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Everything posted by Roal36

  1. Lucius you have raised some real and valid concerns about the treaty. Point about FoC who went peace within hours after declarations due Pres Hardin threats is esp true. I think these alliances all 9 nine of them were trying their best to make something good of this war, a war in which a 11 nation micro is fighting all 9 of these alliances and still out damaging them, an embarrassment. If bullying a weak and tiny micro at gun point makes them feel good then I am all for it (I am not a sadist). Everybody wins - TMG gets their peace, VG and their allies saves their face atleast partially.
  2. We all know how the Blackenburg treaty turned out to be. But I hope this one holds up better. Peace can only benefit TMG and I like nothing better (its a lie a formal apology from Jack here in the forums to TMG along with peace would have been much better). I hope TMG knows that whatever I did was for the good of the alliance itself (oh yes most of them knows already knows but still....).
  3. The Mages Guild. Because the COBRA breakup saga is one of the most captivating micro dramas in the past one year and TMG aka FCA was on the forefront of it. The issue still exist to this day and won't die anytime soon.
  4. Why do you need to look after them? Isn't running to walls more fun.
  5. I am proud to see them stand upto their bullies. If they are destroyed by staying in WIN and rejecting you at least it was by their own free choice.
  6. If TMG and its leader was so intent on leaving WIN and allying with you then why did you have to hint a possibility of attacks on them if they don't do what you were asking them to do? It was GG who told me that you used implied threats against TMG to force GG into leaving WIN. He said it not me. Till he did that I never thought that you were such a thug. I didn't pressure aqnyone. Shortly after GG admitted to being bullied by you me and Lucius gave him a crash course about you though its not needed. GG has also told me in private long before why he left the SNX when you ascended it's throne. So safe to say there are hardly any fans for you in TMG with GG included. If any one pressured anyone yesterday it was you doing it to Gen Gorgoth.
  7. After yesterday's spectacularly failed attempt in terrorising a small micro AA into signing treaty with SNX. Junka todays claims he is fighting against terrorists.
  8. Yes among several ones the most famous is c0bra (with a zero 0). That is why FCA is called the syndicate while c0bra was called ZEROES.
  9. One OoT member did some spying on RAD member and was caught. The RAD member then went on to declare in retaliation on this OT nation. After that war expired the OoT member declared on that RAD member back but by this time that guy was inactive.
  10. VG attack OoT members, though that was dueto OoT's fault JL escalated against OoT nuking several innocent nations. TMG has a mutual defense treaty with OoT which was agrred by me itself. JL when approached over this issue proceeded to insults. JL was appropriately warned what can happen if he continued his attacks. There you go that is my reason for this war.
  11. Dont forget. GK in his infinite wisdom gifted it to LPCN
  12. Junka. TMG members didn't like the way the treaty was negotiated. The only reason why the deal even needed was because of shameless threats made by ur ally which couldn't find a smaller alliance to make threats against. Your own allies creates a threat and you yourself come up with a lame solution. Its not so difficult to imagine why the treaty lapsed so fast.
  13. Its not only you who care for your allies. I too care for my friends and will try to defend or avenge them.
  14. It won't matter because in 2007 Alliance A got hit by Alliance B because whtshisname who was fighting AA B enjoyed some respect in Alliance A
  15. I will take you up on a debate on that one ie why TMG is a valid target. I don't know any precedents and nor does my old allies in TMG know any.
  16. Its not an obsession. I never asked them to spy for me. Their admiration of their own leader brought them to me.
  17. It doesn't hurt me. GK allready has low trust in his own alliance such that he is careful.
  18. GK you may not know this but there are "Roalites" even in your own alliance.
  19. LoL no offense it wont be even a small alliance, it will be just you.
  20. Are you suggesting that I influenced my friends inside TMG to come out against WIN exit. You should do it with some proof please. I only spoke with Gen Gorgoth himself on this issue and made my opinion bare. It was for the good of his own alliance I did that because I know TMG more than Gen Gorgoth and you. I know that alliance membership wont like these kind of actions. I was right. Soon I had both Cherkendo and Archangel tell me about the larger opposition to this move. Gen Gorgoth had the honour of stepping down when he realised the mistakes made and the new lack of trust in him.
  21. That is what you get after being with an alliance for so long. Titles and official positions become meaningless. You think just because I resigned from an alliance I no longer make any communication with any of them.
  22. He did something wrong otherwise the treaty would not have been cancelled. He resigned owing to the unpopularity of his actions. He withdrew from WIN without any alliance wide consultation.
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