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Everything posted by Helbrecht

  1. It never fails, whenever i see China puppeted by Japan, i am reminded of TOP. No i am not calling u a puppet. By the by, did any of you catch worldwar wednesday, Johan v daniel?
  2. Nah, having worked with him during our joint run at Polar at minitru, i have a healthy regard for merger. He aint a nerd. He is good at his job and a super member.
  3. Except you, the ones that have paper allergies. Oh and the GPA.
  4. Hey merger, why does it bother you so much? People like you and me moved on from Polaris. If you wish to steer the ship, go back, run for council, speak up as one of the BR. You know the drill. I can understand that maybe you still feel a fondness for polar, like any of us who are polars even if not polars. Even so, it is not really kosher to meddle now, is it?
  5. I thought enabling teh hegemoniez lost its bite sometime back in 2009? What hegemony? That big chunk of immobile confusing allied NS over there? What did you expect TBC will be doing? Not make any treaties? Not make a treaty that in all good sense was mutually satisfactory just because the other alliance had an ally who had an ally we dont like? Seriously, look around, look at the timelines of our ties, what do you see? I get it that this war does not please you, that however is no reason to be deliberately misleading yourself. NADC, RIA, NSO, these guys were Hegemonistic? When did we ally with Polar? NATO? PPO is surely the Hegemon. Get real.
  6. facts be damned, i love that. Just for that, you good sir will get 50 techz... eventually.
  7. I like you, but you seriously need to find out more if that is what you are leading with. The friendship you allude to, has stopped tanks from rolling before. The fondness so many of my alliance mates have for Those that were in MI6 kept one man's !@#$%ry from getting them all rolled.
  8. Damn it Caustic. You now owe me some lye and carbolic.
  9. A lot of us who are not firmer MI6 have no interest in the dynamics stemming from what happened before we came together to form TBC. My beef is with what has happened since. There is only so much you can get away with, only so many times you can explain away filthy BS by pointing at others or blood alcohol levels. You are judged by your own words and deeds. Does not matter how many of TBC told us thats just Chim being Chim, i can smell rot when the manhole opens.This day was coming. It is now here. Sucks that i am in transit, but i will get there, soon.
  10. And here i thought all that brouhaha was all about Kait breaking all the booze bottles and dumping the good stuff.
  11. Does it matter as long as it is a target rich environment? If not an enemy, we shoot roos.
  12. Kindle... is that the one who had the spectacular nervous breakdown on the GOONS boards? You know where he threatened RL repercussions to other players' families and pets?
  13. Or emperor, or make references to the imperium of man, or producerists.... or... Actually, dont permit it. Congratulations on the treaty.
  14. Thankyou for your continued professionalism.
  15. Life is a series of changes old friend, some happen, some you make happen. Will catch up someday and fill you in.
  16. i hate cellphones with a passion. My stint at corporate life left me feeling tethered, collared and leashed. At the beck and call of the world just because i needed a mobile phone, no a "smartphone" to be of use to my customers and colleagues. Nothing quiet like having you Sunday afternoon perambulation through some choice woodland shattered by the peals or the buzz of a phone eagerly demanding your attention so that you can engage in some conversation which is mostly banal. So, do i have a cellphone today, yes i do. Do i need it for work... not really. Do i want to have one handy, yes it has its uses. I just do not receive calls from people/entities i do not know. I personally like being able to to check up on the weather forecast as it can tell me whether it is the right time to risk sowing/transplantation. It is also handy as it lets me respond to my buyers during the day when i am not at the house. For the missus and kids to talk to me while i am out on the land, we use the two way radios. I do wear a wristwatch. It is the first thing my dad bought with his earnings back in the day and it was a graduation present to me.
  17. Dear OP, wth are you talking about? I cant seem to get the Kashmiris to shutup. There is such a thing as too much of a good thing....
  18. LOL this is pure comedy gold. good on ya Jack.
  19. True, on all counts. AB, i was not a fan when you were born. For welsh, i salute you as you make an exit on your own terms.
  20. what log drops. Also, bleh, its hitch posting it so, liez.
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