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Wes Walz Pants

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Everything posted by Wes Walz Pants

  1. [quote name='Darth Elecian' date='16 April 2010 - 06:35 PM' timestamp='1271457288' post='2263305'] Congrats on the regrowth OMFG! Can't wait to see you guys make your 2 million strength mark announcement. [/quote] We'll see you next week for that one. Well done to Jedaye and Killjoy for their solid leadership plan.
  2. [quote name='Londo Mollari' date='15 April 2010 - 05:39 PM' timestamp='1271367564' post='2261750'] 100% serious. Athens [b]will not sell tech[/b] to The Grämlins while this war is going on. [/quote] Well at least you can still aid your buddy Diorno. Just can't send him tech. Otherwise solid move, for once.
  3. [quote name='Pudge1975' date='14 April 2010 - 04:11 PM' timestamp='1271275865' post='2260386'] We speak to the Gramlins everyday and voice our concerns over the issues. I also speak to members of Irons government and they know where we stand on this current conflict. If it comes to the point where they are considering having another alliance enter, I have been assured that we would all sit down and talk first. Those are the two other parties we answer the yes or no question to, not the masses here in this post. That is our stance. We are as disappointed in this situation as much as everybody else. I personally have made friends with some outstanding members in Iron and know that many hitchhikers feel the same. We hope this cluster of a mess can come to a close in the very near future. [/quote] So is MHA planning on inviting DAWN to their next Fireside Chat then? And again the issue should not rise and fall on what IRON or DAWN intend to do. The concern here is YOUR ally Gramlins and their unwillingness to end this disaster of theirs.
  4. [quote name='SynthFG' date='13 April 2010 - 05:51 PM' timestamp='1271195467' post='2259169'] Anyone else getting involved would just make the situation worse for all parties, IRON needs no help to kill off the sub 30k Gre nations not already in peace mode [/quote] Nevermind the fact that IRON has been at war for 2 months prior to your former alliance's draconian and incomprehensible cry for attention. It's the above 30K NS nations in Gramlins that keep IRON and DAWN in a state of permanent stalemate. [quote name='SynthFG' date='13 April 2010 - 06:16 PM' timestamp='1271196997' post='2259202'] Trust me I have nothing but contempt for your scum sucking little alliance and what you tried to pull You saw us entangled with IRON, OG and Zenith and thought you could help yourselves, and then attempted to do so without even an informal hello, yet alone a DoW, ok so FH were a little late but you guys never bothered at all Your alliance is beneath my contempt [b]and its a huge pity that the current clusterfrack is allowing you to get away scot free[/b] [/quote] Well isn't that special? Seems you missed the reps terms doled out to DAWN as part of the overall terms that are currently on hold cause of Gramlins. Is that really scot free? Why DAWN would be chided for honoring their treaty with IRON when the odds were very much against them is just stunning. No one would have thought less of DAWN if they had not entered the war militarily and yet they did, fought gallantly, and still fight.
  5. [quote name='Delta1212' date='12 April 2010 - 05:02 PM' timestamp='1271106140' post='2257698'] Either you have terms that are so heavy they need additional leverage to get them accepted, or you have terms so light they would be accepted in the current situation. [b]If it is the latter case, then additional bargaining power is entirely unnecessary strategically and you are making a lot of people on the other side hate you enough that I doubt you'd get out of a losing war without being crippled now while simultaneously burning a lot of goodwill with the people that you will need to defend you and [i]which are now only obligated to defend you on the basis of friendship per your own choice[/i] for absolutely no reason whatsoever.[/b] So, your argument that it is strategically sound flies out the window completely if you are planning to offer terms that would be acceptable under the current circumstances. You need a better argument if you want this demand to be taken seriously than "It's good strategy." It isn't. It's beyond idiotic from any standpoint that doesn't look at strategy one-dimensionally. [/quote] And this is exactly while Matthew PK and Gramlins will continue with their irrational stance. People can say over and over in public that they hate what Gramlins are currently doing, and yet those same people sit and watch while IRON and DAWN suffer. Stop feining and do something about it if you aren't beholden to surrender terms. Step one for all should be ironchef's excellent suggestion of a Tech Embargo.
  6. Serious lack of Sky here, but nonetheless that's a solid government. Good luck and congrats to Berith. Very good to see MrCyber there as well.
  7. [quote name='Egwaterboy61' date='11 April 2010 - 03:25 PM' timestamp='1271013925' post='2256501'] Your exactly right. There are no terms. And that is *exactly* what is so ridiculous. They are holding IRON in war (and held up peace talks) and fail to make it clear to IRON, or anyone for the matter, what exactly they want. If GRE said: We want IRON to decommission x, y, and Z, and then pay us Xk tech, and IRON was just saying "No, those terms are to much." That wouldn't be as unbelievable. It is the fact that Ram is being this stubborn about some obscure term for the sole purpose of showing IRON that GRE is in control, that is unbelievable. [/quote] No it's perfectly believable coming from Ram and the current Gramlins leadership. What's unbelievable is the fact that individuals such as Lord Brennan fail to grasp the concept that IRON has refused to consider Unconditional Surrender. It won't happen and it shouldn't happen.
  8. [quote name='Joe32320' date='07 April 2010 - 06:33 AM' timestamp='1270636400' post='2251513'] Tell that to IRON and DAWN, I'm sure they'd disagree with you..... [/quote] Well Veni isn't exactly a voice of reason when it comes to IRON affairs.
  9. Well done to a long time friend of mine, Kill Joy. On the other hand Happy Promotion Day(in more ways than one) to Jedaye.
  10. Much love and respect for my past and current friends at TOOL. You are worthy allies in more ways than you could know. God speed on the rebuild and in dealing with these shameful reps.
  11. You gotta love "group think" SuperComplaints style. Best wishes to my TOP allies regardless of who those best wishes offend.
  12. If you're talking about Alter Leader's uninformed comments in the STA cancelation then you are mistaken as to IRON's feelings and intentions towards STA as a whole. He does not speak for IRON, within which STA and Tyga in particular has deep respect.
  13. Peace is a lie but congrats to TPF just the same.
  14. This is something I think we can all agree on at least.
  15. It's such a shame to see an intelligent guy like yourself underestimate your adversaries like this Brutus. Until the Karma Scientific Corps proves otherwise the level of one's intelligence is not linked to the size of one's ego. Props to leadership and the Coalition as a whole. We now ride to war, and the salvation of our TPF allies. I bleed for you TPF!
  16. This bit of levity was most needed tonight. Nice and brief. Thank you Tyga.
  17. "How many more threads can we take War" "Lemon CB Frosting Conflict" "Expired Statute of Limitations Police Action" Desperado
  18. In that case you're a much stronger and accepting ruler than I'll ever be. At no point in time would I want to see Moo provided with the opportunity and chance to spread his Vegan creed in the world outside of Pacifica. I myself thank NATO, IRON, and TOP for bringing this situation to light and freeing our world from the terror of one more spy. Thank you Polaris for your part played in confirming information, and indeed I'd hope Ragnarok and her allies would be just as pleased to see this scoundrel uncovered.
  19. Admirable announcement from you, LM. I hope to see the same from others involved. Happy New Bob Year to you all.
  20. Check your TPS memos Viceroy Archon. The Optional War Plans have been in your inbox for 3 days now . Approve or deny them and return to sender. P.S. Would you please return our red swingline stapler too, Karma?
  21. While I don't agree with what TORN did I don't agree with trashing a former protectorate of your alliance. Good luck to my allies at TORN and to MHA as well. No surprise in this and this treaty was no longer a good fit. Interesting timing for the cancelation though based on current events.
  22. Friends saying goodbye is so sad sometimes. This certainly seems to have been necessary. Best of luck to both parties in wherever their paths may lead you. /me waves to Demonspawn
  23. Excellent work you guys. Very impressive success for all of you(KJ, Clock, Neo, and Jedaye).
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