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Everything posted by Roal36

  1. I have resigned from my post as the leader of TMG. I am also not a member of TMG right now. I am a member of MU. As for future I can't guarantee anything on that, after all it was only Kashmir that went on bomb its protectorate and meddled in COBRA internal politics despite its explicit promise both in private as well in public forums to not do it when protection agreement was signed.
  2. I told Jack warned him not to go on attacking innocent 0 military wonder nations, this is what he gets.
  3. What Mages Guild. Don't take it out on others while you crap yourselfs.
  4. If you have problems declare an early war and do some REAL XP collecting as well as loading some causality stats.
  5. I just realized that you are part of that Kashmir Protectorate. Don't worry we @TMG are nicer guys than some folks at Kashmir. We don't interfere in internal conflict of our allied alliances and destroy the entire alliance in process.
  6. Don't look further join The Mages Guild http://www.cybernations.net/alliance_display.asp?ID=14642
  7. Congrats and best of luck. WHAT IS BOILED MAY NEVER STEAM INDEED. If you guys are open to deals wit my alliance or our bloc then contact me or anyone within.
  8. The Mages Guild has a storied past (relatively) interesting things always happen in our alliance, if you have doubts ask anyone who knows us or me. You wont get massive sign in bonus, you will get an host of 6/100 tech deals with which you can grow just like the rest of us. There is plenty of interalliance politics which you can taste once you join our alliance. Also I am always on look out of experienced members who can help with alliance administration etc.
  9. My advice would be disaster relief agency because the earlier you have it more money you can make. DRA would give you an extra trade slot meaning more tech you can sell plus increases your population. Then you can go for Federal Aid commission will be a good choice as you can convert your 6/100 deals into 9/100 or 9/150 (18/300) the latter of which enables you to sell more tech within a same period of time. Basically get wonders that enable you to make more money out of your tech deals 1st then proceed to buy Stock Market. No need to rush to military wonders right now unless your alliance is a warring/raiding alliance. Get 3-4 economic wonder (atleast 3) then proceed to buy an MP.
  10. No mention of us or the rest of WIN
  11. The Mages Guild will be honoured to have the ex agents and former staff of MI6. Its always interesting in our alliance so I promise you wont get bored.
  12. http://www.cybernations.net/alliance_display.asp?ID=14642 Join my alliance. We are a small alliance but we have got good experience and can help you build your nation. We can also help you get tech deals fast (6/100)and set up a TC. No need to join a big alliance, you will love it in a small alliance.
  13. Congrats on the merger. I wish there were similar mergers happening in the bottom tiers.
  14. Whom are you kidding. Stick the propaganda messages to your nation's citizens.
  15. Have to say I enjoyed this post very much. Congratulations on writing this up.
  16. Thank You, its great dealing with you guys and the DT. Our slots have filled nicely.
  17. Yes we are live and kicking. Life in the micro levels are tough.Thereis little to no recruitment, high rate of inactivity and deletions, lack of big mergers. Its a struggle but we are giving our best.
  18. House of Slytherin has been renamed as The Mages Guild.
  19. Thank you. Also congrats being the only person to respond to this.
  20. The Mage's Guild merged with HoS bringing together two distinct identities and culture into one. HoS has agreed to adopt the official name, titles and political structure of Mage's Guild while retaining a strong degree of the leadership over the new alliance. All HoS members will reciev the rank of mage. I am continuing as the leader of this alliance post the merger. The members of the govt are as follows. Archmage - General Gorgoth High Mage of Commerce - Baron Von Strucker High Mage and Economic Advisor - Xenuis High Mage of Internal Affairs - Archangel1 We are also pleased to announce the up gradation of our treaty with brothers at Order of Tenebris to Mutual Defence and Optional Attack Pact
  21. If you are not in war with anyone the deployed troops will just be in deployed position and not be present in the defense of your nation should anyone suddenly declare against you and begin attacks. If you lose too may defending troops then your deployed troops will be pulled back automatically otherwise you can only get them back after the 24 hr reset. After reset troops won't come back from deploy position automatically, you have to do it manually by putting 0 in deploy column.
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