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Everything posted by firingline

  1. Honorable like going out of your way to not fight alongside your bloc, Legion? When your bloc is on the defensive side of the war?
  2. Not exactly what I had in mind when I invited FAN to join the war last night...
  3. Don't be so hard on yourself. A lot of alliances (CLAWS, GATO) are objectively worse.
  4. NG has allowed a ton of opponents into peace mode to restock. Are you admitting that NG is really bad at this?
  5. It doesn't make sense to allow turtle-nuking either, and yet here we are.
  6. Let's be clear. You and your allies dragged everybody into this war, nobody else.
  7. I mean, sure, the events in question here happened. But NG says they take it very seriously, so it's not a problem. And if it's not really a problem, then the allegations are nonsense. And if the allegations are nonsense, then really, NpO is the one harassing NG here! And if you say anything contrary to that, you're gaslighting. Because HoT says so.
  8. CCC was attacked out of the blue in a war they plotted and executed with you. Cool story bro.
  9. This is all your fault, Devo. And I love you for it.
  10. CCC's protectorate hit TKTB with the backing and direct support of CCC. D-level activation any day of the week.
  11. YOU started the war. Not us. Stop crying about the consequences.
  12. Where did that ever happen? Certainly not here. Defending your ally has always been - and always will be - a D-level activation. It just doesn't matter how much you cry about it.
  13. Your position: CCC supporting, protecting, aiding and enabling the formation of 'crying turtle brigade', designed expressly to attack TKTB (KoRT's ally), who btw is on the defensive side of the war, DEFINITELY isn't cause for the activation of a defensive treaty! You can try to redefine what an aggressive war is all day, but nobody is buying it. So quit your crying.
  14. This is about what I expected out of TKTB. Hilarious.
  15. Since when has sending aid to Party A that declared war on Party B not been a CB and justification for the activation of a D-level treaty w/ Party B?
  16. Sparta chose to join FTW and NATO's aggressive war. That's fine! Sparta didn't have to join that war, but it's certainly their right to. But pretending they were 'attacked' isn't going to fool anybody. iamthey said it best: KoRT defended the side that was attacked, and more specifically defended a small ally of theirs that your side had decided to dogpile. You can screech 'no oA!' all you want, but it doesn't matter - they activated a defensive pact based on CCC's aggression in a war that overall sees KoRT and their allies on the defensive side. oA doesn't factor into it at any level. Seems like you're just mad you couldn't use Sparta to manipulate their ally.
  17. They didn't oA. They activated a defense treaty based on CCC's actions against their allies. Cry about it a little more.
  18. I don't know what all this talk of "A" comes from. KoRT activated a D-level treaty, because CCC committed acts of war against their ally. It's really that simple.
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