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Lord Hitchcock

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Blog Comments posted by Lord Hitchcock

  1. Limited wars almost never happen around here because of the once a year global war cycle; alliances know that if they engage in a small scale war, they'll critically weaken themselves when it comes time to fight in the global war. This fuels the build up mentality; everyone is keeping their powder dry for that one giant global war that will end it all one day. This is why some global wars aren't even fought out completely.

    I understand we have a yearly cycle, and I enjoy hearing the reasoning behind it, and thank you for adding to the discussion. I wasn't sure when a yearly cycle started. My initial guess was a planet Bob 'world war I' and then following that the cycle began

  2. Interesting thoughts and thank you for the discussion. I enjoy how there are multiple answers/reasonings here and they all make sense.

    Interesting to note based off of the responses that it did really start to take off around the end of 2007 and as it has been pointed out, the factors of bigger nations, a more complex treaty environment, activity on planet Bob and courting allies while plotting agaisnt enemies have all played a big factor in why yearly world wars occur in the first place.

    I was under the impression that one big moment in Bob history set us all onto this cycle and as I have read from your comments- it was actually a multitude of factors that have created our yearly holiday.

    And thank you for the great discussion points.

  3. Ambitious people should join smaller alliances or seek to overthrow the governments of larger ones. If people lack the balls to create their own epic stories then they should not complain about the game being boring.

    Ever since I returned to the game in 2013 for the most part I have had a blast. But I don't hug infra either.

    Nor do you purchase infra. Grow out of the first 10 days of nation creation

  4. Hey, we posted topics for months...

    with the soverign order, the sandstorm confederation, NADC, Doom Squad, TCA, SRA, Kashmir, posting atlas screenshots and trying to poach their vp, SNX running from their protectorate, getting methrage a senate seat, bringing the communist and socialist of planet Bob closer together.

    ... and eventually you run out of money.

    We did our part

  5. I think STRIPES is in the war because of the two waves of Minc attacks more than anything else. The official statement from Walsh said that SRA wasn't going to war with LN, but he never condemned the actions of Dre4mweaver.

    I think the war should have been over when the BC broke up. Meth would have walked away with a senate seat, and SRA would have devastated the Meth Coalition with the option to resume the conflict later if they wanted to. The problem with giving the Meth side white peace then (as it is now) is that once it is granted your coalition will parade it around as a great victory and my side may lose face. In truth it is only half a victory (see part 1).

    Both sides should stop talking about how wronged they have been by the wars, take a step back and look. Look at the long term consequences of dragging this war out for rest of 2015. So stop throwing the phrase permawar around and maybe Dre4mers won't talk about extermination.

    I challenge you to talk to Meth and just ask him to stop making this war all about how wronged he has been. Get him to talk about a minimum one month ceasefire. I challenge you to de-escalate this war. You continue the Dre4m War as you plan to, and I promise you EVERYONE will lose. No one will win the Dre4m War without great cost to newer players/ our precious micros.

    Shocking to believe, but meth and I do not always see eye-to-eye, in fact, in the back channels there are slot that we disagree on- I've yelled at him many times.

    And the focus of your topic can't be further from the truth- Methrage is on board for peace as much as we are and as much as sigrun is. Our side's coalition entered, and will exit as just that, a coalition. The terms we agreed upon as a coalition is white peace.

    I assured xanth of this as well and I understand he's turning over a new leaf not because of us- but rather he'd like to focus on the prosperity of his new aa.

    So if white peace is offered and accepted by your entire side- then our entire side will also be on board- and if they aren't, than that's an interanal issue amongst us and we will iron that out.

    Methrage didn't start this war, he didn't attack his way into the senate. He was attacked because he took the time to get elected, he sent PMs, he campaign- and his response was an declaration from III%, FAN, and SRA members. Lady Dokota and the BC block wanted to monopolize the brown sphere and that alone has hindered the brown sphere.

    The difference was that III% talked occured, FAN did one round, SRA members wanted to keep him on the ropes, the declarations continued- even to the point of being lazy and declaring right off of the SRA aa- and while walsh tried to console their actions to prevent SRA involvement directly, bottom line he did a poor job keeping his own members responsible for their actions and there was no assurance that it wouldn't occur again or even end at all.

    That's why your side is at war- the time for negotiations long past as the clock ticked and our infra fell.

    Now we are in a position to roll the tech supplies of your coalition and we indeed plan to until you accept our white peace.

    On another note: I am actually in the pre-stages of a Monsters Inc podcast and I'd like to invite you to the show

  6. Well, I'm not in charge of that. I'm just strategizing.

    Here's something to think about- and personally, I enjoy your blog- one thing we can agree on is that 'micro AAs' are for lack of a better term, more fun.

    With that, let's examine what this war is even called, "the dre4m war".

    Named after a member who isn't even fighting anymore- he gave up.

    So a war that he started and a war that your side is backing isn't even part of the war anymore- so now ask yourself, why are you still fighting the dre4m war named after a person who isn't even supporting it himself.

    Bottom line, some sort of ego boost that will enevitably cause more purges and exterminations from both sides that aren't neccessary and in the long run will hurt you more than it will hurt us.

  7. You can stop repeating what I have already said in the blog now.

    Phrases like Permawar and "extermination" are being thrown around far to often when this war is discussed. Would you believe that I actually don't want to "exterminate" the Meth party, and I don't want to drive anyone from CN either. But I would see you beaten...oh yes. I want you so badly defeated that history will have no right to try and question it. But you waging a perma war on new nation will drive just as many from CN as your extermination would. Both sides need to wake up and smell the roses. However, I have the feeling that neither side I ready for peace.

    And that's why the war continues. Our side IS ready for peace, what we aren't ready for is the demands set forth

  8. It wont last years, at most, it will last months, when the very last of your money dries up, and you ragequit because you refused to surrender and couldn't continue fighting without any cash reserves.

    I can assure you that 'raging quitting' isn't on the radar, LOL, my blood doesn't boil enough on this planet to get anything remotely close to a feeling of anger. I embrace my IC and RP on
  9. WRONG! read the thing! The first paragraph is all about how your side has to fight it. Don't blame me for how few options you appear to have from the eyes of the observer. Towards the end I mention delaying the war. And this is part of a series, THE LAST PART talks about outcomes and how the war may conclude.

    Wow...this post isn't called "The ever bitter Dre4m War" for nothing...

    and it is bitter... very bitter- the fact is that while your side pretends the war is going well- in reality they didn't expect us to perma war their noobs..

    why? because it's war. It will drag on for years (I hope) until your side accepts the peace we offered.

    and that's it. they can carry on about their demands all they want- and the ever bitterness is that they are now in no shape to negotiate- they pretend to be- but hey, bills are cheap and we can fight for ever

  10. Not surprisingly, Hitchcock is lying again.

    So anyway, flash forward to the "kashmir declares on their former Protecterate- for us being 'terrible' micros".[/size]

    Nobody ever said this. It was because they declared on SRA when we told them not to. And when we got them white peace, they violated that again. They also called the Kashmiri aiding them "morons". They said that we're a bunch of do-nothings who sit on the sidelines. This as we were giving them military, financial, and diplomatic aid to clean up their mess of Biblical proportions for the 50th time in a row. They know that full well and clearly want to avoid bringing light to it. They were angry that Kashmir didn't mobilize its military to fight a large coalition of alliances who we had no quarrel with and some of which were our own allies. We put our necks on the line by supporting them in this fight, me more than anyone else. I even resigned from my government position in Kashmir to help them.And guess what, it was still IC and we rolled with it. However in the course of the war Layton decided to report messages he "found offensive" which is absolute Bs because after the stuff he posted in our own aa announcements there wasn't anything we could send to "offend" Jack- but he reported it and from admins standpoint there was valid reason to ban our members and they did. We lost two awesome, active members- roochi- who had a really well built, wonder heavy nation and then we lost zombinator who was fun to BS with.[/size]

    It's one thing when among friends and your own (or a friendly) AA that you say some vulgar things in jest to each other. It's quite another when one of those messages instructed me and several others to "die in a housefire" and the other tried to pose as an in-game war message (which is expressly forbidden). Did I report those messages? You bet I did. And for both of those nations, it was their first warns. Both nations made the mistake of pulling the same BS with multiple other nations who also reported them after the fact, likely not knowing how many times they'd already been reported. They were deleted because of their own stupidity, not because of any malevolence on my part. They didn't need to send those messages to multiple people. They made that mistake and they paid the price. If they had been intelligent enough to send those messages just to me, they'd have had one warn each and still been here today.To make matters worse, Jack then messages our members bragging about their deletions and that's when our IC role turned into an OOC F):& you role.[/size]

    I take great pride in my environmentalism and helping to rid the world of trash. I like to spread a Green message.And that's why we won't budge an inch for those pieces of $:&/. Margrave can report all he wants- it's really all he's got left to do sense we've made it our responsibility to kick the !@#$ out of him and layton.[/size]So when they are asking for us to 'to surrender' our response will always be "F/&@ off"[/size]

    Not working well for them, don't you think? Hitchcock has reached 9NS and they've all been sanctioned on most colours with more to come. Their alliance went from over 1 million NS to less than 30,000NS in a matter of a month or two. They're fighting several large alliances who are supported by even bigger alliances. All of whom are tired of MInc's crap. If they think that either me or Margrave are hurting in this, maybe Hitchcock needs to lay off the free drugs he tried to bribe Margrave with in exchange for peace on IRC. Hey, does that violate the TOS?

    As for the ridiculous point of not defeating anyone without using moderation. How many nations were in MInc the day before Kashmir declared war? How many are in there now? All of these guys have run their mouths too much and for too long and now there is a lineup of alliances who want a piece. It just so happens that we're at the front of the buffet. Whether they surrender or not is of no consequence to me. They'll still be a crater the next day and every day after that.

    You can delude yourself with your own BS, Hitchcock, but not anyone else.

    I'll let some of your high ground rants slide:

    2 you are dead wrong about:

    1) you messaged me personally- specifically to hit SRA- you were the 'middle man' so you claim

    2) bribing margrave with drugs- that's the most ):!/'k up thing I've ever seen slung- and per Margrave's and I's conversation- whether he comments on this or not, I know that conversation front-and-back, inside-and-out and I will keep it between margrave and I

    And per your own admittance and blatant d bag moves- it's a crystal clear reason for why we aren't giving into or even considering your demands, now, or ever.

    Thank you for admitting the topic's accusations

  11. 1.) Margave was literally the one trying to get you peace after you screwed up and hit TSO because you didn't get what you want.

    2.) That is not a high horse. You don't have a high horse by doing something immoral. That is literally the complete opposite of what the term actually means.

    3.) We were not coming in, nor do we neccessarily plan to. With that having been said, the fact that you admitted to trying to bait DK in shows your sheer level of stupidity. You want to be a victim, and you want to be a martyr. You willfully admitted to acting idiotically in order to get an additional alliance to fight you. So again, you have no moral high ground to cling to.

    The difference between us is I don't try and act as if I have the moral highground. I do what I do, morality be damned. You on the other hand, can't make up your mind how the hell you want to act.

    False- methrage ran peacefully- literally in game messaged nations for votes- and it was his admin right to do so.

    Flash forward and lady dokota throws a fit because "he can't run because he isn't a BC block member" he gets sanctioned- his AA declared on.

    Why? For winning a senator position. He hits lady dokota- and he should have. Margrave wanted him to apologize and he shouldnt have to.

    FAN declares a one round war, III percent is talking peace, SRA, Dre4m specifically followed by another member and Killian want to keep him on the ropes- Sierra like DK did with smurf.

    We said f that- and hit SRA- kashmir gets pissy- declares on us- so be it. Layton- "one of the guys" that even you've formally fought- reports our members for "language" they get banned. Layton brags about it- in-game messages- we're pissed.

    Sir Williams wants reps- but hurt over the log drops, seeing past laytons move on methrages nexus of kings trust to boot his AA. They want "surrender"- they're not getting it.

    We offered white peace. We are beat down far enough to hit really low teir nations- the one aid bomb rebuilds you refer to require holding up tech deals- and it will end up getting annoying. Kashmir brings in NSO- no affect, margrave is baiting for DK. Let's not pretend that we are the "bad guys" who should roll over for kashmir to get the 'S' word- it isn't happening

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