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AL Bundy

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Everything posted by AL Bundy

  1. Alpha Wolves (EX) The Alpha Wolves alliance has returned to planet Bob. We have started our alliance with some good old fashion raiding as we did in the old days. FAN seems an exciting choice! They have started responding and sound excited for it. Recognize War We recognize the state of War with NG, as they declared on us and sanctioned myself through no ties or requests. May the sheep hid, and the wolves run free. Al Bundy Now accepting nation wanting ZIed
  2. Merging into a dead aa? Ehhh good luck. Al
  3. Your a good guy, glad to see new leadership. Al
  4. Cant we all just get along hahaha
  5. RR picking on Wolves.... Naught naughty RR haha Glad to see it resolved. AL
  6. Where have I seen DS and FTW together before...... O right fighting my little pups and I back in what like 2014 hahaha.... Good to see the names together again for a happier cause. Al
  7. The combined forces of Argent, CLAWS, Global Alliance and Treaty Organization, Independent Republic of Orange Nations, The Legion and New Pacific Order do hereby declare a state of war with COBRA and Non Grata for promoting and participating in the organization of a variety of hostile actions towards the coalition. It is further noted that many of these actions that have since come to light occurred during both the original six month non-aggression period between Non Grata and the members of the coalition, as well as the subsequent NAP extension with several coalition members, with the members of the coalition discovering the violations thereafter. Non Grata has continued to demonstrate that they are an alliance incapable of honoring their word - even for only a short span of time - and truly only care about themselves. This is a punishment for the infringement of the agreement which Non Grata signed while actively working to undermine its terms and abuse our trust. May Admin have mercy on your souls. Signed, For Argent: Lowsten For CLAWS: Al Bundy Jazzy Claude For the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization: Tevron WANA Morte For the Independent Republic of Orange Nations: Blade 619 For The Legion: deathbiter For the New Pacific Order: Lord of Darkness
  8. Just to state the obvious.... D1 try's to run and hide from the Wolves at the end of round 55.... They been seen climbing OP and NLON trees to try to avoid facing us, but not to worry... We are bigger, badder and we going to catch ya. TRUE FLAG RUNNERS til the end we all see! Though I commend the attempt, its funny how much crap D1 gave other alliances for doing it in the past! Good luck to you all! Al Bundy Keep on running D1! You look good on the bottom!
  9. Join CLAWS today! Active government and membership. Click the link to join our discords page and get started. https://discord.gg/hDc5664
  10. Congrats! Wish I was around for the many years I missed. Here's to 15 more.... or at least a couple haha AL Bundy
  11. I like how we always play the dirtiest.... Rules are listed somewhere, what your playing by is whatever helps your alliance win, and i don't follow them anymore. Just step down already, for real, the gold star doesn't mean anything. we can all tell you are pulling the strings.... Al
  12. Just know Al stepped out of this... Maybe its time for HG to do the same. Ask tehol ,admiral , and highroad. I havent made any decisions.... ill share my opinion from time to time but that about it. Im lucky to be pinged for a trade most times. I think HG and I should have our own AA next round? We will call it Tango and Cash.... Hired Bundy.... Al and Gun.... we can work on it I hope to see more nation next round so maybe it wont just be D1 and AW... that the #1 problem, #2 is history between leadership..... Bundy out.....
  13. YAY, wrong aa to join but I hope it works out for you. Al
  14. My recommendation was to sign nothing with d1, as you cant follow peace agreements anyway. As we were hit already this round during a peace agreement... but Tehol is a more trusting leader than I am. I would have rung your bells til the ball dropped... Al
  15. its different because D1 isn't the one running the show.... Its ok for them to through themselves in everyone else's wars, but everyone else is supposed to follow these "rules" that only apply to non-D1 alliances.... Shame on you @tehol I thought I raised you and @Admiral Alexander better than this... Al
  16. Pfftt... you avoided us to get casualties... come on now... lets at least not lie. D1 always adds themselves to our wars but when we do it its outrageous? I dont recall any war for a few rounds now that started between us and (not D1) but somehow ended with you all added yourselves. So suck it up buttercup... D1 cant be #1 all the time
  17. So letting the innocent go and punishing the guilty is wrong... Ya that does sound unfair.... AL
  18. Late is better than never hahaha but good try...and we were not needed.... I would never criticize someone for honoring a treaty, maybe aspect of it but duty is duty hahaha Well at least I respected you group when you did what was right, reckless is a weakness but the Hunger Games thing was working for you (If we burn you burn with us) I rather be tied to a reckless alliance that will defend my alliance vs one that ways risk... but hey TIE messed up, letting them pay for it by themselves might have been the right thing..... idk Al
  19. Ya thanks for the English lesson. Dont think it as an ultimatum, it was a deadline... accept or continue, not to complicated... I had more nations to get ready to declare... i wasnt waiting to hold more declares back... I got women's shoes to sell, busy man. It is good to know.... actually it was pretty obvious. "Congrats Luc for screwing owning up" Owning up, haha you dont get points for admitting to something after the fact its public knowledge...hahaha but good to know you think he deserves a pat on the back... So much defense when it comes to saying words for an ally, cobrasphere would be good allies for anyone needing written replys to DoWs, just no actual help in game...
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