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Everything posted by Illustrious

  1. Why all the Polar hate? Anyways, best of luck in your travels IAA!
  2. Thanks for the advice!
  3. So like I'm going to college this next fall for the first time and since I've been playing this game for four years I know the rules quite well and I don't want to end up on the same network as some other college kid that plays CyberNations. I was wondering if there was anything I could do to lessen the chance of having my nation banned at college or do I have no chance and whatca see is what I get?
  4. [quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1303179137' post='2693027'] I came here looking for something revealing and interesting, and didn't find it. [/quote] If you can't find anything nice to say, better you don't say anything at all. Great read, would read again etc etc.
  5. Seriously I don't even understand why you guys are even replying to him anymore. It's just one giant circle.
  6. [quote name='Choson' timestamp='1300580610' post='2670554'] Are you refusing to answer the question because the response could provide self-incriminating evidence of an illegal conduct punished by penalties or forfeiture? [/quote] He doesn't have to answer because he doesn't have to answer.
  7. [quote name='Dr hairy Ballz' timestamp='1300250144' post='2666202'] Well this looks promising, maybe I have a bad memory, didn't you JUST LOSE! [/quote] We didn't lose. This was just round one.
  8. Dude, relax. Take a couple of steps from the computer, breathe, and read what you just posted.
  9. Good luck Rok! I remember being during my time there that Superfriends was the greatest thing to everyone. o/ Rok!
  10. Are some of you people actually serious? This is [OCC]a freaking game.[/OCC] Move on and stop whinning and crying about stuff that happened years ago, honestly it makes me feel like there are only a few adults in this game. I was a part of the NPO is evil trend when it was cool? Yeah I got my scars from noCB through Karma, but once Pacifica was stripped of its power I got over it, much like a few other folks. It's been two long years come on people it makes it seem like you have nothing better to do. As for Polaris, I don't hold an opinion on them. They have a great community as I'm sure a lot of other alliances have, and dehumanizing them to the point where when they stand for what they believe in makes them the new boogyman and causing all this nonsense "oh they betrayed such and such, and that guy over there too" well oh my goodness, they must have it in for everyone! Seriously, grow up and move on. Stop your fuss. And honestly the only one that should have a right to go after Pacifica is FAN, cause they didn't get theirs during Karma. But that's another opinion for another time.
  11. I'm more inclined to a banner rather than flags.
  12. Congrats to BAPS! Just waiting on Valhalla's DoW on Sparta now.
  13. You're going to Arlington, not Dallas. Just sayin' lol
  14. Personally I believe whether the war is just or not is past the point. What happened happened, enjoy the war while it last and don't be all butt hurt over how it started. I have my orders, others have theirs, let's do what we all think is right and see what happens in the end.
  15. [quote name='ForSparta' timestamp='1295404438' post='2582507']False Emperor is false.[/quote] Uhm, wrong emperor?
  16. Uhm I don't post a lot and I'm not a real good speaker but I have something to add. When I look at the history of CN I see two story plots, the classic and over arcing Orders vs. CoaLUEtion/League with the legendary Great Wars culminating with Karma and finally evolving to the more modern yet subplot story of the Moralist (NpO) vs. The Unjust Path/Highway with flashpoints taking place during the Unjust War, NoCB War, and more recently the BiPolar War. We all know that the League was defeated in GIII but its remnants would give BLEU the tools to defeat the Unjust Highway, however shortly after the war and during BLEU’s rouge streak, the former league began allying itself with the Hegemony, more specifically the Superfriends and former Unjust Highway side of the web, however some prove to be the exception (Legion etc. etc.) and allowed its self to be once again a tool to use this time in helping the “Neo Unjust Path” to exact its revenge on BLEU (NoCB War). This was the turning point for the former League Sphere and thus instead of becoming its own sphere it join with the Unjust Path becoming, a termed I just made right now, the Unjust League, and thus the League was able to use its new found power to topple the Hegemony in Karma. Does that make sense? It’s a bit farfetched I know but it makes sense to me. Anyways, with the defeat of the League in GWIII, the powers that were friends under the doctrine “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” now well became enemies, the Unjust Path was formed and Polaris under the leadership of ES, who resented being NPOs “puppet”, began to isolate the NPO with the Unjust War, however we again all know the story, the Unjust path suffered a blow so harsh that they never fully recovered till recently. But what I think is that soon after the war, the remnants joined with what would soon be known as the Coalition and with the major help of Q extracted their immediate vengeance on BLEU and more importantly Polaris. However feeling betrayed with the Order during the first Unjust War, they too along with the League began to plot for the Orders eventual down fall with Karma, with Polar staying out of it mostly. And finally the new super coalition consisting of CnG, Superfriends, and BLEU Remnants mainly focused around Polar, sought to bring an era of peace and an end of stagnation. But as we know peace didn’t hold out for long as the Hegemony Remnant fought to stay alive with the Order guiding it, and the new “SuperGrievances” or I guess I could use my term the “Unjust League” looking for an excuse to destroy what little remained of Q and the Initiative. However I guess what they weren’t expecting a surprise attack on SuperGrievances by none other than Polar and the Hegemony remnant, thus we have the BiPolar War, with CnG pulling out on top, finally after the course of four wars the Initiative and its remakes were soundly defeated by the League and its incarnations. I think what we have now is another set up between the Moralist and the former Unjust Path, unable to fight their war during in BiPolar due to TOP & Co attacking CnG without clause. But I hope that makes sense. I’m not a good writer and I know it’s a bit of a fantasy but it works, what can I say? And I know it has nothing to do with the OP but since everyone was talking about the League and the Unjust War I was hoping I could throw my two cents in.
  17. Reminds me of that yellow alliance NooN that helped FAN during the first VietFAN. Anyways congrats.
  18. Oh I just noticed that TORN isnt attacking CnG (the line)
  19. In VietFAN there was this BayEagle guy that was pretty cool, I even talked to him during the 2nd VietFAN, but idkk if he still plays the game. and during the Karma war, there was this chill dude in IRON (I was MHA at the time) &I can't remember his name, but he was funny and yeah, I wonder if he is still in IRON.
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