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Everything posted by Roal36

  1. He gets to change his alliance name one day due to Kanabis's blunder and suddenly he is a COBRA born and bred.
  2. Sensible people are there in Kashmir and they will give GK the best advice which in this case is pretty obvious. I have trust in Kashmir to resolve this minor issue the best way possible so that all the parties can move on in their own directions. I even think JL can give GK some good advice on this matter.
  3. Feel free to start an alliance called Cult of Jack LAYTON and continue your war in that.
  4. As I said you can carry your fight with LPC any way you please I don't want to interfere with your plans on that front. What is the problem in giving back the alliance to its rightful custodians.
  5. Oh don't be under any delusion of you being abe to hold us back. Each and every minute you spend arguing with me here only impacts you. COBRA is not yours to hold onto, if your own alliance don't want you then why do you stay in it and fight under that banner.
  6. I request Kashmir to advice GK to give in to our demands as its for the best interests of COBRA of which you are still a protector.
  7. Yes. I gave up because I knew COBRA was a toast no matter what I did. Your insistence on not accepting defeat no matter what, your insistence in going for a long war when clearly you and I and the of COBRA are not prepared for it or have the capability for it made sure that I had no future in COBRA. Our nations are young and not prepared do this kind of battle. Sephiroth is prepared he has the wonders and improvements for it even Jack Layton can survive in such a warfare, Rebel is also prepared just like that. But not me or the rest of the alliance. I didn't quit I accepted defeat and made peace agreement that didn't humiliat me or even you, a good ruler will know when to accept defeat and surrender. You have shown that you are not clearly such a leader. I was the field marshal of COBRA meaning the head of the armed forces and defense and when I said that we are not capable of fighting them any longer or holding our defences you should have listened to me you didn't heed my advice when I held a post, so don't use the excuse that I resigned to not heed my message again. Also its your choice now to air our laundry in public as you are not responding in game.
  8. Oh come on General, do the right thing here. You have lost the support of the majority of COBRA nations so in what right do you still continue to function as one. Lets have show of hands either here or in the game or in our forums to know who supports you and who supports FCA. Also are you still pretending to represent COBRA or have you become the member of the cult. If its the latter then handing over the old alliance should just be a formality isn't it.
  9. Yes you are free to fight off LPC just do it outside COBRA alongside Kashmir or War Jesus. We are senior to you in COBRA and demand you to resign your post and step down honourably. You were choosen to be the Mandarin by us and now the time has come to pass the scepter.
  10. I asked you to hand it over to GK or Us. We prefer you give to us.
  11. Ofcource we are different from GK's cult how many times time we have to say this. I understand your fears which is that we are somehow trying to trick you into giving back the name and then turning against you, well that is not the case here. This crap show has gone too long and we realise that mistakes have been made and we want to make it right. You can play nice and cooperate with us or can continue playing nuisance it is your choice and just remember what you do now will have repercussions in the future.
  12. I know COBRA and Minc aren't same level I was just saying that name fits well in the bloc seeing how Sephiroth has adopted it as his alliance name.
  13. But Sephiroth like COBRA more than Limitless Nexus. Actually COBRA is a good fit in LPC- Monsters Inc, aNiMaLz, COBRA.
  14. Seriously there isn't anything to even talk about. LPC don't hold copy right to COBRA name. They can do the honourable thing and give the COBRA name to its rightfull owners which is us the syndicate or GK's Cultists (LPC have been crying thought this war how they were cheated or back stabbed and they were fighting a defensive war,attacking FCA would result in them becoming hypocrites). I can't possibly understand what is the problem with Methrage,just handover COBRA name to which we have more right than you and move on.
  15. When I person believes in their own lies the above quoted comment happens.
  16. Montezuma also messaged me that LPC would attack us in 2 days.
  17. Who left mid war. Me and Lucius was already in Peace while Dr. Strange and Baron was fighting (or were they fighting) without a full heart as evidenced by their abandonment of your "authentic" Cobra at the first chance. I suppose you don't need to keep the name any longer now that an alliance having no wish to fight you and composed of most of COBRA's former government already in peace with LPC has come forward to cliam it.
  18. You guys just lost the last COBRA royal guard to us. So which is the fake COBRA now(not that you were ever the real one) ?
  19. Its for the best. I realise that me and SNX aren't made for each other. I can and will never forget my past.
  20. Chance for quick and easy beat down ? If I recall one of the first declarations was by GK on Sephiroth and all fools know that is not a "quick and easy beat down" Not the first chance actually, when SNX and LPC was fighting COBRA didn't have treaty obligation still it was a perfect excuse to use our mutual attack treaty with TAO, we didn't enter the war. In this war COBRA had an obligation to stand with Kashmir and even if we didn't enter the war at the start we would have entered it after NpO and NG declaration. Paper treaties aren't everything as we also value friendship and help we got from Kashmir and we didn't think its worth standing and watching in the sidelines if could contribute on the field.
  21. Oh you speak too highly of me. Thank you it means something to me.
  22. COBRA in essence is a collection of individual fighting units fighting under the same banner. We are not collective army like SNX is. COBRA nations enjoyed great liberty and freedom in choosing its own political and military policies. Nations are free to vote for anyone or stay in any colour sphere of their choosing provided the vote didn't go to anyone who is a clear enemy of Kashmir or COBRA that is why I was allowed to vote for Sephiroth even when he was fighting SNX and COBRA'S own volunteer nations because at the time I din't believe him to pose a threat for COBRA or Kashmir directly. Even Kashmir didn't ask yellow nations in COBRA vote for their senators. My decision came after consultations and blessings of my friends and allies. I left the war after it became clear of my inability to contribute any more in the battle fields. That is why no one in my alliance or even my opponents called me coward or spineless. I didn't run away I was defeated and I accept that defeat. That is why I moved to SNX. I hope to learn at SNX more fighting and Administration skills.
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