshly. Don't act dumb. It's not a good look.
  9. None of those alliances are friends of ours. For instance, GATO threatened to declare war on us.
  10. An opening for what? We could have declared war on OBR at any time. We control the entirety of the senate. We've had an 'opening' for half a year. We weren't interested in doing anything to force OBR or Sparta off the color. Even Kersch agreed we never ended up doing anything, so....
  11. Yeah - we did nothing for more than half a year but peacefully coexist with you, but certainly at any point we were going to do something. It's going to be a self-fulfilling prophecy, W_A_R. You'll be leaving black, and you have only yourselves to blame. We will let you keep your flag and your name if you choose, but you'll be on another color.
  12. Then they can stay in peace mode, with no tech deals, forever. I don't care. We came to black in peace. They attacked us to force us off black. You don't think we're going to defend ourselves? "Just because you did nothing, the guy who is no longer around might have wanted to do something a year ago..." One of the tamest, least-interesting logs released by NG this war. What's weird is that people NG dump logs on come running back to them.
  13. Sure, I can buy that. Using that logic, where it takes time to execute, what actionable steps have we taken towards the supposed goal of forcing OBR or Sparta off black? Or are you stating that our dastardly plan was to move to black, do nothing, and hope they left?
  14. How is OBR being forced off black not the logical outcome? They literally announced this DoW with "get off our lawn". We control black. If somebody's leaving, it's going to have to be them. We peacefully coexisted with OBR from the time we joined black, but it seems they're unwilling to peacefully coexist with us.
  15. If that was really the plan, why didn't it happen by now? What are we waiting for? It's been 6 months...
  16. No. Where did we ever ask anybody to leave the sphere? Joining black had been very positive from my experience. My good friends in NATO told me we were sharing black with some good folks in Sparta and led to open dialogue with their membership. OBR apparently claims we have no right to peacefully exist here, and decided to bandwagon onto this war to try to force us from our home. They fill face extreme consequences for that.
  17. The language was very intentional. We moved to Black sphere and sought positive relations with all its denizens. We did not 'attack' you. We came in peace. As you've revealed, OBR has apparently been seething since we arrived. You've now declared war on us, telling us to 'get off your lawn'. It's clear that we can't share the lawn, so you'll be forced to vacate.
  18. Seems to me like OBR is saying they can't peacefully coexist with us on Black team. We had no problem with OBR staying in our sphere, but to me it seems like the only way forward is for them to leave Black.
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